[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED] - reason

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi folks.


I found the following mistakes.


The parameter host must not be the real IP-Address of the host.

In my configuration it was 

host =

That is wrong.


The try with 

host =

brought the same error.



host = localhost 

works fine.


Additional the following was necessary.


In the parameter pass in /bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf

I had blank in "pass = ". After changing it to "pass =" without the

at the end of the equal sign, then the error message disappears.


Solution without the apostrophes:


"host = localhost"

"pass ="


Now the Message

DB Error: connect failed

Is really solved.


Br Robert



From: Robert Kromoser 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 13:38
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED]


Hi Davide.


No I changed the host parameter back to and did the good

System restart and now the error message won't come but I run in another

But for this I will start a new thread.


Br Robert



From: Robert Kromoser 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 09:17
To: 'bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: FW: bacula-web error


Hi Davide.


A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the
same error message.


Here the mysql variant:


[root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> use bacula;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

mysql> show tables;


| Tables_in_bacula |


| BaseFiles|

| CDImages |

| Client   |

| Counters |

| Device   |

| File |

| FileSet  |

| Filename |

| Job  |

| JobHisto |

| JobMedia |

| Location |

| LocationLog  |

| Log  |

| Media|

| MediaType|

| Path |

| PathHierarchy|

| PathVisibility   |

| Pool |

| Status   |

| Storage  |

| UnsavedFiles |

| Version  |


24 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from Job;


| count(*) |


|   36 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)




I think that a connect with mysql -u bacula -h -p

and given no password works as designed.


I also tried it with

mysql -u bacula -h -p

mysql -u bacula -h localhost -p


but I always get the same results as using

maxsql u bacula -h -p


When I call http://bck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web I got always the same
error message:

DB Error: connect failed


Does someone has any other idea?


br Robert




From: dfra...@dflc.ch [mailto:dfra...@dflc.ch] On Behalf Of Bacula-Dev
Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 15:54
To: Robert Kromoser
Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: bacula-web error


Hi Robert,

Is the bacula-web installation and MySQL Server the same machine ?
Did you tried to change the ip address of the MySQL server by

Another test to do when you test with the MySQL client

# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Best regards


Hi folks.

No I installed and configured bacula-web as described in the link


I got the correct test page as described in


But if I try to start the default page with


then I get the following error message:

DB Error: connect failed.

In my Bacula Evaluation system CBCK0001 the database user bacula has
(sorry) no password.

My parameters in /var/www/html/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf are:

root = /bacula-web
IndexReport = 1
mode = Full
lang = en_US


host =
login = bacula
pass =
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306

When I connect to mysql database with

mysql -u bacula -p

without giving a password, just pressing enter

and then I change the database using

use bacula;

then I can select data from e.g.

select count(*) from Job;

Why cannot connect the bacula-web application to the mysql database

br Robert


In the link

[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED]

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi Davide.


No I changed the host parameter back to and did the good

System restart and now the error message won't come but I run in another

But for this I will start a new thread.


Br Robert



From: Robert Kromoser 
Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 09:17
To: 'bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net'
Subject: FW: bacula-web error


Hi Davide.


A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the
same error message.


Here the mysql variant:


[root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> use bacula;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

mysql> show tables;


| Tables_in_bacula |


| BaseFiles|

| CDImages |

| Client   |

| Counters |

| Device   |

| File |

| FileSet  |

| Filename |

| Job  |

| JobHisto |

| JobMedia |

| Location |

| LocationLog  |

| Log  |

| Media|

| MediaType|

| Path |

| PathHierarchy|

| PathVisibility   |

| Pool |

| Status   |

| Storage  |

| UnsavedFiles |

| Version  |


24 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from Job;


| count(*) |


|   36 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)




I think that a connect with mysql -u bacula -h -p

and given no password works as designed.


I also tried it with

mysql -u bacula -h -p

mysql -u bacula -h localhost -p


but I always get the same results as using

maxsql u bacula -h -p


When I call http://bck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web I got always the same
error message:

DB Error: connect failed


Does someone has any other idea?


br Robert




From: dfra...@dflc.ch [mailto:dfra...@dflc.ch] On Behalf Of Bacula-Dev
Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 15:54
To: Robert Kromoser
Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: bacula-web error


Hi Robert,

Is the bacula-web installation and MySQL Server the same machine ?
Did you tried to change the ip address of the MySQL server by

Another test to do when you test with the MySQL client

# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Best regards


Hi folks.

No I installed and configured bacula-web as described in the link


I got the correct test page as described in


But if I try to start the default page with


then I get the following error message:

DB Error: connect failed.

In my Bacula Evaluation system CBCK0001 the database user bacula has
(sorry) no password.

My parameters in /var/www/html/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf are:

root = /bacula-web
IndexReport = 1
mode = Full
lang = en_US


host =
login = bacula
pass =
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306

When I connect to mysql database with

mysql -u bacula -p

without giving a password, just pressing enter

and then I change the database using

use bacula;

then I can select data from e.g.

select count(*) from Job;

Why cannot connect the bacula-web application to the mysql database

br Robert


In the link

you can see the following:

Modify the parameters in the config file config/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

but here is one "s" missing.

It should be

Modify the parameters in the config file configs/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi Davide.


A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the
same error message.


Here the mysql variant:


[root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Enter password:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.0.77 Source distribution


Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> use bacula;

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A


Database changed

mysql> show tables;


| Tables_in_bacula |


| BaseFiles|

| CDImages |

| Client   |

| Counters |

| Device   |

| File |

| FileSet  |

| Filename |

| Job  |

| JobHisto |

| JobMedia |

| Location |

| LocationLog  |

| Log  |

| Media|

| MediaType|

| Path |

| PathHierarchy|

| PathVisibility   |

| Pool |

| Status   |

| Storage  |

| UnsavedFiles |

| Version  |


24 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from Job;


| count(*) |


|   36 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)




I think that a connect with mysql -u bacula -h -p

and given no password works as designed.


I also tried it with

mysql -u bacula -h -p

mysql -u bacula -h localhost -p


but I always get the same results as using

maxsql u bacula -h -p


When I call http://bck0001.kinamu.local/bacula-web I got always the same
error message:

DB Error: connect failed


Does someone has any other idea?


br Robert




From: dfra...@dflc.ch [mailto:dfra...@dflc.ch] On Behalf Of Bacula-Dev
Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 15:54
To: Robert Kromoser
Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: bacula-web error


Hi Robert,

Is the bacula-web installation and MySQL Server the same machine ?
Did you tried to change the ip address of the MySQL server by

Another test to do when you test with the MySQL client

# mysql -u bacula -h -p

Best regards


Hi folks.

No I installed and configured bacula-web as described in the link


I got the correct test page as described in


But if I try to start the default page with


then I get the following error message:

DB Error: connect failed.

In my Bacula Evaluation system CBCK0001 the database user bacula has
(sorry) no password.

My parameters in /var/www/html/bacula-web/configs/bacula.conf are:

root = /bacula-web
IndexReport = 1
mode = Full
lang = en_US


host =
login = bacula
pass =
db_name = bacula
db_type = mysql
# db_port = 3306

When I connect to mysql database with

mysql -u bacula -p

without giving a password, just pressing enter

and then I change the database using

use bacula;

then I can select data from e.g.

select count(*) from Job;

Why cannot connect the bacula-web application to the mysql database

br Robert


In the link

you can see the following:

Modify the parameters in the config file config/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

but here is one "s" missing.

It should be

Modify the parameters in the config file configs/bacula.conf following
your database server configuration

vRanger cuts backup time in half-while increasing security.
With the market-leading solution for virtual backup and recovery, 
you get blazing-fast, flexible, and affordable data protection.
Download your free trial now. 
Bacula-users mailing list