Check if you have a "Maximum Volume Bytes" directive in your DIR.conf file or a 
"Maximum Volume Size" directive in your SD.conf file limiting the amount of 
data written to tape.


> Dear All,
> I hope someone can shed some light on this.
> I have a Seagate DDS-4 drive (Osprey I think). I have TDK catridges that
> claim to be 20/40GB (I guess the upper figure is with hardware data
> compression). However, in use with Bacula and also when used with "fill" on
> btape, I get a maximum of about 1,200,000,000 bytes written on each tape
> before it reckons the tape is full. I was expecting to get about 20 times as
> much data on a tape.
> Has anyone any ideas?
> Many thanks
> Catsmuvva (aka Nicole)

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