Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-15 Thread Dan Langille
On 3/15/2011 12:41 PM, Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
> I wrote a script to do this for me, I call it bacula-du, since it
> accepts many of the same options as du(1), and the output is the same.
> Usage: bacula-du [OPTIONS] -j JOBID
> Summarize disk usage of directories included in the backup JOBID
> Options are:
>-a, --all write counts for all files, not just directories
>-b, --bytes   use size in octets rather than number of blocks
>-B, --block-size=SIZE report SIZE-byte blocks (default 1Ki)
>-mlike --block-size=1Mi
>-S, --separate-dirs   do not include size of subdirectories
>-t, --threshold=SIZE  skip output for files or directories with usage
>  below SIZE
>-L, --largest=NUM only print NUM largest directories/files
> SIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following:
> k (1000), Ki (1024), M (1000*1000), Mi (1024*1024), G, Gi, T, Ti, P, Pi.
> I hope others can find it useful.

Can you give us an example of the output please?

Dan Langille -

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-15 Thread Phil Stracchino
On 03/15/11 12:41, Kjetil Torgrim Homme wrote:
> I wrote a script to do this for me, I call it bacula-du, since it
> accepts many of the same options as du(1), and the output is the same.
> Usage: bacula-du [OPTIONS] -j JOBID
> Summarize disk usage of directories included in the backup JOBID
> Options are:
>   -a, --all write counts for all files, not just directories
>   -b, --bytes   use size in octets rather than number of blocks
>   -B, --block-size=SIZE report SIZE-byte blocks (default 1Ki)
>   -mlike --block-size=1Mi
>   -S, --separate-dirs   do not include size of subdirectories
>   -t, --threshold=SIZE  skip output for files or directories with usage
> below SIZE
>   -L, --largest=NUM only print NUM largest directories/files
> SIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following:
> k (1000), Ki (1024), M (1000*1000), Mi (1024*1024), G, Gi, T, Ti, P, Pi.
> I hope others can find it useful.

Thanks, this looks like a useful tool.  I'm forwarding your post to the
bacula-devel list to make sure folks there see it too.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2 DoD#299792458 ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, SQL wrangler, Free Stater
 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-15 Thread Kjetil Torgrim Homme
I wrote a script to do this for me, I call it bacula-du, since it
accepts many of the same options as du(1), and the output is the same.

Usage: bacula-du [OPTIONS] -j JOBID
Summarize disk usage of directories included in the backup JOBID

Options are:
  -a, --all write counts for all files, not just directories
  -b, --bytes   use size in octets rather than number of blocks
  -B, --block-size=SIZE report SIZE-byte blocks (default 1Ki)
  -mlike --block-size=1Mi
  -S, --separate-dirs   do not include size of subdirectories
  -t, --threshold=SIZE  skip output for files or directories with usage
below SIZE
  -L, --largest=NUM only print NUM largest directories/files

SIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following:
k (1000), Ki (1024), M (1000*1000), Mi (1024*1024), G, Gi, T, Ti, P, Pi.

I hope others can find it useful.
Kjetil T. Homme
Redpill Linpro AS - Changing the game
#! /usr/bin/perl -w

# bacula-du 1.0
# Written by Kjetil Torgrim Homme 
# Released under GPLv3 or the same terms as Bacula itself

sub usage {
print <<"_END_";
Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] -j JOBID
Summarize disk usage of directories included in the backup JOBID

Options are:
  -a, --all write counts for all files, not just directories
  -b, --bytes   use size in octets rather than number of blocks
  -B, --block-size=SIZE report SIZE-byte blocks (default 1Ki)
  -mlike --block-size=1Mi
  -S, --separate-dirs   do not include size of subdirectories
  -t, --threshold=SIZE  skip output for files or directories with usage
below SIZE
  -L, --largest=NUM only print NUM largest directories/files

SIZE may be (or may be an integer optionally followed by) one of following:
k (1000), Ki (1024), M (1000*1000), Mi (1024*1024), G, Gi, T, Ti, P, Pi.

use strict;
use DBD::mysql;
use DBI;
use MIME::Base64;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling no_ignore_case);
use Data::Dumper;

my $dbhost = "localhost";
my $db = "bacula";
my $dsn = "DBI:Pg:dbname=$db;host=$dbhost";
my $dbuser = "postgres";
my $dbpass = "";
# Suggestion for MySQL:
# my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=mysql;mysql_read_default_group=clientp";
# my $dbuser = "mysql";
# my $dbpass = undef;


my $i = 0;
my %base64 = map { $_ => $i++ } split("", 

sub decode_bacula_base64 {
my $acc = 0;
for (split("", $_[0])) {
$acc <<= 6;
$acc += $base64{$_};
return $acc;

sub extract_size_from_lstat {
return decode_bacula_base64((split(" ", shift))[7]);

sub extract_blocks_from_lstat {
return 512 * decode_bacula_base64((split(" ", shift))[9]);

sub convert_units {
my $num = shift;

my %units = ("k" => 1000**1, "Ki" => 1024**1, "ki" => 1024**1,
 "M" => 1000**2, "Mi" => 1024**2,
 "G" => 1000**3, "Gi" => 1024**3,
 "T" => 1000**4, "Ti" => 1024**4,
 "P" => 1000**5, "Pi" => 1024**5);

if ($num =~ /^(\d*)([kKMGTP]i?)B?$/) {
$num = ($1 ? $1 : 1) * $units{$2};
} elsif ($num !~ /^\d+$/) {
die "Can't parse: $num\n";
return $num;

### main program resumes

my $threshold = 1; # omit 0 octet sized files/directories by default
my $blocksize = 1024;
my ($jobid, $all, $bytes, $separate_dirs, $largest);

GetOptions("jobid|j=i" => \$jobid,
   "threshold|t=s" => \$threshold,
   "separate-dirs|S" => \$separate_dirs,
   "all|a" => \$all,
   "bytes|b" => \$bytes,
   "block-size|B=s" => \$blocksize,
   "largest|L=i" => \$largest,
   "m" => sub { $blocksize = "1Mi" },
) || usage();

usage() unless $jobid;

$threshold = convert_units($threshold);
$blocksize = convert_units($blocksize);

my @padding = ("", "A==", "==", "=");

sub extract_size_from_lstat_foo {
my ($b64) = (split(" ", shift))[7];

my $acc = 0;
for (split("", decode_base64($b64 . $padding[length($b64) % 4]))) {
$acc <<= 8;
$acc += ord($_);
return $acc;

my $extract_size = $bytes
? \&extract_size_from_lstat
: \&extract_blocks_from_lstat;

my $dbh;
unless ($dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, {AutoCommit => 0})) {
print STDERR "Could not connect to database $db on host $dbhost\n";
exit 2;

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
   SELECT p.Path, fn.Name, LStat
   FROM Path p
 JOIN File f ON f.PathId = p.PathId
 JOIN Filename fn ON f.FilenameId = fn.FilenameId
   WHERE f.JobId = $jobid");

my %du;
my $rowcount = 0;
while (my ($path, $fname, $lstat) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my $size = $extract_size->($lstat);
# print STDERR "Got '$path' size $size\n";
$du{"$path$fname"} += $size if $all;
$du{$path} += $size;
next if $separate_dirs;
while ($path ne '/') {
$path =~ s,[^/]+/$,,;

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-13 Thread ganiuszka

Thank you for feedback again.

Yes, the BCMath module is not in default configuration if you will
compile PHP. In case compilation from sources need to add
"--enable-bcmath" to configuration parameters.

On some GNU/Linux distributions the BCMath is as default in PHP
(Debian, Slackware) and on some distributions the BCMath need to
install as a module from package apart from the PHP package (for
example Fedora).


W dniu 13 marca 2011 21:07 użytkownik Dan Langille  napisał:
> On 3/12/2011 9:33 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
>> W dniu 13 marca 2011 01:01 użytkownik Dan Langille
>>  napisał:
>>> On 3/12/2011 9:29 AM, ganiuszka wrote:

 W dniu 11 marca 2011 21:45 użytkownik ganiuszka
> Hi,
> In my example jobid is putting in:
> ... File.JobId=8...
> but this "eight":
> base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
> is exactly eight field (encoded filesize field). I seem that you used
> standard base64 decoder to decode eighth field. Am I right?
> Bacula lstat is encoded by using non-standard base64 algorithm. Your
> decoded lstat shows like this:
> [dev] =>    89
> [inodes] =>    1366434
> [mode] =>    33200
> [links] =>    1
> [uid] =>    80
> [gid] =>    91
> [rdev] =>    5481898
> [size] =>    315
> [blksize] =>    16384
> [blocks] =>    4
> [atime] =>    1299770037
> [mtime] =>    1299770037
> [ctime] =>    1299770066
> [LinkFl] =>    0
> [flags] =>    0
> [data] =>    2
> I do not understand every field, but most fields is clear. Now, I
> wrote implementation of Bacula base64_decoder in PHP. I need finish it
> and make WebGUI for this and I will share this decoder here. For this
> I am using source code of base64 implementation in Bacula and this:
> Regards.
> gani
> 2011/3/11 Dan Langille:
>> On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
>>> 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:


 I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
 backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried
 files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
 size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the
 of the file?

>>> Hi,
>>> Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):
>>> BEGIN;
>>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS
>>> int8
>>> AS $$
>>> val int8;
>>> b64 varchar(64);
>>> size varchar(64);
>>> i int;
>>> size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
>>> b64 :=
>>> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>>> val := 0;
>>> FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
>>> val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) *
>>> (64^(length(size)-i));
>>> RETURN val;
>>> END;
>>> $$ language 'plpgsql';
>>> and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
>>> (in this example for jobid=8):
>>> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
>>> size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
>>> File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
>>> BY size ASC;
>>> I tested it. It works.
>> For the record:
>> In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
>> What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:
>> BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C
>> The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.
>> --
>> Dan Langille -


 I wrote the Bacula LStat decoder implementation in PHP. I made WebGUI
 for this also. Now online LStat decoder (beta version) is available on
 my page

 In the near future I need to make description of fields.

 Here is Bacula LStat decoder function in PHP:

 function decode_bacula_lstat($lstat) {
        $base64 =
        $lstat = trim($lstat);
        $lstat_fields = explode(' ', $lstat);

        if(count($lstat_fields) !== 16) {
                die('Error! Number of lstat fields is invalid. Please
 sure that
 it is valid lstat string.');

        list($dev, $inode, $mode, $links, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
 $blocks, $atime, $mtime, $c

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-13 Thread Dan Langille
On 3/12/2011 9:33 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
> W dniu 13 marca 2011 01:01 użytkownik Dan Langille  
> napisał:
>> On 3/12/2011 9:29 AM, ganiuszka wrote:
>>> W dniu 11 marca 2011 21:45 użytkownik ganiuszka
>>>   napisał:

 In my example jobid is putting in:
 ... File.JobId=8...
 but this "eight":


 is exactly eight field (encoded filesize field). I seem that you used
 standard base64 decoder to decode eighth field. Am I right?

 Bacula lstat is encoded by using non-standard base64 algorithm. Your
 decoded lstat shows like this:

 [dev] =>89
 [inodes] =>1366434
 [mode] =>33200
 [links] =>1
 [uid] =>80
 [gid] =>91
 [rdev] =>5481898
 [size] =>315
 [blksize] =>16384
 [blocks] =>4
 [atime] =>1299770037
 [mtime] =>1299770037
 [ctime] =>1299770066
 [LinkFl] =>0
 [flags] =>0
 [data] =>2

 I do not understand every field, but most fields is clear. Now, I
 wrote implementation of Bacula base64_decoder in PHP. I need finish it
 and make WebGUI for this and I will share this decoder here. For this
 I am using source code of base64 implementation in Bacula and this:


 2011/3/11 Dan Langille:
> On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
>> 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:
>>> Afternoon,
>>> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
>>> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried
>>> 'list
>>> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
>>> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
>>> of the file?
>>> Mike
>> Hi,
>> Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS
>> int8
>> AS $$
>> val int8;
>> b64 varchar(64);
>> size varchar(64);
>> i int;
>> size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
>> b64 :=
>> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>> val := 0;
>> FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
>> val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) *
>> (64^(length(size)-i));
>> RETURN val;
>> END;
>> $$ language 'plpgsql';
>> and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
>> (in this example for jobid=8):
>> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
>> size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
>> File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
>> BY size ASC;
>> I tested it. It works.
> For the record:
> In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
> What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:
> BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C
> The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.
> --
> Dan Langille -
>>> Hi,
>>> I wrote the Bacula LStat decoder implementation in PHP. I made WebGUI
>>> for this also. Now online LStat decoder (beta version) is available on
>>> my page
>>> In the near future I need to make description of fields.
>>> Here is Bacula LStat decoder function in PHP:
>>> function decode_bacula_lstat($lstat) {
>>> $base64 =
>>> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>>> $lstat = trim($lstat);
>>> $lstat_fields = explode(' ', $lstat);
>>> if(count($lstat_fields) !== 16) {
>>> die('Error! Number of lstat fields is invalid. Please make
>>> sure that
>>> it is valid lstat string.');
>>> }
>>> list($dev, $inode, $mode, $links, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
>>> $blksize,
>>> $blocks, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $linkfi, $flags, $data) =
>>> $lstat_fields;
>>> $encoded_values = array('dev' =>  $dev, 'inode' =>  $inode, 'mode' 
>>> =>
>>> $mode, 'links' =>  $links, 'uid' =>  $uid, 'gid' =>  $gid, 'rdev' =>
>>> $rdev, 'size' =>  $size, 'blksize' =>  $blksize, 'blocks' =>  $blocks,
>>> 'atime' =>  $atime, 'mtime' =>  $mtime, 'ctime' =>  $ctime, 'linkfi' =>
>>> $linkfi, 'flags' =>  $flags, 'data' =>  $data);
>>> $ret = array();
>>> foreach($encoded_values as $key =>  $val) {
>>> $result = 0;
>>> $is_minus = false;
>>> $start = 0;
>>> if(substr($val, 0, 1) === '-'

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-12 Thread ganiuszka

First, many thanks for your feedback.

I researched that behaviour with filesize of your lstat field (
-1443891641). Yes, I made mistake with using shift bitwise operator.
>From PHP documentation:

Don't right shift for more than 32 bits on 32 bits systems. Don't left
shift in case it results to number longer than 32 bits."

Repairing this bug is replacing the line:

$result <<= 6;

to this line:

$result = bcmul($result, bcpow(2,6));

It should work properly.


W dniu 13 marca 2011 01:01 użytkownik Dan Langille  napisał:
> On 3/12/2011 9:29 AM, ganiuszka wrote:
>> W dniu 11 marca 2011 21:45 użytkownik ganiuszka
>>  napisał:
>>> Hi,
>>> In my example jobid is putting in:
>>> ... File.JobId=8...
>>> but this "eight":
>>> base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
>>> is exactly eight field (encoded filesize field). I seem that you used
>>> standard base64 decoder to decode eighth field. Am I right?
>>> Bacula lstat is encoded by using non-standard base64 algorithm. Your
>>> decoded lstat shows like this:
>>> [dev] =>  89
>>> [inodes] =>  1366434
>>> [mode] =>  33200
>>> [links] =>  1
>>> [uid] =>  80
>>> [gid] =>  91
>>> [rdev] =>  5481898
>>> [size] =>  315
>>> [blksize] =>  16384
>>> [blocks] =>  4
>>> [atime] =>  1299770037
>>> [mtime] =>  1299770037
>>> [ctime] =>  1299770066
>>> [LinkFl] =>  0
>>> [flags] =>  0
>>> [data] =>  2
>>> I do not understand every field, but most fields is clear. Now, I
>>> wrote implementation of Bacula base64_decoder in PHP. I need finish it
>>> and make WebGUI for this and I will share this decoder here. For this
>>> I am using source code of base64 implementation in Bacula and this:
>>> Regards.
>>> gani
>>> 2011/3/11 Dan Langille:

 On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:

> 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:
>> Afternoon,
>> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
>> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried
>> 'list
>> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
>> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
>> of the file?
>> Mike

> Hi,
> Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS
> int8
> AS $$
> val int8;
> b64 varchar(64);
> size varchar(64);
> i int;
> size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
> b64 :=
> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
> val := 0;
> FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
> val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) *
> (64^(length(size)-i));
> RETURN val;
> END;
> $$ language 'plpgsql';
> and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
> (in this example for jobid=8):
> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
> size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
> File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
> BY size ASC;
> I tested it. It works.

 For the record:

 In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)

 What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:

 BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C

 The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.

 Dan Langille -

>> Hi,
>> I wrote the Bacula LStat decoder implementation in PHP. I made WebGUI
>> for this also. Now online LStat decoder (beta version) is available on
>> my page
>> In the near future I need to make description of fields.
>> Here is Bacula LStat decoder function in PHP:
>> function decode_bacula_lstat($lstat) {
>>        $base64 =
>> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>>        $lstat = trim($lstat);
>>        $lstat_fields = explode(' ', $lstat);
>>        if(count($lstat_fields) !== 16) {
>>                die('Error! Number of lstat fields is invalid. Please make
>> sure that
>> it is valid lstat string.');
>>        }
>>        list($dev, $inode, $mode, $links, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
>> $blksize,
>> $blocks, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $linkfi, $flags, $data) =
>> $lstat_fields;
>>        $encoded_values = array('dev' => $dev, 'inode' => $inode, 'mode' =>
>> $mode, 'links' => $links, 'uid' => $uid, 'gid' => $gid, 'rdev' =>
>> $rdev, 'size' => $size, 'blksize' => $blksize, 'blocks' => $blocks,
>> 'atime' => $atime, 'mtime' => $mtime, 'ctime' => $ctime,

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-12 Thread Dan Langille
On 3/12/2011 9:29 AM, ganiuszka wrote:
> W dniu 11 marca 2011 21:45 użytkownik ganiuszka  napisał:
>> Hi,
>> In my example jobid is putting in:
>> ... File.JobId=8...
>> but this "eight":
>> base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
>> is exactly eight field (encoded filesize field). I seem that you used
>> standard base64 decoder to decode eighth field. Am I right?
>> Bacula lstat is encoded by using non-standard base64 algorithm. Your
>> decoded lstat shows like this:
>> [dev] =>  89
>> [inodes] =>  1366434
>> [mode] =>  33200
>> [links] =>  1
>> [uid] =>  80
>> [gid] =>  91
>> [rdev] =>  5481898
>> [size] =>  315
>> [blksize] =>  16384
>> [blocks] =>  4
>> [atime] =>  1299770037
>> [mtime] =>  1299770037
>> [ctime] =>  1299770066
>> [LinkFl] =>  0
>> [flags] =>  0
>> [data] =>  2
>> I do not understand every field, but most fields is clear. Now, I
>> wrote implementation of Bacula base64_decoder in PHP. I need finish it
>> and make WebGUI for this and I will share this decoder here. For this
>> I am using source code of base64 implementation in Bacula and this:
>> Regards.
>> gani
>> 2011/3/11 Dan Langille:
>>> On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:
> Afternoon,
> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
> of the file?
> Mike
 Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):


 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS int8
 AS $$
 val int8;
 b64 varchar(64);
 size varchar(64);
 i int;
 size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
 b64 := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
 val := 0;
 FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
 val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) * (64^(length(size)-i));
 RETURN val;
 $$ language 'plpgsql';


 and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
 (in this example for jobid=8):

 SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
 size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
 File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
 BY size ASC;

 I tested it. It works.
>>> For the record:
>>> In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
>>> What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:
>>> BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C
>>> The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.
>>> --
>>> Dan Langille -

> Hi,
> I wrote the Bacula LStat decoder implementation in PHP. I made WebGUI
> for this also. Now online LStat decoder (beta version) is available on
> my page
> In the near future I need to make description of fields.
> Here is Bacula LStat decoder function in PHP:
> function decode_bacula_lstat($lstat) {
>   $base64 = 
> 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>   $lstat = trim($lstat);
>   $lstat_fields = explode(' ', $lstat);
>   if(count($lstat_fields) !== 16) {
>   die('Error! Number of lstat fields is invalid. Please make sure 
> that
> it is valid lstat string.');
>   }
>   list($dev, $inode, $mode, $links, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $blksize,
> $blocks, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $linkfi, $flags, $data) =
> $lstat_fields;
>   $encoded_values = array('dev' => $dev, 'inode' => $inode, 'mode' =>
> $mode, 'links' => $links, 'uid' => $uid, 'gid' => $gid, 'rdev' =>
> $rdev, 'size' => $size, 'blksize' => $blksize, 'blocks' => $blocks,
> 'atime' => $atime, 'mtime' => $mtime, 'ctime' => $ctime, 'linkfi' =>
> $linkfi, 'flags' => $flags, 'data' => $data);
>   $ret = array();
>   foreach($encoded_values as $key => $val) {
>   $result = 0;
>   $is_minus = false;
>   $start = 0;
>   if(substr($val, 0, 1) === '-') {
>   $is_minus = true;
>   $start++;
>   }
>   for($i = $start; $i < strlen($val); $i++) {
>   $result <<= 6;
>   $result +=  strpos($base64, substr($val, $i , 1));
>   }
>   $ret[$key] = ($is_minus === true) ? -$result : $result;
>   }
>   return $ret;
> }
> and here is usage for this:
> $lstat = 'gB DL+b IGg B A y A D5dZR BAA fN4 BNeR+z BNeR+7 BNeR+7 A A C';
> $decoded_lstat = decode_bacu

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-12 Thread ganiuszka

I wrote the Bacula LStat decoder implementation in PHP. I made WebGUI
for this also. Now online LStat decoder (beta version) is available on
my page

In the near future I need to make description of fields.

Here is Bacula LStat decoder function in PHP:

function decode_bacula_lstat($lstat) {
$base64 = 
$lstat = trim($lstat);
$lstat_fields = explode(' ', $lstat);

if(count($lstat_fields) !== 16) {
die('Error! Number of lstat fields is invalid. Please make sure 
it is valid lstat string.');

list($dev, $inode, $mode, $links, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $blksize,
$blocks, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $linkfi, $flags, $data) =
$encoded_values = array('dev' => $dev, 'inode' => $inode, 'mode' =>
$mode, 'links' => $links, 'uid' => $uid, 'gid' => $gid, 'rdev' =>
$rdev, 'size' => $size, 'blksize' => $blksize, 'blocks' => $blocks,
'atime' => $atime, 'mtime' => $mtime, 'ctime' => $ctime, 'linkfi' =>
$linkfi, 'flags' => $flags, 'data' => $data);

$ret = array();
foreach($encoded_values as $key => $val) {
$result = 0;
$is_minus = false;
$start = 0;

if(substr($val, 0, 1) === '-') {
$is_minus = true;

for($i = $start; $i < strlen($val); $i++) {
$result <<= 6;
$result +=  strpos($base64, substr($val, $i , 1));
$ret[$key] = ($is_minus === true) ? -$result : $result;
return $ret;

and here is usage for this:

$lstat = 'gB DL+b IGg B A y A D5dZR BAA fN4 BNeR+z BNeR+7 BNeR+7 A A C';
$decoded_lstat = decode_bacula_lstat($lstat);

Any suggestions and modifications are welcome.

W dniu 11 marca 2011 21:45 użytkownik ganiuszka  napisał:
> Hi,
> In my example jobid is putting in:
> ... File.JobId=8...
> but this "eight":
> base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
> is exactly eight field (encoded filesize field). I seem that you used
> standard base64 decoder to decode eighth field. Am I right?
> Bacula lstat is encoded by using non-standard base64 algorithm. Your
> decoded lstat shows like this:
> [dev] => 89
> [inodes] => 1366434
> [mode] => 33200
> [links] => 1
> [uid] => 80
> [gid] => 91
> [rdev] => 5481898
> [size] => 315
> [blksize] => 16384
> [blocks] => 4
> [atime] => 1299770037
> [mtime] => 1299770037
> [ctime] => 1299770066
> [LinkFl] => 0
> [flags] => 0
> [data] => 2
> I do not understand every field, but most fields is clear. Now, I
> wrote implementation of Bacula base64_decoder in PHP. I need finish it
> and make WebGUI for this and I will share this decoder here. For this
> I am using source code of base64 implementation in Bacula and this:
> Regards.
> gani
> 2011/3/11 Dan Langille :
>> On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
>>> 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:


 I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
 backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
 files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
 size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
 of the file?

>>> Hi,
>>> Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):
>>> BEGIN;
>>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS int8
>>> AS $$
>>> val int8;
>>> b64 varchar(64);
>>> size varchar(64);
>>> i int;
>>> size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
>>> b64 := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>>> val := 0;
>>> FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
>>> val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) * (64^(length(size)-i));
>>> RETURN val;
>>> END;
>>> $$ language 'plpgsql';
>>> and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
>>> (in this example for jobid=8):
>>> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
>>> size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
>>> File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
>>> BY size ASC;
>>> I tested it. It works.
>> For the record:
>> In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
>> What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:
>> BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C
>> The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.
>> --
>> Dan Langille -

"Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie
za przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-11 Thread ganiuszka
In my example jobid is putting in:
... File.JobId=8...
but this "eight":


is exactly eight field (encoded filesize field). I seem that you used
standard base64 decoder to decode eighth field. Am I right?

Bacula lstat is encoded by using non-standard base64 algorithm. Your
decoded lstat shows like this:

[dev] => 89
[inodes] => 1366434
[mode] => 33200
[links] => 1
[uid] => 80
[gid] => 91
[rdev] => 5481898
[size] => 315
[blksize] => 16384
[blocks] => 4
[atime] => 1299770037
[mtime] => 1299770037
[ctime] => 1299770066
[LinkFl] => 0
[flags] => 0
[data] => 2

I do not understand every field, but most fields is clear. Now, I
wrote implementation of Bacula base64_decoder in PHP. I need finish it
and make WebGUI for this and I will share this decoder here. For this
I am using source code of base64 implementation in Bacula and this:


2011/3/11 Dan Langille :
> On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:
>> 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:
>>> Afternoon,
>>> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
>>> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
>>> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
>>> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
>>> of the file?
>>> Mike
>> Hi,
>> Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):
>> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS int8
>> AS $$
>> val int8;
>> b64 varchar(64);
>> size varchar(64);
>> i int;
>> size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
>> b64 := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
>> val := 0;
>> FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
>> val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) * (64^(length(size)-i));
>> RETURN val;
>> END;
>> $$ language 'plpgsql';
>> and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
>> (in this example for jobid=8):
>> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
>> size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
>> File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
>> BY size ASC;
>> I tested it. It works.
> For the record:
> In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)
> What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:
> BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C
> The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.
> --
> Dan Langille -

"Większej miłości nikt nie ma nad tę, jak gdy kto życie swoje kładzie
za przyjaciół swoich." Jezus Chrystus

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-11 Thread Dan Langille
On 3/9/2011 5:36 PM, ganiuszka wrote:

> 2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston:
>> Afternoon,
>> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
>> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
>> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
>> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
>> of the file?
>> Mike

> Hi,
> Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS int8 AS 
> $$
> val int8;
> b64 varchar(64);
> size varchar(64);
> i int;
> size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
> b64 := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
> val := 0;
> FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
> val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) * (64^(length(size)-i));
> RETURN val;
> END;
> $$ language 'plpgsql';
> and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
> (in this example for jobid=8):
> SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
> size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
> File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
> BY size ASC;
> I tested it. It works.

For the record:

In this query, I see base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat)

What is 8?  It is not jobid.  It is a field id.  This lstat value:

BZ FNmi IGw B BQ Bb U6Wq E7 EAA E BNeOq1 BNeOq1 BNeOrS A A C

The eight field, as defined by ' ', is E7.

Dan Langille -

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-09 Thread ganiuszka
Here you have SQL function for PostgreSQL (I took it from bweb):


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION base64_decode_lstat(int4, varchar) RETURNS int8 AS $$
val int8;
b64 varchar(64);
size varchar(64);
i int;
size := split_part($2, ' ', $1);
b64 := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
val := 0;
FOR i IN 1..length(size) LOOP
val := val + (strpos(b64, substr(size, i, 1))-1) * (64^(length(size)-i));
$$ language 'plpgsql';


and this is a query which lists file path, filename and size in Bytes
(in this example for jobid=8):

SELECT Path.Path, Filename.Name, base64_decode_lstat(8,File.LStat) AS
size FROM Filename, File, Path WHERE File.JobId=8 AND
File.PathId=Path.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId ORDER
BY size ASC;

I tested it. It works.


2011/3/9 Mike Eggleston :
> Afternoon,
> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
> of the file?
> Mike

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-09 Thread John Drescher
On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Mike Eggleston  wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Mar 2011, John Drescher might have said:
>> 2011/3/9 James Woodward :
>> > Hello Mike,
>> > I'd have to say no based on the tables defined
>> > here
>> > The file size does not appear to be stored in the database. I don't think
>> > any size is mentioned until you get to the job level.
>> > James
>> >
>> I think its in the LStat.
>> John
> In my old version (v2.0.3) I don't see an 'lstat' command.

I meant that I believe the file size and attributes are in the
database in the lstat column of the File table. I am not sure there is
an easy way to list this.

LStat   tinyblobFile attributes in base64 encoding


Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-09 Thread Mike Eggleston
On Wed, 09 Mar 2011, John Drescher might have said:

> 2011/3/9 James Woodward :
> > Hello Mike,
> > I'd have to say no based on the tables defined
> > here
> > The file size does not appear to be stored in the database. I don't think
> > any size is mentioned until you get to the job level.
> > James
> >
> I think its in the LStat.
> John

In my old version (v2.0.3) I don't see an 'lstat' command.


Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-09 Thread John Drescher
2011/3/9 James Woodward :
> Hello Mike,
> I'd have to say no based on the tables defined
> here
> The file size does not appear to be stored in the database. I don't think
> any size is mentioned until you get to the job level.
> James

I think its in the LStat.


Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-09 Thread James Woodward
Hello Mike,

I'd have to say no based on the tables defined here 
The file size does not appear to be stored in the database. I don't think any 
size is mentioned until you get to the job level.


On 2011-03-09, at 12:51 PM, Mike Eggleston wrote:

> Afternoon,
> I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
> backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
> files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
> size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
> of the file?
> Mike
> --
> Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
> A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
> for your organization - today and in the future.
> ___
> Bacula-users mailing list

Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] file listing?

2011-03-09 Thread Mike Eggleston

I just noticed one of my clients had a huge incremental (level 2)
backup. I want to see what file caused the huge increase. I tried 'list
files jobid=20097' and though I'm shown the files, I'm not shown the
size of each file. Is there a command or query that shows me the size
of the file?


Colocation vs. Managed Hosting
A question and answer guide to determining the best fit
for your organization - today and in the future.
Bacula-users mailing list