Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-23 Thread Radosław Korzeniewski

śr., 22 wrz 2021 o 21:14 Otaci Martins  napisał(a):

> It was a proxy problem. Necessary to include a line in systemd
> bacula-sd.service:
> ...
> [Service]
> Type=simple
> User=root
> Group=disk
> Environment="https_proxy=http://:"
> ExecStart=/opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
> SuccessExitStatus=15
> LimitMEMLOCK=infinity
> ...
> When running bacula-sd from login shell command line it uses http_proxy
> yet defined in the environment, this is because things go well.

I'm glad you solved it!

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-22 Thread Otaci Martins

It was a proxy problem. Necessary to include a line in systemd
ExecStart=/opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf

When running bacula-sd from login shell command line it uses http_proxy yet
defined in the environment, this is because things go well.

Unfortunately, bacula-sd debug (level 500 or more) did not show any clue
about the problem' s cause.

Thanks to all for the assistance.

Otaci Martins

Em seg., 20 de set. de 2021 às 16:27, Otaci Martins 

> bacula-sd can't upload volumes to AWS S3 if running as systemd daemon, but
> if called directly by terminal cli the upload works perfectly.
> 1. Steps to reproduce the upload error:
> ---
> $ sudo systemctl start bacula-sd
> $ ps -ef | grep bacula
> root 12573 1  0 15:39 ?00:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
> root 13555 1  0 Sep15 ?00:00:01 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-fd
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-fd.conf
> bacula   29641 1  0 10:58 ?00:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-dir
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
> $ echo "cloud list storage=S3CLOUD" | bconsole
> Connecting to Director
> 1000 OK: 10002 BACULA11-DIR Version: 11.0.5 (03 June 2021)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> cloud list storage=S3CLOUD
> Automatically selected Catalog: BACULA11-CA
> Using Catalog "BACULA11-CA"
> Connecting to Storage daemon S3CLOUD at ...
> 3900 Error cannot get cloud Volume list. ERR=S3_list_bucket
> ERR=FailedToConnect CURL Effective URL:
> CURL OS Error:
> 110 CURL Effective URL:
> CURL OS Error:
> 110
> 2. Steps to reproduce the upload success:
> -
> $ sudo systemctl stop bacula-sd
> $ sudo /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
> $ ps -ef|grep bacula
> root 13362 11959  0 15:53 pts/100:00:00 sudo
> /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
> root 13364 13362  0 15:53 pts/100:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
> root 13555 1  0 Sep15 ?00:00:01 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-fd
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-fd.conf
> bacula   29641 1  0 10:58 ?00:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-dir
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
> $ echo "cloud list storage=S3CLOUD" | bconsole
> Connecting to Director
> 1000 OK: 10002 BACULA11-DIR Version: 11.0.5 (03 June 2021)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> cloud list storage=S3CLOUD
> Automatically selected Catalog: BACULA11-CA
> Using Catalog "BACULA11-CA"
> Connecting to Storage daemon S3CLOUD at ...
> ++---+--+--+---+
> |Volume Name |   Status  | Media Type   |   Pool
> |VolBytes   |
> ++---+--+--+---+
> | AWSS3-0076 |  Full | CloudAWS |
> AWSS3-PO |  8.528 MB |
> |BACKUP-CATALOGO |Append | CloudAWS |
> AWSS3-PO |  1.015 MB |
> ++---+--+--+---+
> 3. My question:
> ---
> So, once the config files are exactly the same in the two scenarios, what
> can i search for?
> 4. My specs:
> Bacula CE 11.0.5 (installed from official rpm repos)
> SO:
> CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
> Linux 3.10.0-1160.15.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 3 15:06:38 UTC 2021
> x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> bacula-dir.conf:
> Storage {
>   Name = S3CLOUD
>   Address =
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Password = "bacula"
>   Device = AWSS3-DRIVE-01
>   Media Type = CloudAWS
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
> }
> bacula-sd.conf:
> Device {
>   Name = AWSS3-DRIVE-01
>   Device Type = Cloud
>   Cloud = AWSS3
>   Archive Device = /tmp/hdd03
>   Maximum Part Size = 1 GB
>   Maximum File Size = 1 GB
>   Media Type = CloudAWS
>   LabelMedia = yes
>   Random Access = yes
>   AutomaticMount = yes
>   RemovableMedia = no
>   AlwaysOpen = no
> }
> Cloud {
>   Name = AWSS3
>   Driver = "S3"
>   HostName = ""
>   BucketName = "MyBucket"
>   AccessKey = "MyAccessKey"
>   SecretKey = "MySecretKey"
>   Protocol = HTTPS
>   UriStyle = VirtualHost
>   Truncate Cache = No
>   Upload = EachPart
>   Region = "sa-east-1"
>   MaximumUploadBandwidth = 5MB/s
> }
> Systemd bacula-sd.service:
> [Unit]
> Description=Bacula Storage Daemon service

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Otaci Martins
My mistake in last message. Here is the correct text:

The fact is that the only difference is how bacula-sd is invoked:

   1. $ sudo systemctl start bacula-sd  => UPLOAD ERROR
   2. $ sudo bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf  => UPLOAD OK

Best regards.
Otaci MArtins

Em ter., 21 de set. de 2021 às 11:17, Otaci Martins 

> Heitor, this is only a LAB not a production system.
> First i am using user=root, but after your last message i changed to
> user=bacula with same results. The cache /tmp in this LAB does not affect
> the results here.
> The fact is that the only difference is how bacula-sd is invoked:
>1. $ sudo systemctl start bacula-sd  => UPLOAD OK
>2. $ sudo bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf  => UPLOAD
> All other configurations and environments are exactly the same, running in
> the same machine, just changing how bacula-sd is invoked.
> Tks
> Otaci Martins
> Em ter., 21 de set. de 2021 às 10:56, Heitor Faria 
> escreveu:
>> Hello Otaci,
>> IMHO your scenario is kind of confusing.
>> 1. Your service init file is using the root Linux user. Like I wrote
>> before, not recommendable:
>> "[Service]
>> Type=simple
>> User=root"
>> 2. You are using /tmp as cache/volume storage, what is absolutely not
>> recommendable.
>> Regards,
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Otaci Martins
Heitor, this is only a LAB not a production system.

First i am using user=root, but after your last message i changed to
user=bacula with same results. The cache /tmp in this LAB does not affect
the results here.

The fact is that the only difference is how bacula-sd is invoked:

   1. $ sudo systemctl start bacula-sd  => UPLOAD OK
   2. $ sudo bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf  => UPLOAD

All other configurations and environments are exactly the same, running in
the same machine, just changing how bacula-sd is invoked.

Otaci Martins

Em ter., 21 de set. de 2021 às 10:56, Heitor Faria 

> Hello Otaci,
> IMHO your scenario is kind of confusing.
> 1. Your service init file is using the root Linux user. Like I wrote
> before, not recommendable:
> "[Service]
> Type=simple
> User=root"
> 2. You are using /tmp as cache/volume storage, what is absolutely not
> recommendable.
> Regards,
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Heitor Faria
Hello Otaci, 

IMHO your scenario is kind of confusing. 

1. Your service init file is using the root Linux user. Like I wrote before, 
not recommendable: 

2. You are using /tmp as cache/volume storage, what is absolutely not 

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Otaci Martins
Yes, Heitor, i know bacula-sd must run with bacula user. But when i was
debbuging with "sudo bacula-sd -fP -d 200", and the volumes were
successfully uploaded, i guess if could be a matter of user permission and
runned bacula-sd service with user root, but without success.

So, here is the debug output when running bacula-sd from command line
(upload OK):

$ sudo bacula-sd -u bacula -fP -d 200
bacula-sd: address_conf.c:289-0 Initaddr
LAB001PGSQL-SD: jcr.c:131-0 read_last_jobs seek to 192
LAB001PGSQL-SD: jcr.c:138-0 Read num_items=10
LAB001PGSQL-SD: plugins.c:97-0 load_plugins
LAB001PGSQL-SD: plugins.c:133-0 Rejected plugin: want=* got len=11
LAB001PGSQL-SD: plugins.c:133-0 Rejected plugin: want=* got name= len=32
LAB001PGSQL-SD: plugins.c:133-0 Rejected plugin: want=* got name= len=35
LAB001PGSQL-SD: plugins.c:121-0 Failed to find any plugins in
LAB001PGSQL-SD: stored.c:704-0 calling init_dev AWSS3-DRIVE-01
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:141-0 init_dev dev_type=14
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:177-0 Num drivers=15
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:190-0 loadable=1 type=14 loaded=0 name=cloud
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:476-0 loadable=1 type=14 loaded=0 name=cloud
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:481-0 Open SD driver at /opt/bacula/plugins/
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:484-0 Driver=cloud handle=7ffadc00ba20
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:486-0 Lookup "BaculaSDdriver" in driver=cloud
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:488-0 Driver=cloud entry point=7ffae8b024d0
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cloud_dev.c:876-0 Open SD driver at /opt/bacula/plugins/
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cloud_dev.c:879-0 Driver=s3 handle=7ffadc00cec0
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cloud_dev.c:881-0 Lookup "BaculaCloudDriver" in driver=s3
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cloud_dev.c:883-0 Driver=s3 entry point=7ffae88ead30
LAB001PGSQL-SD: htable.c:67-0 malloc buf=7ffaf47e4038 size=100
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:235-0 init_dev allocated: 7ffadc00c048
LAB001PGSQL-SD: init_dev.c:437-0 init_dev: tape=0 dev_name=/tmp/hdd03
LAB001PGSQL-SD: dev.c:1143-0 DEVICE::register_metrics called.
0x7ffadc00c048 collector=0x1b24998
LAB001PGSQL-SD: stored.c:706-0 SD init done AWSS3-DRIVE-01 (0x7ffadc00c048)
LAB001PGSQL-SD: block_util.c:174-0 New block adata=0 len=64512
LAB001PGSQL-SD: acquire.c:671-0 Attach 0xdc019928 to dev "AWSS3-DRIVE-01"
LAB001PGSQL-SD: events.c:48-0 Events: code=SD0002 daemon=LAB001PGSQL-SD
ref=0x238f type=daemon source=*Daemon* text=Device initialization
LAB001PGSQL-SD: events.c:48-0 Events: code=SD0001 daemon=LAB001PGSQL-SD
ref=0x238f type=daemon source=*Daemon* text=Storage startup
LAB001PGSQL-SD: bnet_server.c:90-0 Addresses
LAB001PGSQL-SD: bsock.c:861-0 socket=4 who=client host=
port=9103<== After this point we can see output of "cloud list
storage=S3CLOUD" command.
LAB001PGSQL-SD: bnet_server.c:235-0 Accept
socket= s=0x1b26ae8
LAB001PGSQL-SD: dircmd.c:196-0 Got a DIR connection at 21-Sep-2021 10:17:05
LAB001PGSQL-SD: TLSPSK Remote need 0
LAB001PGSQL-SD: TLSPSK Local need 0
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cram-md5.c:68-0 send: auth cram-md5 challenge
<452667247.1632230225@LAB001PGSQL-SD> ssl=0
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cram-md5.c:132-0 cram-get received: auth cram-md5
<56019976.1632230225@BACULA11-DIR> ssl=0
LAB001PGSQL-SD: cram-md5.c:156-0 sending resp to challenge:
LAB001PGSQL-SD: dircmd.c:227-0 Message channel init completed.
LAB001PGSQL-SD: dircmd.c:234-0  ssl=0
Sep 21 10:26:07 LAB001PGSQL bacula-sd[2437]: LAB001PGSQL-SD:
cram-md5.c:132-0 cram-get received: auth cram-md5
<934531061.1632230767@BACULA11-DIR> ssl=0
Sep 21 10:26:07 LAB001PGSQL bacula-sd[2437]: LAB001PGSQL-SD:
cram-md5.c:156-0 sending resp to challenge: R8/qOj/1B7kh97wbg/ZhvB
Sep 21 10:26:07 LAB001PGSQL bacula-sd[2437]: LAB001PGSQL-SD: dircmd.c:227-0
Message channel init completed.
Sep 21 10:26:07 LAB001PGSQL bacula-sd[2437]: LAB001PGSQL-SD: dircmd.c:234-0 CURL OS Error:
110 CURL Effective URL: CURL OS Error:
Obs: mybucket replaces the real bucket name.

As we can see, debug does not show differences in the two scenarios.

Best regards.
Otaci Martins

Em ter., 21 de set. de 2021 às 09:05, Heitor Faria 

> Otaci,
> "sudo /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf"
> Please run the SD with the Linux always bacula user. Debug mode should
> give you more information. E.g.
> "sudo -u bacula bacula-sd -d 200"
> Rgds.
> --
> MSc Heitor Faria (Miami/USA)
> CEO Bacula LatAm
> mobile1: + 1 909 655-8971
> mobile2: + 55 61 98268-4220
> América Latina
> []

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Heitor Faria

"sudo /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf"

Please run the SD with the Linux always bacula user. Debug mode should give you 
more information. E.g.

"sudo -u bacula bacula-sd -d 200"

MSc Heitor Faria (Miami/USA)
CEO Bacula LatAm
mobile1: + 1 909 655-8971
mobile2: + 55 61 98268-4220

América Latina
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Otaci Martins
Hi Heitor,

You got this because the real bucket name was changed to "mybucket" in
order to hide it.

Here is the response with the real bucket name:

Access Denied


So, why there is no access denied when running bacula-sd started directly
from terminal command line?

All other things are the same, the only difference between fail and success
is the mode how to bacula-sd is started.

Otaci Martins

Em ter., 21 de set. de 2021 às 08:43, Heitor Faria 

> Hello Otaci,
> If you click in the error URL it will point you what's is wrong. I believe
> you are using the wrong service AWS endpoint address:
> "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated
> with it. The document tree is shown below.
> PermanentRedirect
> The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using
> the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this
> endpoint.
> mybucket
> z7u4pxRSwCHji+wl1sNqDAeDVvc3AHo6RqVbC7Ur5XvexPnCyhg0bfeNbqzDUjepYdYKt3iuGwE=
> "
> Rgds.
> --
> MSc Heitor Faria (Miami/USA)
> CEO Bacula LatAm
> mobile1: + 1 909 655-8971
> mobile2: + 55 61 98268-4220
> América Latina
> []
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Heitor Faria
Hello Otaci,

If you click in the error URL it will point you what's is wrong. I believe you 
are using the wrong service AWS endpoint address:

"This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with 
it. The document tree is shown below.

The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the 
specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.

MSc Heitor Faria (Miami/USA)
CEO Bacula LatAm
mobile1: + 1 909 655-8971
mobile2: + 55 61 98268-4220

América Latina
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Otaci Martins
Hi Radosław Korzeniewski,

Yes, SELinux is enabled. I've disabled it but the result is the same. Also,
I've stopped the local firewall and got the same result.

Otaci Martins

Em ter., 21 de set. de 2021 às 04:43, Radosław Korzeniewski <> escreveu:

> Hello,
> pon., 20 wrz 2021 o 21:29 Otaci Martins 
> napisał(a):
>> bacula-sd can't upload volumes to AWS S3 if running as systemd daemon,
>> but if called directly by terminal cli the upload works perfectly.
>> 1. Steps to reproduce the upload error:
>> ---
>> $ sudo systemctl start bacula-sd
>> $ ps -ef | grep bacula
>> root 12573 1  0 15:39 ?00:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd
>> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
>> root 13555 1  0 Sep15 ?00:00:01 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-fd
>> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-fd.conf
>> bacula   29641 1  0 10:58 ?00:00:00
>> /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-dir -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
>> $ echo "cloud list storage=S3CLOUD" | bconsole
>> Connecting to Director
>> 1000 OK: 10002 BACULA11-DIR Version: 11.0.5 (03 June 2021)
>> Enter a period to cancel a command.
>> cloud list storage=S3CLOUD
>> Automatically selected Catalog: BACULA11-CA
>> Using Catalog "BACULA11-CA"
>> Connecting to Storage daemon S3CLOUD at ...
>> 3900 Error cannot get cloud Volume list. ERR=S3_list_bucket
>> ERR=FailedToConnect CURL Effective URL:
>> Error: 110 CURL Effective URL:
>> Error: 110
> The OS Error 110 (AFAIK) is a "Connection Timeout". Do you have SELinux
> enabled? If yes then test with selinux disabled.
> best regards
> --
> Radosław Korzeniewski
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-sd can't upload to AWS S3

2021-09-21 Thread Radosław Korzeniewski

pon., 20 wrz 2021 o 21:29 Otaci Martins 

> bacula-sd can't upload volumes to AWS S3 if running as systemd daemon, but
> if called directly by terminal cli the upload works perfectly.
> 1. Steps to reproduce the upload error:
> ---
> $ sudo systemctl start bacula-sd
> $ ps -ef | grep bacula
> root 12573 1  0 15:39 ?00:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-sd
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-sd.conf
> root 13555 1  0 Sep15 ?00:00:01 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-fd
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-fd.conf
> bacula   29641 1  0 10:58 ?00:00:00 /opt/bacula/bin/bacula-dir
> -fP -c /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf
> $ echo "cloud list storage=S3CLOUD" | bconsole
> Connecting to Director
> 1000 OK: 10002 BACULA11-DIR Version: 11.0.5 (03 June 2021)
> Enter a period to cancel a command.
> cloud list storage=S3CLOUD
> Automatically selected Catalog: BACULA11-CA
> Using Catalog "BACULA11-CA"
> Connecting to Storage daemon S3CLOUD at ...
> 3900 Error cannot get cloud Volume list. ERR=S3_list_bucket
> ERR=FailedToConnect CURL Effective URL:
> CURL OS Error:
> 110 CURL Effective URL:
> CURL OS Error:
> 110

The OS Error 110 (AFAIK) is a "Connection Timeout". Do you have SELinux
enabled? If yes then test with selinux disabled.

best regards
Radosław Korzeniewski
Bacula-users mailing list