Status of Promulgation

2007-01-24 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

A point of clarification on this:

This idea is from a passage in Promulgation of Universal Peace.  The talks 
in that book are not authenticated, so we cannot be sure exactly what 
Abdu'l Baha said.  I wouldn't put too much weight on a statement from 
non-authenticated texts.

The Guardian quotes a number of times from Promulgation in his letters and 
in God Passes By.  He does not regard it as unreliable.  The House includes 
quotes from Promulgation in any number of the compilations on various 
subjects it has prepared.

In a letter written on behalf of the House on the authenticity of various 
books, it is implied that some of the talks in Promulgation are not 
authenticated and some are:

Regarding the status of Abdu'l-Baha's talks published in The Promulgation 
of Universal Peace and Paris Talks, original Persian transcripts of 
some, but not all, of the talks are available. We provide the following 
extract from a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice 
which indicates that in the future each talk will have to be identified 
and those which are unauthenticated will have to be clearly distinguished 
from those which form a part of Baha'i Scripture:

The original of Some Answered Questions in Persian is preserved in the 
Holy Land; its text was read in full and corrected by Abdu'l-Baha Himself. 
Unfortunately, Abdu'l-Baha did not read and authenticate all transcripts of 
His other talks, some of which have been translated into various languages 
and published. For many of His addresses included in The Promulgation of 
Universal Peace and Paris Talks, for example, no original authenticated 
text has yet been found. However, the Guardian allowed such compilations to 
continue to be used by the friends. In the future each talk will have to be 
identified and those which are unauthenticated will have to be clearly 
distinguished from those which form a part of Baha'i Scripture. This does 
not mean that the unauthenticated talks will have to cease to be used --  
merely that the degree of authenticity of every document will have to be 
known and understood. (23 March 1987)

Memo from the Research Department quoting a letter written on behalf of the 


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Re: Status of Promulgation

2007-01-24 Thread Albert

Brent Poirier Attorney at Law wrote:

A point of clarification on this:

This idea is from a passage in Promulgation of Universal Peace.  The 
talks in that book are not authenticated, so we cannot be sure 
exactly what Abdu'l Baha said.  I wouldn't put too much weight on a 
statement from non-authenticated texts.

The Guardian quotes a number of times from Promulgation in his letters 
and in God Passes By.  He does not regard it as unreliable.  The House 
includes quotes from Promulgation in any number of the compilations on 
various subjects it has prepared.

In a letter written on behalf of the House on the authenticity of 
various books, it is implied that some of the talks in Promulgation are 
not authenticated and some are:

Regarding the status of Abdu'l-Baha's talks published in The 
Promulgation of Universal Peace and Paris Talks, original Persian 
transcripts of some, but not all, of the talks are available. We 
provide the following extract from a letter written on behalf of the 
Universal House of Justice which indicates that in the future each 
talk will have to be identified and those which are unauthenticated 
will have to be clearly distinguished from those which form a part of 
Baha'i Scripture:

The original of Some Answered Questions in Persian is preserved in 
the Holy Land; its text was read in full and corrected by Abdu'l-Baha 
Himself. Unfortunately, Abdu'l-Baha did not read and authenticate all 
transcripts of His other talks, some of which have been translated into 
various languages and published. For many of His addresses included in 
The Promulgation of Universal Peace and Paris Talks, for example, no 
original authenticated text has yet been found. However, the Guardian 
allowed such compilations to continue to be used by the friends. In the 
future each talk will have to be identified and those which are 
unauthenticated will have to be clearly distinguished from those which 
form a part of Baha'i Scripture. This does not mean that the 
unauthenticated talks will have to cease to be used --  merely that the 
degree of authenticity of every document will have to be known and 
understood. (23 March 1987)

Memo from the Research Department quoting a letter written on behalf of 
the House 



for the clarification Brent.


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Re: Status of Promulgation

2007-01-24 Thread smaneck
 The Guardian quotes a number of times from Promulgation in his 
 letters and 
 in God Passes By.  He does not regard it as unreliable. 

Dear Brent, 

The Guardian sometimes quotes pilgrim's notes. That doesn't make them 
reliable as a body. At most, it might give some status to the specific 
passage being quoted. I'm not sure whether or not we have the original 
transcript where Abdu'l-Baha refers to the 'missing link.' Nor do I 
know any place where the Guardian quotes that passage. 

warmest, Susan 

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Luck and salvation

2007-01-24 Thread David Friedman
I am unable to refute the idea that luck can be involved in one's salvation. 
 If luck can be involved then the importance of salvation would be 
diminished and it would raise the question of fairness.  We are told in the 
Writings that how we end our life determines our salvation when we get to 
heaven.  One could have lived a generally good life but lose everything if 
they finished badly.  The problem I see is this: Surely some of the people 
who died young through accident or illness would have finished their life 
differently had they lived longer.  Instead of being saved they might have 
got worse and not have found salvation or vice versa.  Also, some of the 
people who lived longer would have died in a different salvific state had 
they died young.  Surely some of the martyrs would have become 
covenant-breakers had they lived longer.  According to the Writings children 
that died before birth receive God's mercy, which obviously means they are 
saved.  This would apply to the Bab's son.  Given that most of the Holy 
Family became covenant-breakers it would be likely that the Bab's son would 
have become a covenant-breaker had he lived.  If luck is a factor in 
salvation then one's salvation at the time of death would not have the 
importance it has in the Writings.  Obviously predestination comes into this 


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Re: Luck and salvation

2007-01-24 Thread smaneck
Dear David, 

Your question reminds me of the old Mutazalite/Asharite [Free will vs. 
Predestination] debate. There is a story associated with al-Asharite's 
breaking away from his Mutazalite teacher. You can read it hear: 

 al-Ashari posed to his teacher the cases of three brothers whose 
fates or final destinations were totally different. The first brother 
lived and died as a believer. The second brother lived and died as a 
non-believer or an infidel. The third brother died when he was still 
small or minor.

The first brother was going to the Paradise because he chose to become 
the faithful or the believer and he did the good deeds. So the case of 
first brother was in line with the Mutazilite concept of free will and 
the Mutazilite concept of God's doing the better and the best things 
for human beings. God surely rewards the believer with the good and 
better life in the Paradise. In this case, the first brother is in the 
Paradise because of his good faith and good deeds.

The second brother is going to be in the Hell because he chose to 
disbelieve and did the evil deeds. He is in Hell because of his choice 
and free will. He chose and did the evil faith and deeds and the 
unavoidable consequence of his choice is the Hell in the hereafter. 
For the second brother, al-Asharite asked his teacher, what was the 
better or best thing that God did to him? God permitted the second 
brother to live and die as an infidel and then to be in the Hell. His 
teacher replied that God punishes the second brother because he 
chooses the evil faith and deeds in his life in this world. God is 
just and His justice makes Him punish the wrong doer and reward the 
good doer.

The third brother is neither in the Paradise nor in the Hell because 
he did not have enough time to become a believer like his first 
brother or to become an infidel like his second brother. Again, al-
Ashari asked his teacher, what was the better and best thing that God 
did to the third brother? His teacher replied that God knows the best 
for him to die when he was still small or minor because if the third 
brother were to grow up, he would become an infidel or a non-believer 
like his second brother. Hence, it is better for the third brother to 
die when he was still small or minor.

Al-Ashari said that why did God prolong the life of the second brother 
even though God knows that he grew up and old and died as an infidel? 
Being an infidel is not good for the second brother. If the Mutazilite 
concept of God's doing the better and the best things for human beings 
was true, as the Mutaziltes claimed, there would be no single infidel 
living in this world since an infidel is not good to live in this 
world. In the hereafter, an infidel is going to be in the Hell. God 
must make all human beings believers because the final rewards for the 
believers are surely the Paradise in the hereafter, if the Mutazilite 
concept of God's doing the better and the best things for human beings 
is an acceptable and reliable concept. In reality, infidels or non-
believers are more than believers living in this world. Hence, the 
Mutazilite concept of God's doing the better and the best things for 
human beings does not agree with human history in this world.

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Ultimately these are imponderables, we cannot know the answers any 
more than we can understand God's unknowable essence. What we do know 
is His will for us as revealed through His Manifestations. And that is 
what we are responsible for. 

warmest, Susan 

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