RE: Munajat-i-Huriyyih

2007-07-19 Thread Khazeh
Dear Friends,

Does anyone know where the Prayer of the Maid of Heaven can be found in
English? There is a lot of information on the Maid of Heaven but I can't
seem to find the tablet, Munajat-i-Huriyyih, in English.

Ref: Nabil recalls that some of those writings were saved, because of the
pleading of Mirza Aqa Jan, and these included the Tablet of the
Munajat-i-Huriyyih (the Prayer of the Maid of Heaven).  168 
(H.M. Balyuzi, Baha'u'llah - The King of Glory, p. 167)

Thank you,

Dear Larry

There are many Tablets which, in a sense, are called or could be called the
Tablets of the Maiden.

1] One such is a Tablet in which His holiness Baha'u'llah sees a Maiden Who
asks Him "How long are Thou going to be amongst the people of 'Akka?" Seek
Thine other Realms" ilaa ma tarakta nafsaka bayn haa'ulaa...iqs.ud
mamaalikaka al-ukhraa

This was 19 years before His Ascension.

Its sacred and most moving text starts here:

this is the Tablet the Master refers to:

The world's great Light, once resplendent upon all mankind, hath set, to
shine everlastingly from the Abha Horizon, His Kingdom of fadeless glory,
shedding splendour upon His loved ones from on high and breathing into their
hearts and souls the breath of eternal life. 
 Ponder in your hearts that which He hath foretold in His Tablet of the
Divine Vision that hath been spread throughout the world.  Therein He saith:
`Thereupon she wailed and exclaimed:  "May the world and all that is therein
be a ransom for Thy woes.  O Sovereign of heaven and earth! Wherefore hast
Thou left Thyself in the hands of the dwellers of this prison-city of Akka?
Hasten Thou to other dominions, to Thy retreats above, whereon the eyes of
the people of names have never fallen."  We smiled and spake not.  Reflect
upon these most exalted words, and comprehend the purpose of this hidden and
sacred mystery.'
(`Abdu'l-Baha:  Selections ...  `Abdu'l-Baha, Page: 17)

2] the other Tablet wherein the Maiden speaks is the Tablet which mentions

  "We will now mention unto thee Trustworthiness and the station thereof in
the estimation of God, thy Lord, the Lord of the Mighty Throne.  One day of
days We repaired unto Our Green Island.  Upon Our arrival, We beheld its
streams flowing, and its trees luxuriant, and the sunlight playing in their
midst. Turning Our face to the right, We beheld what the pen is powerless to
describe; nor can it set forth that which the eye of the Lord of Mankind
witnessed in that most sanctified, that most sublime, that blest, and most
exalted Spot.  Turning, then, to the left We gazed on one of the Beauties of
the Most Sublime Paradise, standing on a pillar of light, and calling aloud
saying:  `O inmates of earth and heaven!  Behold ye My beauty, and My
radiance, and My revelation, and My effulgence.  By God, the True One! I am
Trustworthiness and the revelation thereof, and the beauty thereof.
(Baha'u'llah:  Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Page: 136)

3] Yet another mention of the Maiden is in the Tablet of Haykal

While engulfed in tribulations I heard a most wondrous, a most sweet voice,
calling above My head. Turning My face, I beheld a Maiden -- the embodiment
of the remembrance of the name of My Lord -- suspended in the air before Me.
So rejoiced was she in her very soul that her countenance shone with the
ornament of the good pleasure of God, and her cheeks glowed with the
brightness of the All-Merciful. Betwixt earth and heaven she was raising a
call which captivated the hearts and minds of men. She was imparting to both
My inward and outer being tidings which rejoiced My soul, and the souls of
God's honoured servants.  6 

Pointing with her finger unto My head, she addressed all who are in heaven
and all who are on earth, saying: By God! This is the Best-Beloved of the
worlds, and yet ye comprehend not. This is the Beauty of God amongst you,
and the power of His sovereignty within you, could ye but understand. This
is the Mystery of God and His Treasure, the Cause of God and His glory unto
all who are in the kingdoms of Revelation and of creation, if ye be of them
that perceive. This is He Whose Presence is the ardent desire of the
denizens of the Realm of eternity, and of them that dwell within the
Tabernacle of glory, and yet from His Beauty do ye turn aside.

(Baha'u'llah, The Summons of the Lord of Hosts)

4] Then there is the Maiden in the Poem of the Dove...

Enjoy and immerse thyself O Larry

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2007-07-19 Thread Larry Marquardt
Dear Friends,

Does anyone know where the Prayer of the Maid of Heaven can be found in 
English? There is a lot of information on the Maid of Heaven but I can't seem 
to find the tablet, Munajat-i-Huriyyih, in English.

Ref: Nabil recalls that some of those writings were saved, because of the 
pleading of Mirza Aqa Jan, and these included the Tablet of the 
Munajat-i-Huriyyih (the Prayer of the Maid of Heaven).  168 
(H.M. Balyuzi, Baha'u'llah - The King of Glory, p. 167)

Thank you,

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