[balita-anda] Health Tips : Beat the bugs with DEET

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik Kristi, Mei
Has your child ever scratched him- or herself raw because of an itchy bug bite? 
Mosquitoes and other biting insects are a menace to children and adults alike, 
especially during the summertime. Learn how to protect your family from getting 
those seasonal bug bites.
Insect repellents: Worth the risk? 
You may worry about exposing your child to any potential toxin unless it's 
absolutely necessary. Insect repellents, however, have been around for decades 
and accumulated an excellent safety record. If used properly, their benefits - 
preventing mosquito- or tick-borne illnesses - outweigh the very small risk 
that they'll harm your child.
Bug repellents come in many forms - liquid, lotion, stick, bath oil, gel, 
aerosol spray, and even wristband. The most effective bug repellents, however, 
are those that contain some concentration of the chemical 
N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide, commonly known as DEET. DEET offers protection 
against bugs and ticks that transmit diseases such as:
*   Lyme disease 
*   Rocky Mountain spotted fever 
*   West Nile virus 
*   Malaria 
*   Dengue fever 
*   Equine encephalitis 
The government developed this repellent more than 50 years ago, and people have 
used it without demonstrable harm for nearly that long. In rare instances, DEET 
has been responsible for skin irritation or inflammation when it was misused.
If you don't want to use a product that contains DEET, or if your doctor 
advises you to avoid DEET because of a skin irritation or wound, other products 
offer limited protection. These repellents generally use plant-based oils such 
as oil of geranium, cedar, lemon grass, soy or citronella to repel insects. 
However, plant-based repellents generally work for a shorter period of time 
than do DEET-based repellents.
Mode of action 
Mosquitoes are attracted to humans by the body's moisture, warmth, odor and 
continuous release of carbon dioxide. Repellents work by blocking receptors on 
mosquito antennae that sense these attractants. To be effective, repellent has 
to be applied to all exposed skin. Mosquitoes can readily find and bite 
untreated areas.
Safe use 
To protect your child from possible risk posed by DEET exposure, stick to these 
*   Always follow directions. Before applying DEET to your child's skin, 
make sure that you've closely read the safety instructions in the package or on 
the container. 
*   Choose a product with the right amount of DEET. The higher the DEET 
concentration, the longer it lasts. Although highly concentrated DEET 
preparations are available, products containing 30 percent or more DEET are not 
recommended for children. 
Here's the breakdown of DEET concentrations and how long they protect:
Concentration neededHours of protection 
23.8 percent5 hours 
20 percent  4 hours 
6.65 percent2 hours 
4.75 percent1.5 hours   
Besides considering how long you'll need protection, think about other factors 
that call for a weaker or stronger DEET concentration:
*   Where is your child going? A lighter repellent may be fine for the 
playground, but use a stronger repellent if your child plans to trek through 
the woods or be near a swamp. 
*   What types of biting insects are found in that area? 
*   How likely are those insects to carry disease? 
*   How susceptible is your child to getting bitten? 
In general, use the lowest effective concentration of insect repellent to 
minimize the risk of side effects.
*   Apply in moderation. While it's important to thoroughly cover all 
exposed skin, you don't want to overdo it. Children under age 2 should have no 
more than one application of repellent a day. Never put insect repellent on 
cut, scraped or sunburned skin. 
*   Don't use on infants less than 2 months of age. Instead, cover your 
infant's stroller or playpen with mosquito netting when outside. 
*   Avoid contact with the face and hands. Insect repellent can easily get 
into the eyes from the hands and face, causing severe discomfort and possible 
*   Don't spray in a closed room. Apply insect repellent outdoors or in a 
well-ventilated room. 
*   Don't let your child apply his or her own insect repellent. Children 
are likely to go overboard, using far more than necessary and increasing the 
risk that they'll get repellent in their eyes or mouths. 
*   Avoid combination sunscreen-insect repellent products. Sunscreen should 
be applied generously and repeatedly, while insect repellent should be applied 
sparingly. You need one product to stop bug bites and another to prevent 
*   Wash repellent off when you're safely away from the bugs. Once your 
child no longer needs DEET protection, a shower or bath is in order. 
DEET can damage plastics, synthetic fabrics, leather, and painted or varnished 
materials, so keep it away from eyeglasses, watch crystals, walls and 
furniture. DEET doesn't harm nylon or 

[balita-anda] out of topic(oot) titip rumah saya , siapa tahu berminat

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik sarjana_muhammad

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RE: [balita-anda] OOT : List b'day kids.....

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik sarjana_muhammad

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RE: [balita-anda] B'day anggota milis n anak masing2 (was: happy b'day Calia-nya Rike)

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik sarjana_muhammad

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[balita-anda] kenal

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik evi susanti
Perkenalkan, Saya anggota baru disini
Evi Susanti
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[balita-anda] Liburan Sudah Usai

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Musim duingin libur panjang lagi.
Satu hari dalam liburan ada hujan dueras yang 
jarang terjadi di Saudi Arabia.
Ternyata hujan itu cukup merata, termasuk di 
Makah. Tentu saja Mina juga di guyur hujan.
Sempat terjadi kepanikan para jamaah haji, 
mengingat tenda2 jamaan meski fire proof, tapi kalau tanahnya becek
khan repot juga, belum kondisi geografis Mina yang 
berbukit2, dimana pasti ada tempat rendah yang 
menjadi sasaran perjalanan air. Alhasil, jalan 
raya teredam air, jadi mirip2 sama Jakarta.
Bedanya, tidak sampai ada pengungsi, dan air 
menghilang dalam waktu 1 hari.

Ngapain aja liburan? Momong Nicko. 
Setiap hari pasti keluar, kemana saja.Nicko sudah 
cukup puas saat di lepas di 'Kid's Station' meski dia belum
bisa menikmati fasilitas yang ada, dia senang 
Mungkin dia pikir, sekarang buapaknya ada di rumah 
terus dan siap nemenin main kapan saja.
Terbukti hari pertama masuk kerja, karena dia 
bangun siang, langsung cari buapaknya mau di ajak main.
Walah, time is over. Back to weekdays.

Apa kabar warga BA. Seminggu lebih gak di tengok, 
mailbox penuh ama BA. Untung bukan gmail apalagi yahoo.
Gak sempet akses email dari rumah, tapi sempet 
update webnya Nicko.

Have a look his new action : www.geocities.com/nickoandren/album2.html 

Sudah 20 bulan dia. Buandelnya minta 
ampun.Polahnya gak karu2an.
Doyan makan, minum susu segentong. Progress 900gr, 
cukup buat 3-4 hari.
Badannya keras, kalau nendang mamanya, 
Kalau ngamuk persis siapa ya...??? Lupa.
Mungkin memang begitu kali ya anak seumuran 
So, we have no worry, keep calm and be nice, 

Oh ya, musim hajian, artinya juga musim bertemu 
dengan sodara, teman dan relasi.
Ada saja family dan teman yang sedang menunaikan 
ibadah haji.
Dan mereka pasti ingin tahu lebih banyak 'ada apa' 
seputar Jeddah-Makah-Madinah even other city.
So, bagi mom and dads, yang tahun depan akan 
menunaikan ibadah haji,
jangan sungkan2 untuk hubungi kami, barangkali ada 
yang bisa di bantu,
atau sekedar untuk ketemu.

Well, let's back to our balita.

Papanya Nicko, Jeddah - KSA

[balita-anda] OOT:Special Offer Febr Toys Perlengkapan bayi import

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik Ratna Wulan Sari

Dear rekans,

Saya mau menawarkan special offer toys  perlengkapan baby import  bulan 
February 2005. New products antara lain original spongebob doll from 
nickelodeon/viacom inc, mainan baby playskool, mainan baby dari taf toys dan 
car seater 5 point safety.

Bagi yang berminat bisa request price list dan gambarnya japri.

Thanks mod.



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[balita-anda] DSOG Winahyo H., Nugroho K, Hasnah Siregar

2005-01-29 Terurut Topik Rivina Farouk Mahri
Dear moms,

 Ada yg mengetahui dsog winahyo (director rs puri cinere) ??
 bagaimana kalo dsog hasnah siregar dan dsog nugroho kumpono.
 Saya berniat mau memakai 3 dokter ini pada saat saya program hamil yg
 kedua nantinya karena saya mempunyai cases pre eclampsia. Dan saat ini
 saya sudah menemui dsog winahyo tp mungkin moms mempunyai info lain
 mengenai dsog ini.

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