Re: [balita-anda] Pup bayi berwarna ijo?

2006-09-12 Terurut Topik Luluk Lely Soraya I

Dear Mbak Rani,

Saya setuju sekali dg mbak uci (mama kavin).
Tinja berwarna hijau bisa jadi normal, terutama jika anak masih
ASI eksklusif. Bisa jadi saat ini anak lebih byk mengkonsumsi foremilk
daripada hindmilk. Bukan krn ASI mbak gak bagus dsbnay loh ya. Tapi krn
memang anak sedang butuh lebih banyak kandunfan dari foremilk ini.
Bisa jadi juga dipengaruhi oleh makanan tertentu yg dimakan ibu dalam bbrp
hari. Dan betul sekali, dah 6 bl pasti dah mulai MPASI jadi ada faktor 
makanan yg mempengaruhi fesen anak.

Ok saya repost artikel ttg hal ini ya.
Maaf belum sempat translate.



The occasional green stool is not unusual in the breastfed baby.
Consistently green stools, however, are not normal for the breastfed baby.
Most doctors don't seem to recognize this as a potential problem because
they often define "normal stool" as that of the formula-fed infant. Baby's
stool can be a wide variety of colors and textures , and not all of these
are cause for concern. It is helpful to know what is normal for the bf baby
as well.

Consistently green stools in the breastfed baby can indicate:

an imbalance of foremilk/hindmilk, often resulting in frothy green stools.
a sensitivity to something in the mother's diet, such as cow's milk
a sign that baby has an illness. Babies with an intestinal virus or even a
simple cold will sometimes have green, mucusy stools. Teething can also
bring about green stools due to increased saliva (can also cause tummy
a lot of green vegetables or something with green food coloring in mom's
If baby has started solids, that could also account for the change in color
(this is normal with the change in diet).

The Color of the Day:
Solving Bowel Movement Mysteries
by Dr. Jay Gordon and Cheryl Taylor White, CBE

I have often asked parents not to bring poop samples into my office.  While
there is a lot of information to be gleaned from studying full diapers, I
think I can do most stool analysis on the phone or online unless an
emergency situation occurs.
There is a wide variety of color and consistency of bowel movements.  In my
glamorous job as a pediatrician, I discuss this hot topic every day.

A change of pattern can throw the most confident mom for a loop and can even
confuse an experienced pediatrician.  Babies have blood in their stool
fairly often and it virtually never is the sign of serious illness, but I
pay a lot of attention to this because it alarms parents and requires that a
reason be found.

We shouldn't be any more surprised to see a variety of bowel movements in
our babies than we would in anyone of any other age.  In breastfed babies,
the mom's diet can affect the color or consistency of a baby's stools,
particularly if the baby is showing an allergic reaction to a certain food
or food group.

Sticky, tar-like and green or black
This is meconium. The first stools of a newborn will be this consistency and
color. It is what is present inside the bowels of a newborn upon birth and
will clear itself out within the first couple of days and represents the
"byproducts" of building an entire human being for nine months.

Greenish or Yellow/Brown, grainy or seedy
This is the transition between meconium and a regular breastfed stool and
begins as mom's milk is coming in on the second, third or fourth day of
life.  There may be three stools each day, ten, or even twenty.
Occasionally, even a baby in the first week of life will skip a day and have
no bowel movements at all.  Call your doctor to discuss this even though it
is normal.  This does not require a dietary change or supplementation of a
breastfed baby.

Light yellow to bright green, loose/runny, curdy, lumpy, seedy, creamy,
These are normal breastfed stools.  The consistency, frequency and color
vary from day to day.  My wife described the smell as "curried yogurt".
Opinions on this odor description differ widely.

Frequent Watery Stool often "Greener" than usual
How can you spot diarrhea in a baby who has loose frequent stools every day?
This type of poop is "diarrhea" in a breastfed baby.  It can be due to a
virus, a bowel infection, stress, anxiety or a food intolerance.

Hard, pellet - like, presence of blood or mucous
This is constipation in a breastfed baby and is so very rare that I cannot
recall ever seeing it in a baby who is receiving breastmilk as a sole source
of nutrition, as are most babies in the first six months.  It could be
related to a food allergy.  Formula fed babies get constipated much more
often and may even have harder bigger stools like older kids and adults.
Getting these stools softer is a balancing act of great proportions.

Black stools often accompanied by constipation
This is the result of iron supplementation. Iron fortified infant foods and
infant vitamins can cause constipation. A healt

Re: [balita-anda] Pup bayi berwarna ijo?

2006-09-11 Terurut Topik Mama Kavindra
Mbak Rani,
Pup hijau masih normal kok 
babynya masih ASI or dah susu formula?

Klo masih ASi nihhh  berarti cara ibu memberikan
ASI-nya belum benar yg terisap oleh bayi hanya
foremilk  (ASI depan yg mengandung lebih banyak
kandungan gula dan laktosa tapirendah lemak) saja,
sedangkan hindmilk-nya (ASI belakang yg mengandung
banyak lemak) tidak.. lemak ini  membuat faeses mjd

Klo nggak nihhh babynya udah ngenal susu formula so
warna faesenya jd hijau gitu... krn Sebelum proses
menyusunya mencapai hindmilk, anak sudah telanjur
diberi susu formula hingga kenyang. Akibatnya, ia
hanya mendapat ASI foremilk saja.

Mestinya yang bagus itu tidak hijau terus, tapi hijau
kuning, hijau dan kuning, bergantian so sebaiknya
susui bayi dengan salah satu payudara sampai ASI di
situ habis, baru 
pindah ke payudara berikutnya.

Penyebab lain nihhh anak udah mulai makan MPASI
(makanan pendamping) misalnya sayuran hijau so krn
masih dlm taraf adaptasi pencernaanny blum begitu ok
nrima..keluarnya asli makanannya dehh..

Smoga  bs dikit bantu yahh

Uci mamaKavin+

--- rani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Parents,
> Pup anakku(maaf), 6 bulan akhir2 ini warnanya ijo,
> itu gpp ga ya Moms? tapi ga cair air aja, ada
> ampasnya..mohon sharingnya yaa...trima kasiy...
> cheers
> -rani-

Uci mamaKavin

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[balita-anda] Pup bayi berwarna ijo?

2006-09-11 Terurut Topik rani
Dear Parents,

Pup anakku(maaf), 6 bulan akhir2 ini warnanya ijo, itu gpp ga ya Moms? tapi ga 
cair air aja, ada ampasnya..mohon sharingnya yaa...trima kasiy...
