[balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Catur Sri Wulandari
Mohon doa'nya..

Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 4...smg 
semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

Thx yaaa

Salam Sehat,

Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

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Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik enni purwanty
Wahh kok ky kenalan sy yg jg lair kembar 4 di hermina bekasi senin malam jg..
Nmnya ajeng bukan y??
Smg baby2nya cpt sehat,tumbuh smpurna  lekas kumpul dg ortunya
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:03:18 
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Mohon doa'nya..

Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 4...smg 
semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

Thx yaaa

Salam Sehat,

Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

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caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik SUSANNA OKTAVIA RFP™
Wah... Selamat ya. Asyik bayinya 4. Semoga semuanya sehat2 ya

beda Prudential dengan Asuransi Lain? PRUDENTIAL Punya seorang agent yg namanya 

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:03:18 
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
Mohon doa'nya..

Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 4...smg 
semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

Thx yaaa

Salam Sehat,

Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the 
individual or entity addressed above and may contain confidential and/or 
privileged material.
Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you receive 
this email in error, please contact us, then delete the email.
Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those 
of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company and should 
not be seen as forming a legally binding contract without express written 
Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the 
presence of viruses. PT Astra Honda Motor accepts no liability for any damage 
caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Catur Sri Wulandari
Tepaa sekalii...
Itu istrinya tmn seruanganku itu:)

-Original Message-
From: enni purwanty [mailto:momninodarr...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:22 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Wahh kok ky kenalan sy yg jg lair kembar 4 di hermina bekasi senin malam jg..
Nmnya ajeng bukan y??
Smg baby2nya cpt sehat,tumbuh smpurna  lekas kumpul dg ortunya
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(r)

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:03:18
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Mohon doa'nya..

Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 4...smg 
semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

Thx yaaa

Salam Sehat,

Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

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Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the 
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Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik enni purwanty
Oww..watta small world :D
Slm bwt pak siswoyo y,istrinya  ak smpat skamar kr sy g plg2 hbs lairan nunggu 
bayi sy yg di nicu.
Lucu kl pas dpriksa detak jantung by,rame bgt,smp ad yg nendang ^^ 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:28:03 
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Tepaa sekalii...
Itu istrinya tmn seruanganku itu:)

-Original Message-
From: enni purwanty [mailto:momninodarr...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:22 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Wahh kok ky kenalan sy yg jg lair kembar 4 di hermina bekasi senin malam jg..
Nmnya ajeng bukan y??
Smg baby2nya cpt sehat,tumbuh smpurna  lekas kumpul dg ortunya
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(r)

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:03:18
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Mohon doa'nya..

Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 4...smg 
semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

Thx yaaa

Salam Sehat,

Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

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caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Lif Rahayu
Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Mohon doa'nya..
 Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 
 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...
 Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
 lagi meres2
 Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).
 Thx yaaa
 Salam Sehat,
 Catur Sri Wulandari
 Industrial Health Care P2
 EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
 PT Astra Honda Motor
 021-6518080 ext. 54789
 The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the 
 individual or entity addressed above and may contain confidential and/or 
 privileged material.
 Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you receive 
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 should not be seen as forming a legally binding contract without express 
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 Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the 
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 caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Catur Sri Wulandari
Heheheee...iyaaa, emaknya bedrest di rs dr hamil 5bln kmrn ampe 7bln lahiran 
ampe gonta ganti temen kamar...dia cerita jg banyak yg gag percaya klo lagi 
hamil kembar 4...:)

Aku salamin nanti mba pas drop botol asip lagi besok..:)

-Original Message-
From: enni purwanty [mailto:momninodarr...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:44 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Oww..watta small world :D
Slm bwt pak siswoyo y,istrinya  ak smpat skamar kr sy g plg2 hbs lairan nunggu 
bayi sy yg di nicu.
Lucu kl pas dpriksa detak jantung by,rame bgt,smp ad yg nendang ^^

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(r)

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:28:03
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Tepaa sekalii...
Itu istrinya tmn seruanganku itu:)

-Original Message-
From: enni purwanty [mailto:momninodarr...@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:22 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Wahh kok ky kenalan sy yg jg lair kembar 4 di hermina bekasi senin malam jg..
Nmnya ajeng bukan y??
Smg baby2nya cpt sehat,tumbuh smpurna  lekas kumpul dg ortunya
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry(r)

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:03:18
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Mohon doa'nya..

Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 4...smg 
semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

Thx yaaa

Salam Sehat,

Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

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Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the 
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caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

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Finally, the recipient should check this email

RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Catur Sri Wulandari
Amiinnn mba'...
Cewek : 1.3kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias nangisnya gag 
sekejer kakak2nya)

-Original Message-
From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Mohon doa'nya..

 Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 
 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

 Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
 lagi meres2
 Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

 Thx yaaa

 Salam Sehat,

 Catur Sri Wulandari
 Industrial Health Care P2
 EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
 PT Astra Honda Motor
 021-6518080 ext. 54789

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 caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

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Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the 
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caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Endang Krisnawaty
Sekalian siapa tau ada info bapak2 n ibu2 yang punya kenalan bisa kasih 
souvenir perlengkapan bayi atau pampers, dll boleh diinfokan ke saya ato mba 
catur japri yaa
Buat dikadoin ke 4 orang baby kembar tersebut...
Soale lumayan sekali keluar 4 orang.


-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari [mailto:catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:43 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Amiinnn mba'...
Cewek : 1.3kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias nangisnya gag 
sekejer kakak2nya)

-Original Message-
From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Mohon doa'nya..

 Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 
 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

 Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
 lagi meres2
 Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

 Thx yaaa

 Salam Sehat,

 Catur Sri Wulandari
 Industrial Health Care P2
 EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
 PT Astra Honda Motor
 021-6518080 ext. 54789

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 Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you receive 
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Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik melisa oktavia
Waaah,...selamat ya mba,...
Semoga the babies dan mommy nya sehat semua,...semoga ASI full

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:42 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Amiinnn mba'...
 Cewek : 1.3kg
 Cowok : 1.5kg
 Cowok : 1.5kg
 Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias nangisnya
 gag sekejer kakak2nya)

 -Original Message-
 From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
 To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
 Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

 Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
 Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
 catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

  Mohon doa'nya..
  Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar
 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...
  Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip
 emaknya lagi meres2
  Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya
  Thx yaaa
  Salam Sehat,
  Catur Sri Wulandari
  Industrial Health Care P2
  EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
  PT Astra Honda Motor
  021-6518080 ext. 54789
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 Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
 Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
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 Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
 Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
 Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
 Merawat dan Mendidik Balita

In 20 years, you will be more disappointed by what you didn't do, than by
what you did - Mark Twain

RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik ROSMAWATY, Fitri
Iiihhh gemesiiinnn, just wondering, kalo nanti nangisnya bareng, yang
mana yg digendong duluan yaaa???


Punya Dua Kantor dengan Dua Gaji tentunyaaa ^-^

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari [mailto:catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:43 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Amiinnn mba'...
Cewek : 1.3kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias
nangisnya gag sekejer kakak2nya)

-Original Message-
From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari
catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Mohon doa'nya..

 Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi
kembar 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU

 Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip
emaknya lagi meres2
 Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya

 Thx yaaa

 Salam Sehat,

 Catur Sri Wulandari
 Industrial Health Care P2
 EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
 PT Astra Honda Motor
 021-6518080 ext. 54789

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Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
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Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
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Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
Merawat dan Mendidik Balita 

Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
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Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
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Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik Devi Sindu
Takjub banget deh bisa ngelahirkan kembar 4. 
Selamat buat temannya ya mbak, smoga ibu cepat pulih dan baby cepet besar. 
Asi nya juga bisa bancar spy bisa menuhin kebutuhan 4 bayi.

Powered by ChristopherwhiteBerry®

-Original Message-
From: Catur Sri Wulandari catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:42:44 
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.combalita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
Amiinnn mba'...
Cewek : 1.3kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cowok : 1.5kg
Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias nangisnya gag 
sekejer kakak2nya)

-Original Message-
From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Mohon doa'nya..

 Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar 
 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...

 Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip emaknya 
 lagi meres2
 Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya sedikit2).

 Thx yaaa

 Salam Sehat,

 Catur Sri Wulandari
 Industrial Health Care P2
 EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
 PT Astra Honda Motor
 021-6518080 ext. 54789

 The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the 
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 Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the 
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 caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

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Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
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Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
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Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
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Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam Merawat 
dan Mendidik Balita

Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik bunda khadijah
Apa mungkin BA mau patungan kasi kado? :-)
Just a thought :-D


On 13 October 2011 13:54, Endang Krisnawaty 
endang.krisnaw...@astra-honda.com wrote:

 Sekalian siapa tau ada info bapak2 n ibu2 yang punya kenalan bisa kasih
 souvenir perlengkapan bayi atau pampers, dll boleh diinfokan ke saya ato mba
 catur japri yaa
 Buat dikadoin ke 4 orang baby kembar tersebut...
 Soale lumayan sekali keluar 4 orang.


 -Original Message-
 From: Catur Sri Wulandari [mailto:catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com]
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:43 PM
 To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
 Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

 Amiinnn mba'...
 Cewek : 1.3kg
 Cowok : 1.5kg
 Cowok : 1.5kg
 Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias nangisnya
 gag sekejer kakak2nya)

 -Original Message-
 From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
 To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
 Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

 Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
 Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
 catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:

  Mohon doa'nya..
  Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar
 4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...
  Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip
 emaknya lagi meres2
  Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya
  Thx yaaa
  Salam Sehat,
  Catur Sri Wulandari
  Industrial Health Care P2
  EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
  PT Astra Honda Motor
  021-6518080 ext. 54789
  The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the
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 damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

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 Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
 Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
 Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
 Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
 Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
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 Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
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 Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
 Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
 Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
 Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
 Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
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Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik melisa oktavia
Duh,..gak kenal mba Meu huehehhe,...
Kadoin doa aja ya :p

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:34 PM, bunda khadijah bunda.khadi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Apa mungkin BA mau patungan kasi kado? :-)
 Just a thought :-D


 On 13 October 2011 13:54, Endang Krisnawaty 
 endang.krisnaw...@astra-honda.com wrote:

  Sekalian siapa tau ada info bapak2 n ibu2 yang punya kenalan bisa kasih
  souvenir perlengkapan bayi atau pampers, dll boleh diinfokan ke saya ato
  catur japri yaa
  Buat dikadoin ke 4 orang baby kembar tersebut...
  Soale lumayan sekali keluar 4 orang.
  -Original Message-
  From: Catur Sri Wulandari [mailto:catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com]
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:43 PM
  To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
  Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
  Amiinnn mba'...
  Cewek : 1.3kg
  Cowok : 1.5kg
  Cowok : 1.5kg
  Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias
  gag sekejer kakak2nya)
  -Original Message-
  From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
  To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
  Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
  Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
  Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.
  Sent from my iPhone
  On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
  catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:
   Mohon doa'nya..
   Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar
  4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...
   Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip
  emaknya lagi meres2
   Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya
   Thx yaaa
   Salam Sehat,
   Catur Sri Wulandari
   Industrial Health Care P2
   EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
   PT Astra Honda Motor
   021-6518080 ext. 54789
   The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for
  individual or entity addressed above and may contain confidential and/or
  privileged material.
   Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you
  receive this email in error, please contact us, then delete the email.
   Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are
  those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company
  and should not be seen as forming a legally binding contract without
  written confirmation.
   Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
  the presence of viruses. PT Astra Honda Motor accepts no liability for
  damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
  Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
  lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
  Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
  Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
  Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
  Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
  Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
  Merawat dan Mendidik Balita
  The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the
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  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
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  damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
  Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
  lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
  Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
  Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
  Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
  Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
  Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
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  The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the
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Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik bunda khadijah
Hehehe iya sih, aku juga ga kenal.. yaa.. dalam rangka solidaritas sesama
ibu2 aja..
Punya 1 bayi baru aja rasanya udah repot banget, ga kebayang kalo punya 4
bayi sekaligus :-)
Doa juga insya Allah bermanfaat banget, karena apa pun akan mudah kalau
Allah yang mudahkan.. Semakin banyak yang mendoakan, mudah2an semakin mudah
untuk dikabulkan :-)

Sippp y.. :-)


On 13 October 2011 16:14, melisa oktavia melisaokta...@gmail.com wrote:

 Duh,..gak kenal mba Meu huehehhe,...
 Kadoin doa aja ya :p

 On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:34 PM, bunda khadijah bunda.khadi...@gmail.com

  Apa mungkin BA mau patungan kasi kado? :-)
  Just a thought :-D
  On 13 October 2011 13:54, Endang Krisnawaty 
  endang.krisnaw...@astra-honda.com wrote:
   Sekalian siapa tau ada info bapak2 n ibu2 yang punya kenalan bisa kasih
   souvenir perlengkapan bayi atau pampers, dll boleh diinfokan ke saya
   catur japri yaa
   Buat dikadoin ke 4 orang baby kembar tersebut...
   Soale lumayan sekali keluar 4 orang.
   -Original Message-
   From: Catur Sri Wulandari [mailto:catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com]
   Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:43 PM
   To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
   Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
   Amiinnn mba'...
   Cewek : 1.3kg
   Cowok : 1.5kg
   Cowok : 1.5kg
   Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias
   gag sekejer kakak2nya)
   -Original Message-
   From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
   Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
   To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
   Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
   Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
   Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.
   Sent from my iPhone
   On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
   catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:
Mohon doa'nya..
Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi
   4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU
Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip
   emaknya lagi meres2
Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya
Thx yaaa
Salam Sehat,
Catur Sri Wulandari
Industrial Health Care P2
EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
PT Astra Honda Motor
021-6518080 ext. 54789

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   damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
   Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
   lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
   Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
   Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
   Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
   Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
   Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
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   Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
   lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih

Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4

2011-10-13 Terurut Topik SUSANNA OKTAVIA RFP™
Kalo aku yg beranak? Kado nya yg gede ya Mel

*kamu cantik deh

beda Prudential dengan Asuransi Lain? PRUDENTIAL Punya seorang agent yg namanya 

-Original Message-
From: melisa oktavia melisaokta...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:14:15 
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Reply-To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
Duh,..gak kenal mba Meu huehehhe,...
Kadoin doa aja ya :p

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:34 PM, bunda khadijah bunda.khadi...@gmail.comwrote:

 Apa mungkin BA mau patungan kasi kado? :-)
 Just a thought :-D


 On 13 October 2011 13:54, Endang Krisnawaty 
 endang.krisnaw...@astra-honda.com wrote:

  Sekalian siapa tau ada info bapak2 n ibu2 yang punya kenalan bisa kasih
  souvenir perlengkapan bayi atau pampers, dll boleh diinfokan ke saya ato
  catur japri yaa
  Buat dikadoin ke 4 orang baby kembar tersebut...
  Soale lumayan sekali keluar 4 orang.
  -Original Message-
  From: Catur Sri Wulandari [mailto:catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com]
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:43 PM
  To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
  Subject: RE: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
  Amiinnn mba'...
  Cewek : 1.3kg
  Cowok : 1.5kg
  Cowok : 1.5kg
  Cewek : 1.2kg (yg bontot ini suaranya paling pelaaa alias
  gag sekejer kakak2nya)
  -Original Message-
  From: Lif Rahayu [mailto:lifrah...@gmail.com]
  Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 1:39 PM
  To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
  Subject: Re: [balita-anda] support ibu menyusui bayi kembar 4
  Semoga sehat-sehat terus bayi2 dan ibunya.
  Mantaaap, kembar 4. Cewek atau cowok? Atau cewek dan cowok komplit.
  Sent from my iPhone
  On Oct 13, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Catur Sri Wulandari 
  catur.s.wuland...@astra-honda.com wrote:
   Mohon doa'nya..
   Istrinya temen di  kantor abis lahiran senin malam kemarin, bayi kembar
  4...smg semua anak2nya diberikan kesehatan (skg msh di NICU bayi2nya)...
   Alhamdulillah emaknya udah sehat, td pas kesana utk drop botol asip
  emaknya lagi meres2
   Semua bayinya sedang di cicipi ASIP satu persatu (walaupun hanya
   Thx yaaa
   Salam Sehat,
   Catur Sri Wulandari
   Industrial Health Care P2
   EHS  GA Operational P2 Dept. (EO2 Dept.)
   PT Astra Honda Motor
   021-6518080 ext. 54789
   The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for
  individual or entity addressed above and may contain confidential and/or
  privileged material.
   Any unauthorized use of the contents is expressly prohibited. If you
  receive this email in error, please contact us, then delete the email.
   Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are
  those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company
  and should not be seen as forming a legally binding contract without
  written confirmation.
   Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
  the presence of viruses. PT Astra Honda Motor accepts no liability for
  damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
  Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
  lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
  Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
  Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
  Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com
  Unsubscribe dari Milis: balita-anda-unsubscr...@balita-anda.com
  Balita-Anda: Panduan Orangtua yang Cerdas, Kreatif dan Inovatif dalam
  Merawat dan Mendidik Balita
  The contents of this email and its attachments are intended only for the
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  Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for
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  damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.
  Yuk berkunjung ke Web Balita-Anda: bisa baca dongeng, download
  lagu, print buku mewarnai, origami dan masih banyak lagi...
  Balita-Anda Online: http://www.balita-anda.com
  Peraturan Milis: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
  Menghubungi Admin: balita-anda