Re: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-04-11 Terurut Topik joZgandoZ
Sekedar sharring,
kalo batuknya uadah parah ya musti dibawa kedokter bu, biasanya dikasi obat 
batuk hitam yang racikan apotik, tapi harus dengan resep dokter kayaknya 
bagus, dan sebelum tidur didadanya saya olesin balsem telon trunojoyo ( 
please cmiiw), yang warnanya kuning itu lho, kalo gak salah saudaranya 
minyak telon, baunya enak dan gak panas banget.

papa ia
semoga membantu
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:37 AM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya

aduh..kayanya bagus banget artikelnya tapi sayang saya kurang ngerti 
inggris...ada terjemahannya gak ya mbak???

mama's twins

"Rina Sofiany" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/08/2005 05:46:08 PM
Please respond to
Subject:RE: [balita-anda] Need HelpBatuk Kungkung...apa 

Mbak aku punya artikel ttg berbagai macam jenis batuk dan kemungkinan
penyebabnya. Semoga bermanfaat.
Rina rinso
Your Child's Cough
Your daughter seems to be coming down with the "bug" that is going
around, so you put her to bed half an hour early. After some grumbling,
she finally falls asleep, and you tackle the dishes, catch up on a
little reading, then head off to bed yourself. But at 3:30 AM, you wake
up to a burst of loud coughing. What should you do?
Coughs are one of the most frequent symptoms of childhood illness, and
although they can sound awful at times, they usually are not a symptom
of anything dangerous. Actually, coughing is a healthy reflex that helps
clear the airways in the throat and chest. Occasionally, though, coughs
can be cause for a visit to your child's doctor. If you learn to
recognize certain types of coughs, you will know how to handle them and
when you should seek medical help.
Types of Coughs and What They Mean
."Barking" Cough
These coughs are usually caused by croup, an inflammation of the larynx
(voice box) and trachea (windpipe) brought on by allergies, change in
temperature at night, or most commonly a viral upper respiratory
infection. When a young child's airway becomes inflamed, it may swell
around the vocal cords, making it harder to breathe. Children younger
than 3 years of age have croup most often because their windpipes are
narrow - some children have it practically every time they have a
respiratory illness.
Croup can occur suddenly in the middle of the night, which can be
frightening for both you and your child. Although most cases can be
managed at home, if you suspect your child has croup, call your child's
doctor to determine whether your child needs to visit him or her.
."Whooping" Cough
The "whooping" sound actually occurs after the cough, when the child
tries to take in a deep breath after a round of several coughs in a row.
If your child makes a "whooping" noise (which actually sounds like
"hoop") after severe bouts of rapid coughing, it is most likely a
symptom of pertussis (whooping cough) - particularly if your child has
not received her diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis (DTaP) vaccinations.
Infants with pertussis usually do not "whoop" after the prolonged
episodes of coughing, but they may not get enough oxygen or they may
even stop breathing with this disease.. In infants and very young
children, pertussis can be deadly, so call your child's doctor right
.Cough With Wheezing
When coughing is accompanied by a wheezing sound as your child exhales
(breathes out), it is a sign that something may be partially blocking
the lower airway. This might be caused by swelling from a respiratory
infection (such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia), asthma, or an object
stuck in her airway. Call your child's doctor unless your child has this
problem often and you have medicine, such as an inhaler or nebulizer,
with instructions on how to use the medicine for home treatment of your
child's asthma. If the cough and wheezing do not improve with
medication, call your child's doctor.
Although wheezing usually during exhalation, stridor (pronunced:
stry-door) is noisy, harsh breathing (some doctors describe it as a
coarse, musical sound) that's heard when a child inhales (breathes in).
Most often, it's caused by swelling of the upper airway, usually from
viral croup. However, it's sometimes caused by a more serious infection
called epiglottitis or a foreign object stuck in the child's airway. If
your child has stridor, call your child's doctor immediately.
.Sudden Cough
When a child suddenly starts coughing, it may mean she has swallowed
some food or liquid "the wrong way" (into the airway) or something (a
bit of food, vomit, or perhaps even a small toy or coin) is caught in
her throat or airway. Coughing helps clear the airway

RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-04-10 Terurut Topik Che-Hui_Wu

aduh..kayanya bagus banget artikelnya tapi sayang saya kurang ngerti bahasa
inggris...ada terjemahannya gak ya mbak???

mama's twins

"Rina Sofiany" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/08/2005 05:46:08 PM

Please respond to


Subject:    RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya

Mbak aku punya artikel ttg berbagai macam jenis batuk dan kemungkinan
penyebabnya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Rina rinso

Your Child's Cough

Your daughter seems to be coming down with the "bug" that is going
around, so you put her to bed half an hour early. After some grumbling,
she finally falls asleep, and you tackle the dishes, catch up on a
little reading, then head off to bed yourself. But at 3:30 AM, you wake
up to a burst of loud coughing. What should you do?

Coughs are one of the most frequent symptoms of childhood illness, and
although they can sound awful at times, they usually are not a symptom
of anything dangerous. Actually, coughing is a healthy reflex that helps
clear the airways in the throat and chest. Occasionally, though, coughs
can be cause for a visit to your child's doctor. If you learn to
recognize certain types of coughs, you will know how to handle them and
when you should seek medical help.

Types of Coughs and What They Mean

."Barking" Cough
These coughs are usually caused by croup, an inflammation of the larynx
(voice box) and trachea (windpipe) brought on by allergies, change in
temperature at night, or most commonly a viral upper respiratory
infection. When a young child's airway becomes inflamed, it may swell
around the vocal cords, making it harder to breathe. Children younger
than 3 years of age have croup most often because their windpipes are
narrow - some children have it practically every time they have a
respiratory illness.

Croup can occur suddenly in the middle of the night, which can be
frightening for both you and your child. Although most cases can be
managed at home, if you suspect your child has croup, call your child's
doctor to determine whether your child needs to visit him or her.

."Whooping" Cough
The "whooping" sound actually occurs after the cough, when the child
tries to take in a deep breath after a round of several coughs in a row.

If your child makes a "whooping" noise (which actually sounds like
"hoop") after severe bouts of rapid coughing, it is most likely a
symptom of pertussis (whooping cough) - particularly if your child has
not received her diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis (DTaP) vaccinations.

Infants with pertussis usually do not "whoop" after the prolonged
episodes of coughing, but they may not get enough oxygen or they may
even stop breathing with this disease.. In infants and very young
children, pertussis can be deadly, so call your child's doctor right

.Cough With Wheezing
When coughing is accompanied by a wheezing sound as your child exhales
(breathes out), it is a sign that something may be partially blocking
the lower airway. This might be caused by swelling from a respiratory
infection (such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia), asthma, or an object
stuck in her airway. Call your child's doctor unless your child has this
problem often and you have medicine, such as an inhaler or nebulizer,
with instructions on how to use the medicine for home treatment of your
child's asthma. If the cough and wheezing do not improve with
medication, call your child's doctor.

Although wheezing usually during exhalation, stridor (pronunced:
stry-door) is noisy, harsh breathing (some doctors describe it as a
coarse, musical sound) that's heard when a child inhales (breathes in).
Most often, it's caused by swelling of the upper airway, usually from
viral croup. However, it's sometimes caused by a more serious infection
called epiglottitis or a foreign object stuck in the child's airway. If
your child has stridor, call your child's doctor immediately.

.Sudden Cough
When a child suddenly starts coughing, it may mean she has swallowed
some food or liquid "the wrong way" (into the airway) or something (a
bit of food, vomit, or perhaps even a small toy or coin) is caught in
her throat or airway. Coughing helps clear the airway and may even
continue for a minute or so simply because the throat or airway is
irritated. But if the coughing does not seem to improve or your child
has trouble breathing, call your child's doctor. Do not try to clear the
throat with your finger because you might push the obstruction even
farther down the windpipe.

.Nighttime Cough
Lots of coughs get worse at night because the congestion in a child's
nose and sinuses drains down the throat and causes irritation while the
child lies in bed. This is only a problem if

RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-04-08 Terurut Topik Rina Sofiany
Mbak aku punya artikel ttg berbagai macam jenis batuk dan kemungkinan
penyebabnya. Semoga bermanfaat.

Rina rinso

Your Child's Cough

Your daughter seems to be coming down with the "bug" that is going
around, so you put her to bed half an hour early. After some grumbling,
she finally falls asleep, and you tackle the dishes, catch up on a
little reading, then head off to bed yourself. But at 3:30 AM, you wake
up to a burst of loud coughing. What should you do?

Coughs are one of the most frequent symptoms of childhood illness, and
although they can sound awful at times, they usually are not a symptom
of anything dangerous. Actually, coughing is a healthy reflex that helps
clear the airways in the throat and chest. Occasionally, though, coughs
can be cause for a visit to your child's doctor. If you learn to
recognize certain types of coughs, you will know how to handle them and
when you should seek medical help.

Types of Coughs and What They Mean

.   "Barking" Cough 
These coughs are usually caused by croup, an inflammation of the larynx
(voice box) and trachea (windpipe) brought on by allergies, change in
temperature at night, or most commonly a viral upper respiratory
infection. When a young child's airway becomes inflamed, it may swell
around the vocal cords, making it harder to breathe. Children younger
than 3 years of age have croup most often because their windpipes are
narrow - some children have it practically every time they have a
respiratory illness. 

Croup can occur suddenly in the middle of the night, which can be
frightening for both you and your child. Although most cases can be
managed at home, if you suspect your child has croup, call your child's
doctor to determine whether your child needs to visit him or her.

.   "Whooping" Cough 
The "whooping" sound actually occurs after the cough, when the child
tries to take in a deep breath after a round of several coughs in a row.

If your child makes a "whooping" noise (which actually sounds like
"hoop") after severe bouts of rapid coughing, it is most likely a
symptom of pertussis (whooping cough) - particularly if your child has
not received her diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis (DTaP) vaccinations. 

Infants with pertussis usually do not "whoop" after the prolonged
episodes of coughing, but they may not get enough oxygen or they may
even stop breathing with this disease.. In infants and very young
children, pertussis can be deadly, so call your child's doctor right

.   Cough With Wheezing 
When coughing is accompanied by a wheezing sound as your child exhales
(breathes out), it is a sign that something may be partially blocking
the lower airway. This might be caused by swelling from a respiratory
infection (such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia), asthma, or an object
stuck in her airway. Call your child's doctor unless your child has this
problem often and you have medicine, such as an inhaler or nebulizer,
with instructions on how to use the medicine for home treatment of your
child's asthma. If the cough and wheezing do not improve with
medication, call your child's doctor. 

.   Stridor 
Although wheezing usually during exhalation, stridor (pronunced:
stry-door) is noisy, harsh breathing (some doctors describe it as a
coarse, musical sound) that's heard when a child inhales (breathes in).
Most often, it's caused by swelling of the upper airway, usually from
viral croup. However, it's sometimes caused by a more serious infection
called epiglottitis or a foreign object stuck in the child's airway. If
your child has stridor, call your child's doctor immediately. 

.   Sudden Cough 
When a child suddenly starts coughing, it may mean she has swallowed
some food or liquid "the wrong way" (into the airway) or something (a
bit of food, vomit, or perhaps even a small toy or coin) is caught in
her throat or airway. Coughing helps clear the airway and may even
continue for a minute or so simply because the throat or airway is
irritated. But if the coughing does not seem to improve or your child
has trouble breathing, call your child's doctor. Do not try to clear the
throat with your finger because you might push the obstruction even
farther down the windpipe. 

.   Nighttime Cough 
Lots of coughs get worse at night because the congestion in a child's
nose and sinuses drains down the throat and causes irritation while the
child lies in bed. This is only a problem if your child is unable to
sleep. Asthma can also trigger nighttime coughs because the airways tend
to be more sensitive and become more irritable at night. 

.   Daytime Cough 
Allergies, asthma, colds, and other respiratory infections are the usual
culprits. Cold air or activity can make these coughs worse, and they
often subside at night or when the child is resting. You should make
sure that nothing in your house, like air freshener, pets, or smoke, is
making your child cough. 

.   Cough With a Cold 
Because most colds a

RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-03-31 Terurut Topik Susi Sugiarti
Alat pemanas badan..., gak ditempelin di badan..
Dari jarak 20 cm aja udah kerasa panasnya/hangat... Kalo anaknya gak mau 
tiduran atau telungkup, bisa sambil digendong
Setau saya, therapy ini pake sinar (sinar apa saya gak apal...)
Abis dipanasin gitu, punggungnya di tepuk2.. 
Kalo orang dewasa tiduran di tempat tidur khusus.

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 3:13 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Need HelpBatuk Kungkung...apa obatnya

alat ceram itu apa ya bu Susi ?
thanks b4



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RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-03-31 Terurut Topik oktiarti

alat ceram itu apa ya bu Susi ?
thanks b4



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RE: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-03-30 Terurut Topik Susi Sugiarti
Terakhir waktu Akbar (26 bln) batuk, sama dokternya dipanasin dada dan 
punggungnya pake alat CERAM gitu... 

Alhamdulillah batuknya gak lama sembuh, plus minum obat juga sih...

-Original Message-
From: Suyanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Need HelpBatuk Kungkung...apa obatnya


Kemaren2 juga Callis begitu batuknya, cuma bunyinya ga kungkung ;P, batuk 
dari jam 10 malam sampe jam 6 pagi, hampir non stop, mana sambil 
ngangisAkhirnya terpaksa kasih antibiotik dari dokter, 
daripada begitu terus, ga mau makan, ga mau minum karena leher bagian 
dalam udah luka akibat kebanyakan batuk, tapi perutnya lapar/ haus... and 
ga bisa bobo.
Untuk mengurangi batuknya, terutama dimalam hari , coba aja, bobo nya pake 
bantal yg tinggian (bantal orang tua), leher, dada and punggung digosok 
balsam baby/ minyak kayu putih, lehernya ditutup/ dilapisi kain (sapu 
tangan kecil) tapi jangan yg tebal2, biar leher tertutup dari udara luar. 
Lebih bagus lagi sih digendong bobonya, biar posisi bobo baby duduk, 
mamanya bobo duduk juga, punggung disenderin ketembok pake bantal biar 
empuk, dengan catatan jangan sampai jatuh ya.. 

Semoga cepat sembuh ya


03/31/05 07:31 AM
Please respond to


[balita-anda] Need HelpBatuk Kungkung...apa obatnya

Gut Moning Moms.en Dads.
Sorry pagi2 dah minta bantuansoalnya semaleman kita pd gak  tidur.
Patria 3.5 Thn lagi batuk berat neh kadang pake panas, kalo malem tuh 
gak brenti2 (kungkung gitu bungyinya) kadang pake muntah, sampe keluar air 
matanya, aku dah coba segala macem obat tapi masih jg lom sembuh, kira2 
ada yg 
berpengalaman gak yah? obat tradisional mungkin? pls sharingnya
Tengkyu banget.


Kirim bunga,
Info balita:
Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [balita-anda] Need Help....Batuk Kungkung...apa obatnya....

2005-03-30 Terurut Topik Suyanti

Kemaren2 juga Callis begitu batuknya, cuma bunyinya ga kungkung ;P, batuk 
dari jam 10 malam sampe jam 6 pagi, hampir non stop, mana sambil 
ngangisAkhirnya terpaksa kasih antibiotik dari dokter, 
daripada begitu terus, ga mau makan, ga mau minum karena leher bagian 
dalam udah luka akibat kebanyakan batuk, tapi perutnya lapar/ haus... and 
ga bisa bobo.
Untuk mengurangi batuknya, terutama dimalam hari , coba aja, bobo nya pake 
bantal yg tinggian (bantal orang tua), leher, dada and punggung digosok 
balsam baby/ minyak kayu putih, lehernya ditutup/ dilapisi kain (sapu 
tangan kecil) tapi jangan yg tebal2, biar leher tertutup dari udara luar. 
Lebih bagus lagi sih digendong bobonya, biar posisi bobo baby duduk, 
mamanya bobo duduk juga, punggung disenderin ketembok pake bantal biar 
empuk, dengan catatan jangan sampai jatuh ya.. 

Semoga cepat sembuh ya


03/31/05 07:31 AM
Please respond to


[balita-anda] Need HelpBatuk Kungkung...apa obatnya

Gut Moning Moms.en Dads.
Sorry pagi2 dah minta bantuansoalnya semaleman kita pd gak  tidur.
Patria 3.5 Thn lagi batuk berat neh kadang pake panas, kalo malem tuh 
gak brenti2 (kungkung gitu bungyinya) kadang pake muntah, sampe keluar air 
matanya, aku dah coba segala macem obat tapi masih jg lom sembuh, kira2 
ada yg 
berpengalaman gak yah? obat tradisional mungkin? pls sharingnya
Tengkyu banget.