Re: [balita-anda] Warning Amien Terhadap Gus Dur: Ambon Dibiarkan, Republik Tamat

2000-01-06 Terurut Topik Endang Rohiyat

Bung, lebih baik anda urus dulu pekerjaan anda dulu,
masih banyak pelanggan air PAM yg kecewa terhadap
pelayanan anda. 

Anda memakai email kantor yg dibiayai oleh masyarakat
bukan untuk main-main tapi untuk kepentingan kantor
agar pelayanan PAM Jaya lebih baik lagi.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Warning Amien Terhadap Gus Dur:
> Ambon Dibiarkan, Republik Tamat
> Reporter: Danang Sangga Buwana
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Re: [balita-anda] Vaksinasi Hib

2000-01-02 Terurut Topik Endang Rohiyat

Mudah-mudahan bisa membantu tapi maaf masih dlm bahasa



What is Hib Disease?

Hib, which stands for Haemophilus influenzae type b,
is not a disease itself, but is the name of a
bacterial microorganism that causes several serious,
often life-threatening illnesses, one of which --
bacterial meningitis -- may cause mental retardation
in young children.  Hib infection is the most common
cause of bacterial meningitis, an inflammation of the
membranes protecting the brain and spinal cord.  The
same Hib bacteria also can cause: pneumonia; an
infectious arthritis called septic arthritis;
epiglottitis, which is inflammation of the trachea or
"windpipe"; otitis media, or middle ear infection;
cellulitis, a skin inflammation; and a dangerous heart
disease, pericarditis.
Although the word "influenzae" is part of the
scientific name, Hib is not related to the virus that
causes the respiratory infections generally called

Who is most susceptible to Hib? 

The Hib bacteria primarily attacks children under age
5.  Statistically, prior to the time when a vaccine
was available, one in every 200 children contracted
Hib disease within the first five years of life
(Moxon, 1986).

The risk of contracting Hib disease is greatest in
environments where several children are in close
contact for extended periods.  These environments
include group living situations, households with more
than one child less than age 5, day-care centers and
nurseries.  Since Hib is present in respiratory
secretions, it can be transmitted from one child to
another by coughing, sneezing or through close facial

For reasons that are not fully understood, Hib disease
is especially prevalent among certain ethnic groups.
The incidence of Hib among Alaskan Eskimos has been 10
times that of the general United States' population,
while the incidence among American Indians is five
times as great as that in the general population.

How serious can Hib infection be?

If the Hib infection causes bacterial meningitis, it
is very serious. This form of meningitis is nearly
always fatal without treatment.  Even with the use of
modern antibiotics, 3 to 5 percent of meningitis
victims die.

Of those who survive, 25-35 percent suffer permanent
brain damage resulting in mental retardation, hearing
loss, partial blindness, speech disorders, paralysis
of one side of the body, behavioral problems or

However, some children infected with Hib remain
healthy or become only mildly ill.  These children can
still spread the infection to others.

What are the symptoms of Hib Disease?

The illness often starts out mimicking the symptoms of
a cold or earache.  Very quickly the child may develop
symptoms of meningitis: irritability, high-pitched
crying, vomiting, loss of appetite and fever.  If the
epiglottis is infected, the symptoms include sore
throat, fever and difficulty breathing (Brody, 1990).

How is Hib treated?

Hib infections can be treated with antibiotics. 
However, there may be problems that remain after
treatment.  One reason for this is that many Hib
diseases do not exhibit symptoms early, so that
therapies often are begun too late.  For instance, by
the time severe symptoms signal parents that their
child may have meningitis, brain cells may have
already been permanently damaged or destroyed. 
Similarly, a Hib infection that results in
epiglottitis often can block a child's windpipe within
six to 12 hours (or even faster) after symptoms
appear.  Since antibiotics do not take effect
immediately, emergency surgery often is required to
save the child's life.

In addition, sometimes antibiotic therapy is
ineffective because certain strains of Hib bacteria
have become resistant and do not respond to the
antibiotics, ampicillin and chloramphenicol, which are
usually used to treat the illness.

How can Hib Disease be prevented?

The primary strategy for preventing Hib disease is
immunization.  The first vaccine to protect against
Hib disease was licensed in 1985, but it was only
effective in children 2 years and older.  In late
1987, a vaccine using conjugate technology was
approved for children as young as 18 months and later
for children 15 months and older.

Now, there are vaccines that can be used to protect
children 2 months to 5 years of age.  By age 6 most
children have developed antibodies to Hib, indicating
that they have been previously exposed to the
infection and are now immune to it.

When should I take my child to be vaccinated?

All children can receive the vaccine at 2 months of
age at the same time they receive other routine
immunizations.  The number of doses they receive will
depend on the type of vaccine used.  The American
Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Infectious
Diseases has issued recommendations for immunization
of infants and children 2 months of age and older to
guide physicians in use of the new vaccines (Committee
on Infectious Diseases, 1990-1991).

The immunization regime

RE: [balita-anda] Catatan akhir tahun

1999-12-29 Terurut Topik Endang Rohiyat

> Saya punya satu usulan sederhana yaitu kita buat
> suatu slogan atau selebaran
> untuk dibagi-bagikan kepada setiap pengendara secara
> sembunyi-sembunyi atau
> melalui email-email tak bertuan yang intinya
> melarang orang memberikan
> sumbangan kepada pengemis-pengemis dipinggir jalan,
> jika memang berniat
> untuk beramal cukup dilingkungan terdekat yang ada
> atau tempat-tempat
> ibadah.

Bagaimana kalau kita mulai secara kecil-kecilan dulu
dgn kampanye melalui Homepagenya Balita-Anda, misalnya
dgn membuat banner yg bisa ditukar antar pemilik
homepage. Bagaimana Kang KJ dan Kang Rahman,? maaf lho
ngasih kerjaan.:-)

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[balita-anda] Catatan akhir tahun

1999-12-28 Terurut Topik Endang Rohiyat

Beberapa hari belakangan ini kita akan menjumpai
banyak pengemis yang menggendong balita sebagai "daya
tariknya" di perempatan jalan. Fenomena seperti ini
semakin meningkat menjelang Hari Raya Lebaran. Saya
coba perhatikan dan merasa penasaran mengapa para
balita tsb hampir semuanya tertidur dgn pulasnya?.

Menurut informasi yg saya dapat kemudian bahwa balita
tsb telah diberi semacam obat tidur agar dia tenang
selama "bertugas". 
Ide gila tsb sepertinya memang masuk akal tetapi
sungguh sangat tidak berperikemanusiaan.

Saya merasa kaget dan terenyuh mendengarnya, darimana
mereka mendapatkan ide gila tsb kalau bukan dari orang
pintar. Kita ketahui sendiri bahwa sekarang banyak
obat-obatan yg dijual bebas mengandung obat

Saya membayangkan apa jadinya terhadap para balita tsb
bila setiap hari mereka dipaksa untuk mengkonsumsi
obat tidur? 

Saya berkesimpulan bahwa para pengemis tsb telah
diorganisir oleh orang-orang pintar tetapi tidak

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RE: [balita-anda] Balita saya masih suka "nenen" (help)

1999-12-23 Terurut Topik Endang Rohiyat

--- Asrita Kinipulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Terangin
> dengan bahasa anak-anak bahwa diperut bunda lagi ada
> dedek kecil, terangin juga dedeknya juga pengen
> mimik, kalo mbak kan bisa mimik dari gelas.

Saya pernah juga pakai cara tsb, saya katakan bahwa
nenennya untuk adik yg ada di perut, terus anak saya
malah jawab "habisin aja yaMa" sambil terus nenen
lagi (kalau saya perhatikan anak saya ini termasuk
tipe orang yg pelit). :-)

Terima kasih atas sarannya.

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[balita-anda] Balita saya masih suka "nenen" (help)

1999-12-23 Terurut Topik Endang Rohiyat

Usia anak saya sekarang 2 thn 3 bln, tapi sampai saat
ini masih saja suka "nenen" sama ibunya, kalau tidak
dikasih dia akan menangis dan biasanya istri saya
tidak tega melihatnya apalagi kalau bangun di malam

Istri saya sudah mengakali dgn mengoleskan odol di
payudaranya, tetapi anak saya punya akal lagi  dgn
membersihkan odol tsb. 

Istri saya sekarang sedang hamil 2 bulan, menurut
informasi yg saya tahu, kalau seorang ibu hamil maka
air susunya otomatis akan berhenti (?).

Ada juga yg menyarankan pada saya untuk mendatangi
"orang pintar" untuk menyetop kebiasaan anak saya tsb,
tapi saya tidak tahu dimana?, kalau ada yg tahu dimana
alamatnya (Jakarta dsk), pls saya diberi tahu.

Mungkin ada di antara anggota milis yg punya saran
lain yg lebih jitu untuk masalah yg satu ini. 

Terima kasih.
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