Re: [balita-anda] Amoxycillin sebabkan meningitis...?

1999-12-14 Terurut Topik Lily Trisna Dewi

Rekan netters,
Saya ingin tahu lebih banyak mengenai meningitis ini.
Umur berapa anak siap di suntik imun meningitis ini ?
Apakah ada efek samping dari imunisasi tsb ?
Terima kasih

Imelda Pasni wrote:
Aseptic meningitis after treatment with amoxicillin
W Czerwenka, C Gruenwald, D Conen.
Department of Internal Medicine, Canton Hospital, CH-5001 Aarau, Switzerland
The development of aseptic meningitis has been associated with various
drugsfor example, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs, ranitidine,
carbamazepine, vaccines against hepatitis B and mumps, immunoglobulins,
co-trimoxazole,and penicillin.1-5 We report a case of aseptic meningitis
after treatment with amoxicillin.
A 76 year old woman was admitted to our hospital with fever, headache,
neck stiffness. Five days before admission shehad had a pretibial wound
treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. Long term treatment with
enalapril, and levothyroxine(thyroxine) had not been changed in the
previous month. Two days before admission she had developed fever,
headache, andneck ache.
On admission her general condition was poor, but findings on physical
examination were normal except for neck stiffness. Alllaboratory findings
were within the normal range. Cerebrospinal fluid showed pleocytosis
63 cells (62 monocytes) and aslightly raised protein concentration
of 0.47
g/l (0.15-0.45 g/l). No micro-organisms were found. She recovered with
of symptoms.
>From her history we knew of two similar episodes in 1992 and 1995.
and 6 days respectively after the initiation ofantibiotic treatment
amoxicillin (with and without clavulanic acid), she had been admitted
our hospital with the same symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness.
Cerebrospinal fluid had been examined during the first admission and
showed pleocytosis with 40 cells (38 monocytes) without an increase
protein concentration. No bacterial micro-organisms or serological
signs of
neurotropic viral infections had been found.
On the basis of these three confirmed episodes of meningitis after
recurrent exposure to amoxicillin, with and without clavulanic acid,
repetitive negative testing for viral, bacterial, and mycobacterial
micro-organisms, we diagnosed aseptic meningitis induced by amoxicillin.
our knowledge, this is the first well documented publication of such
severe side effect of a commonly used antibiotic.
The exact mechanism for the development of aseptic meningitis induced
drugs is not known, although hypersensitivity reactions and immunological
mechanisms have been suggested.5
1. Weksler BB, Lehany AM. Naproxen-induced recurrent aseptic
Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 1991; 25: 1183-1184.
2. Dang CT, Riley DK. Aseptic meningitis secondary to carbamazepine
therapy. Clin Infect Dis 1996; 22: 729-730[Medline].
3. Durand JM, Suchet L. Ranitidine and aseptic meningitis. BMJ 1996;
4. Sekul EA, Cupler EJ, Dalakas MC. Aseptic meningitis associated with
high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy: frequency
and risk factors.
Ann Intern Med 1994; 121: 259-262[Medline].
5. River Y, Averbuch-Heller L, Weinberger M, Meiner Z, Mevorach
Schlesinger I, et al. Antiobiotic induced meningitis. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1994; 57: 705-708[Abstract].
 British Medical Journal 1999
A second case of recurrent aseptic meningitis due to amoxicillin
 Tony Reiman, Assistant Chief Medical Resident
, Dalhousie Uinversity
 eBMJ, 5 Jun 1999 [Response]
A second case of recurrent aseptic meningitis due to amoxicillin
I recently admitted a 50 year old woman to the hospital with a 12 hour
history of fever, headache, nausea/vomiting and conjunctival injection.
had recently been diagnosed with mitral regurgitation, and had been
to the
dentist that morning. She had taken oral amoxicillin prior to
her dental
cleaning as prophylaxis against endocarditis. Lumbar puncture on the
of admission revealed a white blood cell count of over 600 white cells
high power field, predominantly neutrophils, with a normal glucose
and a protein level twice the upper limit of normal. Gram's stain and
culture of the CSF were negative, although the patient was initially
treated with antibiotics because of the high CSF neutrophil count.
A repeat
lumbar puncture several days later revealed a modest pleocytosis with
predominance of monocytes. This patient had two previous episodes of
similar nature.
Two years previously, she had been admitted with aseptic meningitis
followed the administration of amoxicillin for an upper respiratory
infection. One year prior to that, she had been diagnosed with a serum
sickness related to oral cefuroxime; in retrospect, it was clear that
had received amoxicillin before developing this illness as well. The
patient was discharged home in good condition after bacterial meningitis
had been ruled out. 

Re: [balita-anda] Amoxycillin sebabkan meningitis...?

1999-12-14 Terurut Topik Stella Martini

Mbak, imunisasi untuk meningitis namanya HIB, sebaiknya pada usia 2 bulan bayi sudah 
diberikan imunisasi HIB yang pertama. Keterangan lengkap mengenai imunisasi ini bisa 
mbak liat di homepage :
Di situ lengkap keterangan mengenai jadwal berbagai imunisasi sampai anak usia 2 tahun.

Kalo efek samping badan jadi panas seperti pada DPT, pada HIB tidak. Efek samping 
lainnya rasanya tidak ada ya...sama saja seperti imunisasi lainnya.

Semoga keterangan ini bermanfaat.


mama jonathan

On Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:03:38   Lily Trisna Dewi wrote:
Rekan netters,
Saya ingin tahu lebih banyak mengenai meningitis ini.
Umur berapa anak siap di suntik imun meningitis ini ?
Apakah ada efek samping dari imunisasi tsb ?

Terima kasih

Imelda Pasni wrote:

 Aseptic meningitis after treatment with amoxicillin

 W Czerwenka,  C Gruenwald,  D Conen.
 Department of Internal Medicine, Canton Hospital, CH-5001 Aarau, Switzerland

 The development of aseptic meningitis has been associated with various
 drugsfor example, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs, ranitidine,
 carbamazepine, vaccines against hepatitis B and mumps, immunoglobulins,
 co-trimoxazole,and penicillin.1-5 We report a case of aseptic meningitis
 after treatment with amoxicillin.

 A 76 year old woman was admitted to our hospital with fever, headache, and
 neck stiffness. Five days before admission shehad had a pretibial wound
 treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. Long term treatment with aspirin,
 enalapril, and levothyroxine(thyroxine) had not been changed in the
 previous month. Two days before admission she had developed fever,
 headache, andneck ache.

 On admission her general condition was poor, but findings on physical
 examination were normal except for neck stiffness. Alllaboratory findings
 were within the normal range. Cerebrospinal fluid showed pleocytosis with
 63 cells (62 monocytes) and aslightly raised protein concentration of 0.47
 g/l (0.15-0.45 g/l). No micro-organisms were found. She recovered with
 of symptoms.

 From her history we knew of two similar episodes in 1992 and 1995. Twelve
 and 6 days respectively after the initiation ofantibiotic treatment with
 amoxicillin (with and without clavulanic acid), she had been admitted to
 our hospital with the same symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness.
 Cerebrospinal fluid had been examined during the first admission and also
 showed pleocytosis with 40 cells (38 monocytes) without an increase in
 protein concentration. No bacterial micro-organisms or serological signs of
 neurotropic viral infections had been found.
 On the basis of these three confirmed episodes of meningitis after
 recurrent exposure to amoxicillin, with and without clavulanic acid, with
 repetitive negative testing for viral, bacterial, and mycobacterial
 micro-organisms, we diagnosed aseptic meningitis induced by amoxicillin. To
 our knowledge, this is the first well documented publication of such a
 severe side effect of a commonly used antibiotic.

 The exact mechanism for the development of aseptic meningitis induced by
 drugs is not known, although hypersensitivity reactions and immunological
 mechanisms have been suggested.5

 1.  Weksler BB, Lehany AM. Naproxen-induced recurrent aseptic meningitis.
 Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 1991; 25: 1183-1184.
 2.  Dang CT, Riley DK. Aseptic meningitis secondary to carbamazepine
 therapy. Clin Infect Dis 1996; 22: 729-730[Medline].
 3. Durand JM, Suchet L. Ranitidine and aseptic meningitis. BMJ 1996; 312:

 4. Sekul EA, Cupler EJ, Dalakas MC. Aseptic meningitis associated with
 high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy:   frequency and risk factors.
 Ann Intern Med 1994; 121: 259-262[Medline].
 5.  River Y, Averbuch-Heller L, Weinberger M, Meiner Z, Mevorach D,
 Schlesinger I, et al. Antiobiotic induced meningitis. J Neurol Neurosurg
 Psychiatry 1994; 57: 705-708[Abstract].


 ) British Medical Journal 1999

 A second case of recurrent aseptic meningitis due to amoxicillin
  Tony Reiman, Assistant Chief Medical Resident , Dalhousie Uinversity
  eBMJ, 5 Jun 1999 [Response]

 A second case of recurrent aseptic meningitis due to amoxicillin
 I recently admitted a 50 year old woman to the hospital with a 12 hour
 history of fever, headache, nausea/vomiting and conjunctival injection. She
 had recently been diagnosed with mitral regurgitation, and had been to the
 dentist that morning. She had taken oral  amoxicillin prior to her dental
 cleaning as prophylaxis against endocarditis. Lumbar puncture on the night
 of admission revealed a white blood cell count of over 600 white cells per
 high power field, predominantly neutrophils, with a normal glucose level
 and a protein level twice the upper limit of normal. Gram's stain and
 culture of the CSF were negative, although the patient was initially
 treated with 

Re: [balita-anda] Amoxycillin sebabkan meningitis...?[Fwd: [IDAI-OT] Re: Imunisasi]

1999-12-14 Terurut Topik endang

Saya fw-kan dari mailist tetangga.

-Original Message-
From: endang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 11:56 Haleluya
Subject: [IDAI-OT] Imunisasi

Bapak Endang,
Imunisasi Hib sampai saat ini masih dikategorikan "dianjurkan" oleh Ikatan
Dokter Anak Indonesia; jadi bukan yang diwajibkan.Hib singkatan dari nama
bakteri: Haemophillus influenzae tipe b. Kita ketahui bakteri ini dapat
menimbulkan berbagai penyakit, tetapi 2 penyakit yang tersering adalah
radang selaput otak (meningitis) dan radang paru (pneumonia). Umumnya
sebelum usia 2 bulan bayi masih memiliki kekebalan terhadap Hib dari ibunya,
sehingga belum perlu diimunisasi. Penelitian terbatas di Jakarta didapatkan
kurang lebih 4 dari 10 bayi dengan meningitis ternyata sebabnya Hib,
terbanyak berusia antara 6-12 bulan. Itulah sebabnya dianjurkan pemberiannya
sebelum usia 6 bulan (mulai dari 2 bulan; meskipun bisa dimulai sejak 1,5
bulan). Sebelum 6 bulan diberikan 3 kali bila digunakan vaksin ActHib; atau
2 kali bila digunakan vaksin PedvaxHibB. Besarnya kemungkinan Hib sebagai
penyebab pneumonia sampai sekarang belum ada data di Indonesia.

Vaksin lain yang dianjurkan adalah MMR, vaksin tifoid, hepatitis A; saat ini
bayi Bapak belum perlu.

hanifah oswari

Dok, anak saya umur 5,5 bulan,
Pertanyaan saya :
1. Perlu nggak sih imunisasi HIB ini. Kalau bisa di-persen-kan, berapa
persen perlunya (maksud saya kalau perlunya 75% ya akan saya
imunisasikan, tapi kalau hanya 25% ya masih pikir-pikir lagi).
2. Benarkah bayi dapat diimunisasi setelah umur 2 bulan ?? Kalau tidak
minimal umur berapa ??
3. Berapa kali imunisasi HIB ini diberikan ??
4. Imunisasi apa lagi yang dapat diberikan kepada anak saya ?? (Typus,
MRR, AIDS, apa lagi ??). Kapan harus diberikan ??

Sebelumnya makasih banyak infonya.

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[balita-anda] Amoxycillin sebabkan meningitis...?

1999-12-13 Terurut Topik Imelda Pasni

Aseptic meningitis after treatment with amoxicillin

W Czerwenka,  C Gruenwald,  D Conen.
Department of Internal Medicine, Canton Hospital, CH-5001 Aarau, Switzerland

The development of aseptic meningitis has been associated with various
drugsfor example, non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs, ranitidine,
carbamazepine, vaccines against hepatitis B and mumps, immunoglobulins,
co-trimoxazole,and penicillin.1-5 We report a case of aseptic meningitis
after treatment with amoxicillin.

A 76 year old woman was admitted to our hospital with fever, headache, and
neck stiffness. Five days before admission shehad had a pretibial wound
treated with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. Long term treatment with aspirin,
enalapril, and levothyroxine(thyroxine) had not been changed in the
previous month. Two days before admission she had developed fever,
headache, andneck ache.

On admission her general condition was poor, but findings on physical
examination were normal except for neck stiffness. Alllaboratory findings
were within the normal range. Cerebrospinal fluid showed pleocytosis with
63 cells (62 monocytes) and aslightly raised protein concentration of 0.47
g/l (0.15-0.45 g/l). No micro-organisms were found. She recovered with
of symptoms.

From her history we knew of two similar episodes in 1992 and 1995. Twelve
and 6 days respectively after the initiation ofantibiotic treatment with
amoxicillin (with and without clavulanic acid), she had been admitted to
our hospital with the same symptoms of fever, headache, and neck stiffness.
Cerebrospinal fluid had been examined during the first admission and also
showed pleocytosis with 40 cells (38 monocytes) without an increase in
protein concentration. No bacterial micro-organisms or serological signs of
neurotropic viral infections had been found.
On the basis of these three confirmed episodes of meningitis after
recurrent exposure to amoxicillin, with and without clavulanic acid, with
repetitive negative testing for viral, bacterial, and mycobacterial
micro-organisms, we diagnosed aseptic meningitis induced by amoxicillin. To
our knowledge, this is the first well documented publication of such a
severe side effect of a commonly used antibiotic.

The exact mechanism for the development of aseptic meningitis induced by
drugs is not known, although hypersensitivity reactions and immunological
mechanisms have been suggested.5

1.  Weksler BB, Lehany AM. Naproxen-induced recurrent aseptic meningitis.
Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy 1991; 25: 1183-1184.
2.  Dang CT, Riley DK. Aseptic meningitis secondary to carbamazepine
therapy. Clin Infect Dis 1996; 22: 729-730[Medline].
3. Durand JM, Suchet L. Ranitidine and aseptic meningitis. BMJ 1996; 312:

4. Sekul EA, Cupler EJ, Dalakas MC. Aseptic meningitis associated with
high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy:   frequency and risk factors.
Ann Intern Med 1994; 121: 259-262[Medline].
5.  River Y, Averbuch-Heller L, Weinberger M, Meiner Z, Mevorach D,
Schlesinger I, et al. Antiobiotic induced meningitis. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1994; 57: 705-708[Abstract].

© British Medical Journal 1999

A second case of recurrent aseptic meningitis due to amoxicillin
 Tony Reiman, Assistant Chief Medical Resident , Dalhousie Uinversity
 eBMJ, 5 Jun 1999 [Response]

A second case of recurrent aseptic meningitis due to amoxicillin
I recently admitted a 50 year old woman to the hospital with a 12 hour
history of fever, headache, nausea/vomiting and conjunctival injection. She
had recently been diagnosed with mitral regurgitation, and had been to the
dentist that morning. She had taken oral  amoxicillin prior to her dental
cleaning as prophylaxis against endocarditis. Lumbar puncture on the night
of admission revealed a white blood cell count of over 600 white cells per
high power field, predominantly neutrophils, with a normal glucose level
and a protein level twice the upper limit of normal. Gram's stain and
culture of the CSF were negative, although the patient was initially
treated with antibiotics because of the high CSF neutrophil count. A repeat
lumbar puncture several days later revealed a modest pleocytosis with a
predominance of monocytes. This patient had two previous episodes of a
similar nature.
Two years previously, she had been admitted with aseptic meningitis that
followed the administration of amoxicillin for an upper respiratory tract
infection. One year prior to that, she had been diagnosed with a serum
sickness related to oral cefuroxime; in retrospect, it was clear that she
had received amoxicillin before developing this illness as well. The
patient was discharged home in good condition after bacterial meningitis
had been ruled out. I believe that this woman had an adverse reaction to
amoxicillin, just as your patient did. One of our junior residents
performed a computer search for other cases of amoxicillin-induced
meningitis, and tells me that one other case in Sweden