A CHILD'S FIRST introduction to--and
                 most frequent experience with--nature will
                 probably be in your own backyard and on short
                 walks in your neighborhood.

                 Provide a small, sunny plot--or even just a large
                 pot--for your child to plant his own vegetable
                 garden. The lessons learned and pride earned in
                 tending something from seed to table are
                 immeasurable. If you aren't a gardener yourself,
                 there are many children's nature activity books
                 that can take you both step-by-step through the

                 Include your child in the maintenance of the
                 family garden by asking him to help you weed,
                 rake and water it. Provide child-size rakes and
                 trowels that really work--many fine toy stores
                 and catalogs carry these in the spring and
                 summer months.

                 Go on frequent walks with your child, and let
                 him set the pace as often as possible.
                 Preschoolers are apt to spend much of their
                 time squatting down and looking at an ant hill or
                 collecting leaves or stones; this is what they are
                 most interested in at this stage, and fostering
                 such observation skills now will pay off later. If
                 you can, set aside a place of prominence in the
                 home or in the child's room for items gathered
                 on these nature walks. 

"Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"

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