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Tools your child's growth chart


Between the ages of ten and 24 months come lots of firsts-first words, first steps, 
first efforts at independence. This period is marked by curiosity about the nature of 
people and things. After ten months, brain growth slows, but the brain's circuitry 
continues to evolve, strengthening and enhancing the connections that already exist. 
These developments allow children to start placing things, people and actions in 
categories. For example, when you say you're going to the store, your baby is 
beginning to create a mental picture of the supermarket, and you in it. 

By 11 months your baby:
.Creeps on hands and feet
.Stands alone
.Drinks from a cup
.Can manipulate an object to get it out of a tight space
.Starts stringing together multiple syllables with inflection
.May say a word
.Cries when scolded
.Repeats actions to get attention

By 12-15 months your baby:
.Walks when led
.Scribbles with crayon on paper
.Stacks two blocks
.Uses a spoon
.Says two or more words besides "dada" and "mama"
.May imitate animal sounds
.Recognizes objects by name
.Understands and responds to simple commands
.May give a hug or kiss when asked
.May develop attachment to comfort object
.Explores away from parent in familiar surroundings

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