Dear netters,
Saya nemu artikel ini dari
but still, saya masih penasaran, masak sich kalau memang kandungannya
berbahaya diijinkan beredar di indonesia dan negara lain. Even di sini
rasanya semua sampo pakai kandungan itu, kalau bukan SLS; atau ASL.
Saya pikir pasti ada hubungannya dengan jumlah atau dosis ...

Mia - mamanya Kay


  Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
DEA (DEA Lauryl Sulfate)  Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Ammonium Laureth Sulfate
Alpha Olefin Sulfonate

 What are these ingredients?
OK, so the #1 most unwanted ingredient is really more than just one
ingredient. But there is very good reason why you should never actually use
any shampoo, conditioner, bubble bath, skin care, color cosmetic or body
wash containing even one of these type of ingredients.

These ingredients are known as surfactants. Surfactants like these make lots
of bubbles and clean the hair. But you won't just find them in shampoos.
These same surfactants are also found in toothpaste, shaving cream, laundry
detergent, dish soap and many industrial cleaning products as well.

Surfactants basically come in 2 types, 'Linear Alkyl Surfactants" and
"Ethoxylated Surfactants." Ethoxylated surfactants are almost identical to
linear alkyl surfactants, except that they have been chemically combined
with the compound 'ethylene oxide'. So for example, when ethylene oxide is
added to the linear alkyl surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate, it's name is
changed to sodium laureth sulfate. When you see the word 'laureth', it means
it is 'ethoxylated.'

  Surfactants and Skin Irritation
Ethoxylated surfactants are used in shampoos because they are considered
slightly milder than their linear alkyl counterparts, simply because the
molecules are larger. The more ethylene oxide you add (higher ethoxylation),
the larger the molecule becomes. The idea is to make the molecule large
enough so that it won't irritate the skin, but as you see in the chart, it
has negligible effect in many cases.

As you can see in the chart, these commonly used shampoo surfactants have a
real potential to irritate skin, even when as little as 2% is used. Some
companies will tell you that the surfactants they use are gentler than the
one's other companies use. But if you read their labels, you'll find that
most of the time the ingredients are the same! (some companies hide this
fact by listing a bunch of herbal ingredients first, but keep reading and
you'll find it there eventually).

 How many surfactants effect the skin

Because of the way they are designed to work, surfactant molecules stay on
hair and skin long after you think you've rinsed them off. As they sit
there, they literally strip-away fatty acids, moisture and amino acids from
your hair and skin. They increase dryness, increase roughness, and disturb
the healthy growth process of new hair and skin.

Harsh surfactants inhibit the activity of skin cell enzymes, breaking the
Membrane Coating Granules (MCG) found in the lower horny layers of skin.
These side-effects reduce the water-binding capacity of skin, and contribute
to dysfunctional keratinization (growth) of skin cells. The result can be
skin that doesn't form properly, looks dull and dry, and even chaps and

The greater the percentage of surfactant used, the higher potential for
irritation. This is alarming knowing that some shampoos contain up to 50% or

Research shows that surfactants strip away vital amino acids like serine,
histamine, glycine, alanine and lysine from keratin (hair & skin protein).
And harsh surfactants have a skin roughening potential that increases along
with the percentage used, leaving the skin and hair feeling dry and
unmanageable, looking dull and lifeless the more you use them. They rob the
skin and hair of what they need.

Given the permeability of ammonium and sodium laureth sulfate into the skin,
everyone should consider the use of these ingredients on the skin and hair.
But professional stylists and estheticians -- who are exposed to these
ingredients 100's of times each week when working on clients -- should be
especially concerned.

Note: Many hair stylists suffer from dry, chapping hands as a result of
shampooing 100's of clients a week. Fortunately for some, Mastey shampoos
came to the rescue. Stylists that suffer irritation, chapping and abrasions
on the hands should immediately switch to Traité shampoo. Traité is credited
for keeping stylists at work. Mastey's gentle cleansing system won't chap or
otherwise harm your hands - it moisturizes and replenishes the nutrients in
the skin and hands with every shampoo you perform! To find out more about
the Unique & Gentle Mastey Cleansing System, please click here.

 Ethoxylated Surfactants and Cancer

Even though Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Alpha Olefin
Sulfonate and other ethoxylated surfactants are considered milder on the
hair and skin, they may actually be worse for the body.

We explained above how ethylene oxide is bonded with a surfactant to make
the molecules larger. Some companies try to tell you that because their
surfactant has more ethoxylation, their shampoo will be gentler to your hair
and skin. While this may be somewhat true, what they don't tell you is that
the higher the ethoxylation, the greater risk of exposure to harmful
carcinogens, nitrosamines and/or 1,4 dioxane.

In the process of ethoxylation, a by-product called 1,4 dioxane can be
released. 1,4 dioxane is a known carcinogen that reacts with other
ingredients in shampoos to form dangerous nitrates. These nitrates are
capable of permeating through intact skin each time you shampoo.

Dr. John Baily, Director of Colors and Cosmetics for the US Food & Drug
Administration (FDA) reported many shampoos, bubble baths, creams and
lotions contain "excessively high" levels of 1,4 dioxane. Relying on The
National Cancer Institute clinical tests showing that 1,4 dioxane causes
liver damage in animals, Dr. Baily went on to say that the higher degree of
ethoxylation, the more likely the occurrence of 1,4 dioxane.

Dr. Baily expressed concern that the levels of 1,4 dioxane has "not
significantly dropped" in the 10 years since this information was first
released. In other words, many of the companies that make these products
have not bothered to change their formulas even though they have known for
years about their deleterious effects.

Note: Products for children and babies usually use highly ethoxylated
ingredients, because a child's skin is so permeable. Unfortunately, parents
permit their babies to sit for long periods of time in bubble-baths, or use
"no tear" baby shampoos - possibly exposing their children to these
dangerous elements. This is faulty logic! Since a baby's skin more
susceptible to absorption of these harmful elements they should use
ingredients that are LOW in ethoxylation. We advise that you keep young
children away from harsh and highly ethoxylated surfactants.

 Nitrosamines & Irritation
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, a non-ethoxylated surfactant, has been shown to react
with other chemicals that form nitrosamines. Nitrosamines, like 1,4 dioxine,
are also carcinogens. Shampoos with high levels of nitrosamines may expose
you to these potentially cancer causing agents. Each time you shampoo, more
potentially cancer-causing nitrates can enter into the blood stream than
would if you ate a pound of bacon!

 Hair Loss, Dandruff and Skin Disorders
Would you believe that certain surfactants also contribute to hair loss!
In published studies, sodium lauryl sulfate has been shown to deteriorate
the hair follicle. It retards the growth cycle of hair, and increases the
amount of time needed to regrow hair from a normal of 3 months to up to 24
months, prolonging the sleeping stage of hair growth and giving you the
appearance of hair loss. Scalps that are dry and itching, or scalps that
suffer from thinning hair, dandruff, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or rash
requires a high degree of mildness that these surfactants do not have. In
these cases, the most gentle approach to cleansing is desired.

 Ocular Damage
Sodium lauryl sulfate was also shown to cause damage to eyes. It interferes
with the formation of protein within the eye, just like it does to hair and
skin. The Wholistic News Magazine Lifestyle reports that [sodium lauryl
sulfate] causes ocular tissue malformation, blindness, cataracts, as well as
retarded healing of the eye...[direct] contact with the eyes is not
necessary for a problem to occur, since [sodium lauryl sulfate] can be
absorbed by the skin and travel through the body to the eyes."

 The Mastey Difference.

Instead of these harmful, highly ethoxylated surfactants, Mastey uses a
revolutionary gentle cleansing system that was designed to naturally have a
large size molecule. Because it uses a naturally a large molecule, it
doesn't need excessive ethoxylation and is naturally gentle on the hair and
skin. Rich in emollients, Mastey shampoos are luxurious and gentle, even on
babies. Try it once and you'll see and feel the remarkable difference. Click
here to find out more about how Mastey shampoos cleanse the hair and scalp.

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Techniques | 3 Steps to Softer, Healthier, Younger Skin | Factory Tour |
Ingredients You Should Avoid!| L' Institute for Professionals Only

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