Today topic is AN ANGEL IN YOUR HOME.

This is a conversation between a baby and god, this conversation took
place in heaven.

One day a baby is ready to be born on this world.
The baby ask to God:"Angel in here says that tomorrow you will sent me
to the world,but how
could I live there?. I am so tiny and weak..?
God answer:"I choose one angel for you, she will guard and taking care
of you.
and the baby said:" But in here, in this heaven, What I ever done is
only sing and laugh.this
enough for me to be happy?...
God answer:"Your angel will always sing and laugh for you everyday...and
you could
feel the warmness of her love and you could be more happy.
and the baby ask again:"and how could I understand what people talk to
I don't even know their language...
God answer:"your angel will talk to you with the most beautiful language
that you ever
heard. With full of patient, she will teach you how to speak.
The baby ask again:"And what I am going to do when I need to talk to
God answer:"your angel will teach you how to pray...
The baby ask:"I heard there is a lot of bad people on earth, who will
protect me?
God answer:"Your angel will protect you, even tough her life could be
The baby ask again:"I must be very sad because I cannot see you again?
God answer:"Your angel will tell to you about Me and she will teach you
how you
could return to me, even tough I will always be by your side.

At that moment the heaven is so calm and quiet
and the baby ask for the last question:"oh God, if I have to go
now,could you tell
me the name of that angel is?

God answer: You will call your angel, Mama........

After that the baby born on the earth and she look for her Mama.....

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