Re: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-06 Terurut Topik basuki rahmat

Nah yang ini aku setuju sekali.
Biasanya batuk pilek nya itu karna kecapean
Kalau toh harus make obat , jangan yang di pasaran tapi langsung berupa resep dokter

Jadi dia tahu persis boleh tidaknya mengkonsumsi obat, barbahaya atau tidak terhadap
Ningsih wrote:

 Pak, sebaiknya sebaiknya hindari mengkonsumsi obat, lebih baik jika
 perbanyak istirahat, banyak makan buah dan air putih, biasanya badan akan
 lebih cepat sembuh. semoga bermanfaat.

 - Original Message -
 From: Hermawan Rachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:24 AM
 Subject: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

  Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
  Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
  dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
  terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
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RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Reni Wulandari

Sebaiknya pake' resep tradisional aja Pak...
Untuk batuk bisa diringankan dengan minum campuran perasan air jeruk nipis
(lokal) dicampur kecap setiap kali sehabis batuk.
Sedangkan untuk pilek bisa diringankan dengan makan sup ayam/sapi dengan
menambah merica, daun seledri, dan irisan buah pala, dimakan saat masih
hangat (aduh .. puasa-puasa gini jadi ngebayangin sup yang masih
kebul-kebul... batal enggak ya puasanya)

Semoga cepat sembuh.

 -Original Message-
 From: Hermawan Rachman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:25 AM
 Subject:  [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung
 Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
 Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
 dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
 terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
 Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
  2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
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  Info balita,
 Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
 Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
 Info balita,
Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Miranda

waktu hamil DSOG saya memberikan Refagan dan Otrivin utk menyembuhkan flu
dan pilek saya. kebetulan waktu itu saya nggak batuk.

Miranda Panggabean
BMG Music Indonesia

 -Original Message-
 From: Hermawan Rachman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 6:25 PM
 Subject:  [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung
 Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
 Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
 dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
 terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
 Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
  2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
  Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
  Info balita,
 Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Seskayuni, Indri

Informasi ini jangan terpengaruh sama isue obat flu yang lagi gencar itu

Kalo flunya emang sudah parah dan tidak bisa diobatin dengan obat
tradisional lagi sih, dokter saya dulu menganjurkan pakai Neozep. Dan memang
saya lihat di kemasannya tidak ada larangan untuk wanita hamil dan menyusui,
sementara di kemasan beberapa obat batuk dan flu lainnya banyak yang


Indri Seskayuni

-Original Message-
From:   Hermawan Rachman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject:[balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu
/ pilek 
dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


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Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Kusumawati, Dewi (KPC)

Pak hermawan,
bidan/dsog clinic saya selalu memberikan saya OBH Nelco utk flue dan batuk
serta PANADOL utk persiapan pusing/demam. Alhamdulillah aman dan cocok bagi
saya selama hamil.

  -Original Message-
  From:   Hermawan Rachman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, December 05, 2000 6:25 PM
  Subject:[balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung
  Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
  Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
  dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
  terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
   2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
   Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
   Info balita,
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Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Hani, Umi

Pada saat saya mengandung 0-4 bulan, saya selalu batuk-batuk disertai pilek
yang dahsyatnya luar biasa sampai-sampai teman di kantor mengira saya TBC,
saya konsul kandungan dan THT, pernah juga ke internist. dokter memberi saya
ikadril dan beberapa obat lain, tapi terus terang saya tidak berani
meminumnya. Jadi obat dari dokter sampai sekarang masih ada di rumah. Tapi
Alkhamdulillah menginjak kandungan saya 5 bulan (sekarang 6 bulan), batuk
itu hilang dengan sendirinya. Mungkin bawaan bayi kali yah. jadi
sebaiknya sih minum obat tradisional saja, seperti jeruk nipis, dll, dan
jangan minum minuman dingin (dari kulkas atau es)agar tidak memperparah
batuk dan pileknya. Waktu itu saya meminum CDR sehari sekali.

Semoga bermanfaat, dan cepat sembuh.


-Original Message-
From: Hermawan Rachman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu / pilek

dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


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RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik diah . riyawanti

Pak Hermawan:

Menurut saya sih, kalau sudah mulai parah lebih baik minta advis langsung
dari dokter saja. Pengalaman saya kemarin, bila masih belum terlalu
mengganggu, oleh dokter saya  hanya disuruh mengkonsumsi vitamin c, dan
istirahat cukup. Tetapi kalau tenggorokan sudah terserang radang, dan badan
sedikit meriang  saya diberi resep antibiotik Amoxylin (satu2nya antibiotik
yg boleh dikonsumsi oleh ibu hamil, dan dg dosis yg ditentukan oleh dokter),
Panadol (utk meriang  sakit kepala) dan diberi Actifed (utk pilek). Bila
terserang batuk boleh minum OBH tetapi yg asli generik. 
Namun perlu diingat semuanya harus sesuai dosis yg diresepkan  dianjurkan
oleh dokter.
Semoga bisa membantu.

Diah Riyawanti 

-Original Message-
From: Hermawan Rachman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: December 06 2000 9:25 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu / pilek

dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


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 Info balita,
Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik doddy . mulyadi

Sekarang ati ati kalo mengkonsumsi obat emplu (baca : flu),
Ini ada berita baru bahwa obat flu yg mengandung Phenylpropanolamine
(spt Decolgen, Stop Cold,dsb) harus ditarik dari peredaran karena bisa
menyebabkan stroke. 
Di singapore akan ditarik dan di Amerika sudah ditarik. Jadi hati-hati kalau 
mengkonsumsi obat flu yang mengandung bahan tsb.

Daftarnya ada dibawah
semoga bermanfaat...

Ministry of Health
2 Jalan Bukit Merah Singapore 169547


14 November 2000

Dear Health Care Professional


The Ministry of Health has asked all pharmaceutical companies marketing
products containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA) to voluntarily withdraw and discontinue 
the distribution of these products in Singapore. 
This is a precautionary measure in line with the recent call by the US Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) for voluntary discontinuation of marketing of such products in 
the USA.

Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) is a sympathomimetic agent, commonly found in
cough, cold and allergy medications. It is classified as a Pharmacy Medicine in 
In the United States, PPA is popular as an over-the-counter cough and cold medicine as 
well as a slimming agent.

Case reports have linked exposure to PPA to the occurrence of haemorrhagic stroke. 
Many of the affected patients have been young women using PPA as an
appetite suppressant, often after a first dose. 
To further examine the association between PPA and haemorrhagic stroke, the Yale 
University Medical School designed a case-control study involving men and women ages 
18 to 49 years who were hospitalised with a subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) or 
intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). Eligible case subjects had no prior history of stroke 
and were able to participate in an interview within 30 days of their event. 
Case subjects were recruited from hospitals in 4 geographic regions of the United 

The final study cohort comprised 702 case subjects who were matched by
demographic characteristics with 1,367 controls who had not had strokes.
Age matching was successful for 1,367 controls (99%) and ethnicity matching was 
achieved for 1,321 controls (96%). For the association between haemorrhagic stroke and 
any use of PPA within 3 days, the adjusted odds ratio was 1.49 (lower limit of the 
one-sided 95% confidence interval (LCL) = 0.93, p =0.084). 
For the association between haemorrhagic stroke and PPA use in
cough/cold remedies within the 3-day exposure window, the adjusted odds
ratio was 1.23 (LCL = 0.75, p = 0.245).
For the association between haemorrhagic stroke and PPA use in appetite suppressants 
within the 3-day exposure window, the adjusted odds ratio was 15.92 (LCL = 2.04, p = 
For the association between PPA in appetite suppressants and risk for
haemorrhagic stroke among women, the adjusted odds ratio was 16.58 
(LCL = 2.22, p = 0.011). 
For first dose PPA uses among women, the adjusted odds ratio was 3.13 (LCL = 1.05, p = 
All first dose PPA use involved cough/cold remedies.

In conclusion, the results of the HSP suggest that PPA increases the risk for 
haemorrhagic stroke.

The HSP is a case control study and there are limitations for definitive conclusions. 
However, the overall assessment was that the study was well-designed and executed. All 
reasonable steps were taken to minimise bias and confounding. 
The Ministry has also considered the HSP report in the context of the spontaneous 
reports of haemorrhagic stroke received by the US FDA during the period 1991 - 2000.
Although the risk of haemorrhagic stroke is very low, the Ministry has significant 
concerns because of the seriousness of this adverse event (the irreversible outcome) 
and the inability to predict who is at risk. The Ministry does not consider the 
conditions for which PPA is used as justifying the risk of this serious event as 
alternative cough and cold medications which do not contain PPA are available for use.

All doctors and pharmacists are advised not to prescribe or sell
PPA-containing medications to patients. Please also reassure your patients that there 
is no risk of adverse effects once PPA-containing products are no longer being taken.
Patients who have previously taken PPA-containing products also do not have to be 
worried about their health as there are no long term adverse effects from 
PPA-containing products.

The list of PPA-containing cough and cold remedies available in Singapore is enclosed 
at Annex.

If you need further clarification, please contact Ms Chan Cheng Leng, Head ation  
Research) Unit, National Pharmaceutical Administration, at
telephone 3255610

Yours sincerely


President, SMA
President, PSS
Master, Academy of Me

Combination Products Containing PPA in Singapore


RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Briliyanti Dwiwiranti

Kalau saya waktu hamil sama dokter diberikan obat Actifed (Tablet ataupun
Syrup). Dan kayaknya obat itu nggak mengandung PPA. Alhamdulilah sampai
sekarang (menyusui) masih manjur

  -Original Message-
  From:   Hermawan Rachman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent:   Tuesday, December 05, 2000 6:25 PM
  Subject:[balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung
  Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
  Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
  dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
  terimakasih atas perhatiannya.
  Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :
   2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
   Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
   Info balita,
  Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
 Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
 Info balita,
Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
 Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
 Info balita,
Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik doddy . mulyadi

Sekarang ati ati kalo mengkonsumsi obat emplu (baca : flu),
Ini ada berita baru bahwa obat flu yg mengandung Phenylpropanolamine
(spt Decolgen, Stop Cold,dsb) harus ditarik dari peredaran karena bisa
menyebabkan stroke. 
Di singapore akan ditarik dan di Amerika sudah ditarik. Jadi hati-hati kalau 
mengkonsumsi obat flu yang mengandung bahan tsb.

Daftarnya ada dibawah
semoga bermanfaat...

Ministry of Health
2 Jalan Bukit Merah Singapore 169547


14 November 2000

Dear Health Care Professional


The Ministry of Health has asked all pharmaceutical companies marketing
products containing phenylpropanolamine (PPA) to voluntarily withdraw and discontinue 
the distribution of these products in Singapore. 
This is a precautionary measure in line with the recent call by the US Food and Drug 
Administration (FDA) for voluntary discontinuation of marketing of such products in 
the USA.

Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) is a sympathomimetic agent, commonly found in
cough, cold and allergy medications. It is classified as a Pharmacy Medicine in 
In the United States, PPA is popular as an over-the-counter cough and cold medicine as 
well as a slimming agent.

Case reports have linked exposure to PPA to the occurrence of haemorrhagic stroke. 
Many of the affected patients have been young women using PPA as an
appetite suppressant, often after a first dose. 
To further examine the association between PPA and haemorrhagic stroke, the Yale 
University Medical School designed a case-control study involving men and women ages 
18 to 49 years who were hospitalised with a subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) or 
intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH). Eligible case subjects had no prior history of stroke 
and were able to participate in an interview within 30 days of their event. 
Case subjects were recruited from hospitals in 4 geographic regions of the United 

The final study cohort comprised 702 case subjects who were matched by
demographic characteristics with 1,367 controls who had not had strokes.
Age matching was successful for 1,367 controls (99%) and ethnicity matching was 
achieved for 1,321 controls (96%). For the association between haemorrhagic stroke and 
any use of PPA within 3 days, the adjusted odds ratio was 1.49 (lower limit of the 
one-sided 95% confidence interval (LCL) = 0.93, p =0.084). 
For the association between haemorrhagic stroke and PPA use in
cough/cold remedies within the 3-day exposure window, the adjusted odds
ratio was 1.23 (LCL = 0.75, p = 0.245).
For the association between haemorrhagic stroke and PPA use in appetite suppressants 
within the 3-day exposure window, the adjusted odds ratio was 15.92 (LCL = 2.04, p = 
For the association between PPA in appetite suppressants and risk for
haemorrhagic stroke among women, the adjusted odds ratio was 16.58 
(LCL = 2.22, p = 0.011). 
For first dose PPA uses among women, the adjusted odds ratio was 3.13 (LCL = 1.05, p = 
All first dose PPA use involved cough/cold remedies.

In conclusion, the results of the HSP suggest that PPA increases the risk for 
haemorrhagic stroke.

The HSP is a case control study and there are limitations for definitive conclusions. 
However, the overall assessment was that the study was well-designed and executed. All 
reasonable steps were taken to minimise bias and confounding. 
The Ministry has also considered the HSP report in the context of the spontaneous 
reports of haemorrhagic stroke received by the US FDA during the period 1991 - 2000.
Although the risk of haemorrhagic stroke is very low, the Ministry has significant 
concerns because of the seriousness of this adverse event (the irreversible outcome) 
and the inability to predict who is at risk. The Ministry does not consider the 
conditions for which PPA is used as justifying the risk of this serious event as 
alternative cough and cold medications which do not contain PPA are available for use.

All doctors and pharmacists are advised not to prescribe or sell
PPA-containing medications to patients. Please also reassure your patients that there 
is no risk of adverse effects once PPA-containing products are no longer being taken.
Patients who have previously taken PPA-containing products also do not have to be 
worried about their health as there are no long term adverse effects from 
PPA-containing products.

The list of PPA-containing cough and cold remedies available in Singapore is enclosed 
at Annex.

If you need further clarification, please contact Ms Chan Cheng Leng, Head ation  
Research) Unit, National Pharmaceutical Administration, at
telephone 3255610

Yours sincerely


President, SMA
President, PSS
Master, Academy of Me

Combination Products Containing PPA in Singapore


RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Patria, Diah

Saya baru baca kompas hari ini mengenai heboh obat yang mengandung
Phenylproppanolamine (PPA) disitu Dr. Miftah dari bag. kardiologi RSCM
mengatakan penggunaan PPA aman dalam dosis rendah walaupun untuk penderita
jantung koroner sekalipun.  PPA bisa menyebabkan storke karena pada
penderita kelainan pemmbuluh darah mis. Hipertensi aneurisma (pelebaran
pembuluh darah) serta plak ateroklerosis bisa membuat darah pecah ,
karenanya storke yang terjadi adalah stroke perdarahan , jadi tidak setiap
orang berisiko kena storke bila minum PPA. Apalagi dosis di Ind lbh rendah
dari yang diiijinkan di US yaitu 25mg pertakaran dan 75 mg perhari sedangkan
di US 150mg perhari. Semoga bermanfaat.


Bundanya Sulthan

-Original Message-
From: Seskayuni, Indri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 December 2000 09:29
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

Informasi ini jangan terpengaruh sama isue obat flu yang lagi gencar itu

Kalo flunya emang sudah parah dan tidak bisa diobatin dengan obat
tradisional lagi sih, dokter saya dulu menganjurkan pakai Neozep. Dan memang
saya lihat di kemasannya tidak ada larangan untuk wanita hamil dan menyusui,
sementara di kemasan beberapa obat batuk dan flu lainnya banyak yang


Indri Seskayuni

-Original Message-
From:   Hermawan Rachman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:25 AM
Subject:[balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu
/ pilek 
dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


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 2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
 Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
 Info balita,
Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik icah

Waktu 2 minggu yl saya juga batuk pilek trus saya tanya DSOG saya (sekarang
saya hamil 3 bulan) dianjurkan minum Cosyr dan obat itu aman utk ibu hamil,
alhamdulillah sekarang sudah reda.

Icah Andri

- Original Message -
From: Hermawan Rachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:24 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

 Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
 Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
 dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
 terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


 Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

  2.5 Mbps InternetShop  InternetZone  Margonda Raya 340 
  Cake, parcel lebaran  bunga2 Natal? Klik,
  Info balita,
 Etika berinternet, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

2000-12-05 Terurut Topik Ningsih

Pak, sebaiknya sebaiknya hindari mengkonsumsi obat, lebih baik jika
perbanyak istirahat, banyak makan buah dan air putih, biasanya badan akan
lebih cepat sembuh. semoga bermanfaat.

- Original Message -
From: Hermawan Rachman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:24 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Obat Batuk Pilek Ibu Mengandung

 Mohon informasi dari rekan-rekan,
 Apa kira-kira obat atau cara yang paling baik untuk menyembuhkan flu /
 dan batuk untuk ibu yang sedang hamil...?
 terimakasih atas perhatiannya.


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