Re: [BangPypers] "The Python I would like to see" - Armin Ronacher

2014-08-24 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On Tuesday 19 August 2014 10:29 PM, Gora Mohanty wrote:

To revive an ancient meme about whom to credit memorable quotes to:
   Do not write code. Write code that writes code

I move that this list be renamed to banglispers posthaste.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-22 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 10/22/2013 1:10 PM, Saager Mhatre wrote:

I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree on that last point. I
don't find the MOP implementation in Ruby or Groovy less per for many or
leading to obscure code. On the contrary, I find Python's 'rough-and-ready
tools' make for more confusing metaprogramming code. YMMV

Right, what I meant was "clarity on behalf of code that most people 
write", not necessarily metaprogramming code. As in optimizing for the 
common case.

Ah yes, old-style classes! But I'd be hard pressed to call that MOP as
there are no real metaobjects at play.

Not really true. Using the lingo of the OMG/MDA world[1]: After the 
replacement, "MyCircularClass" is an instance of itself and therefore 
exists on both M3 (metametamodel) and M2 (metamodel) levels. A new 
instance of MyCircularClass (without class change hijinks) exists at M1 
(model) level, like a "normal" class instance. What we've gained is a 
relatively pure (meta-)class hierarchy to work with, along with the 
ability to customize behaviour at all levels using standard python class 
and metaclass facilities (__metaclass__, get/setattr, abc). It is more 
than enough to build a quite functional purely runtime MOP system.

Also, you could create/simulate MOP using the tools Python provides you,
but I'd much rather the platform give me a consistent implementation than
have to deal with N people each implementing their own special variant of
what they think MOP should be.

Agreed. All I'm saying is that that stuff usually comes at a cost to 
"normal" code. In Common Lisp/CLOS for example, it means that you have 
to have the most sparse concrete syntax possible so that any change to 
the object model continues to be natural in use.

Not that python couldn't be _better_ at it, but I wouldn't know how to 
do it personally.


[1] This is a reasonable introduction to the OMG-focused philosophy and 
terminology of MOP (PDF link):
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Object Oriented Programming in python

2013-10-21 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 10/21/2013 11:53 AM, Saager Mhatre wrote:

That's pretty much what always foiled my attempts at understanding Python
MetaClasses, I was looking for power where there was none to find. The best
comparison I could find was to Groovy's Compile time AST transforms, but
even those are even more powerful as they drop down a level of abstraction
and hand you the AST for the an rated element.

I agree with you partially - MOP in python can get ugly, but there's 
plenty of power there. I'll try to explain, though this stuff is 
notoriously hard to articulate (may be just for me).

So the main role of metaprogramming was to expose the language's object 
system as an object model to the programmer, so that it could be queried 
and manipulated at runtime. Does python do this? Yes, but not quite in 
the way that Kiczales outlined.

Instead we get some rough-and-ready tools with which you can simulate 
the effects that a "proper" MOP system (such as in CLOS) might have, and 
when having to make a choice between flexibility vs performance and code 
clarity, python's designers have almost invariably chosen the latter.

To begin with, there is a level of metacircularity in the new-style type 

>>> isinstance(object, object)
>>> isinstance(type, type)
>>> isinstance(object, type)
>>> isinstance(type, object)

This is what the metaclass system uses. With old-style classes, you had 
a lot of flexibility to change the class of objects at runtime. Nowadays 
there are a lot more restrictions, mostly due to performance, but you 
can still do some silly stuff:

>>> MyType = type('MyType', (type,), {})
>>> MyCircularType = MyType('MyCircularType', (MyType,), {})
>>> MyCircularType.__class__ = MyCircularType
>>> isinstance(MyCircularType, MyCircularType)

And then of course there's things like get/setattribute - combined with 
the abc module in the standard library, the type trickery above and 
python's basic metaclass system, you could effectively create your own 
metacircular MOP protocol on top of python.*

Another major issue is that python's syntax makes it just not a great 
language for embedded DSLs and MOP, even to the extent that other 
dynamic languages (Ruby!) are. That's not going to change though, and 
I'm personally okay with it for the most part. If I wanted to program 
CLOS, I'd program CLOS.


* In fact, I spent quite a while doing so a few years ago - implementing 
the OMG MOF on python - and it worked pretty well, but it proved 
difficult to get it to the point where I could even properly explain it 
to people.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] WSGI app instrumentation - middleware or other

2011-06-08 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 08-Jun-11, at 11:38 AM, Anand Chitipothu wrote:

Graphite + statsd/pystatsd is pretty good for performance tracking.

Thanks, I hadn't heard of Graphite before, I've been struggling with  
Cacti. I'll give this a try.

We use nagios for availability monitoring. There are many
alternatives, try asking google.

I've been using icinga and cacti - my interest is in the python side  
of things.

You've given me a lot of good pointers, thanks again.

Very funny!

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] WSGI app instrumentation - middleware or other

2011-06-07 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

Hi all,

I'd like to hear from python web devs on strategies for instrumenting  
production wsgi apps for perfomance and availability monitoring. Are  
there existing tools that you use? What sort of things do you monitor  
(db connection state, response time stats etc) and how intrusive are  
the instrumentation tools on the performance of the system itself?

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Practical experiences with uWSGI?

2011-05-18 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 18-May-11, at 6:32 PM, Sreekanth S Rameshaiah wrote:

We just follow the client's directive as both almost had similar

:) Thanks again. I hope you can give us a quick post mortem when  
you've had some time to observe it in production.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-18 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 18-May-11, at 6:27 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

   "Hello World")))

Please just stop.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Practical experiences with uWSGI?

2011-05-18 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

Thanks for the reply, Sree. If I might pick your brain further -

On 18-May-11, at 6:13 PM, Sreekanth S Rameshaiah wrote:
We have used it in one large scale project which is due to go live  
in next

few days.

What was the reasoning behind choosing it over apache+mod_wsgi? What  
are the deal-breaker features that you'd miss if you went back to  

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Practical experiences with uWSGI?

2011-05-18 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

Hi all,

I've recently discovered the uWSGI project - 
 and am hoping to hear from any of you who have had the chance to use  
it in production. Specifically:

1. Is nginx+uwsgi easier to use and manage than apache and mod_wsgi?
2. Is there a measurable difference in memory use and performance, in  
practical terms?

3. Did you notice any stability issues under load?

I realize that I'm fishing here, but I'd really appreciate some insight.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-17 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 17-May-11, at 8:32 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

You still haven't seen the case I am making? In which case I shall  

defeat and rest my case!

Same. And I apologize to all for my part in this trainwreck.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-17 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 17-May-11, at 8:12 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

great! so let us assume for arguments sake, that whatever you say or  
pose is

right! What answers do you have have for the questions posed below?

Huh? You started this thread, with the intention of modifying the  
behaviour of "young immature idiots" and "intellectual ignoranti".  
You've got us listening. State your case. What should we be doing  

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-17 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 17-May-11, at 5:35 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

First of all, let us get one thing out of the way. Success in
software/hardware,  no matter where you are, entirely depends on on  
passionate you are about it. We can't quantify a person's passion  
for some
thing. Apple's success, is Steve Job's passion for whatever he was  

Fair enough.

Having got that out of the way, let us try to answer some of your  

They weren't really questions. You've outlined a correlation and now I  
am asking you to provide the causation.

Right! The environment counts a lot. Not the person. If you are  
based in
India, you are already starting to bat with 3 wickets down viz a viz  

Francisco, (If I can humbly give a cricket anology).

This is true no matter what sort of technology business you start.  
What is different about business models that are FOSS-driven?

Wrong and Right!. People outside the valley are definitely capable of
creating/running business, but they have a great disadvantage. Their
competitors based in the valley, have a competitive edge/eco  
system,that the

poor great guys outside the valley can't match.

I agree. So what is the solution, other than moving to the Valley?

Forget about your three possible hypothesis . I hope I have answered  

questions above!

I think you've misunderstood. I'm still not clear on the following:

1. We've established that tech startups are at a disadvantage when  
based outside SV. Why is this so? Specifically, what is different  
about FOSS-model startups?

2. Given that we are not all moving to California, what are our  
options? I assume you are recommending against a FOSS-model startup.  
What sort of business models do you recommend instead? Why?

3. At least one person on this thread has pointed out that his Indian  
company is making a profit while working on FOSS. I know of a few  
others. Do you not recommend that others attempt to follow their  
example? Why?

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-17 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 17-May-11, at 6:22 AM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

Ok let me tell you the whole story scientifically.

"The chances of anyone succeeding with an Open Source Project or  
Company is inversely proportional to the square of the distance  
between San

Fransisco and the location of this OpenSource/Startup Project".

Okay, let's assume this to be true. Now we need to determine the  
causality. What are the possible reasons? Here are some:

1. A person in India will fail at trying to create a business around  
open source, but is more likely to succeed at precisely the same  
endeavour, if they move to the Valley. It is the environment that  
counts, not the person.

2. People outside the Valley are incapable of creating/running that  
kind of business, because they don't know how to do it right. Moving  
to the Valley might increase their chances, since they will have  
better access to people who can teach or inspire them.

3. People who are already in the Valley are inherently superior, and  
us little people in India are wasting our time trying to emulate them.

These are three possible hypotheses. What are yours?

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-16 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 17-May-11, at 1:32 AM, Santosh Rajan wrote:

In that case why don't you explain your point in a very "coherent"  
so that we lesser mortals get it. What are you saying with respect  
to the

subject of this thread?

When you write something like this:

> So my question is, what shit are you talking about based in India?  

> Please Enlighten me?

I have a hard time winnowing sense out of that string of words, due to  
my limited reading and comprehension abilities. What does this have to  
do with open source people in San Francisco? I can only make broad  
assumptions about your intentions, especially when you later talk  
about the size of India's software market.

In light of the above, I (and others) would be grateful if you made an  
effort to clearly state your case.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-16 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 17-May-11, at 12:59 AM, Santosh Rajan wrote:
I think you must read this thread very carefully again. Where did I  
anything against FOSS? Where did I say software must be charged?  
Don't put

words into my mouth just for your arguments sake.

I could certainly quote bits of your own posts back to you, but it's a  
waste of my time.

So what is the point you are making? Are you suggesting that I have  
no right
to make the arguments I am making because i am paying/not paying   


I understand your core point - first start making money, then talk  
about giving away the fruits of your time and effort when the basic  
needs are taken care of. You haven't framed it very coherently though,  
and you haven't really addressed the points others have made. There  
are plenty of people making a living off giving away software, and I  
think it's okay for Indians to aspire to it too.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] The myth of free software

2011-05-16 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 16-May-11, at 11:51 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote:
As long as people like you don't see the problem, India will always  
a second class power in the software world. Do you know that the  
software exports of India today is only 5% of the total software  
exports of

the world? Thanks to great people like you, we call ourselves a great
software nation.

I've heard all sorts of arguments against FOSS*, but the idea that it  
is a moral/nationalistic imperative to charge for software? This one  
is new. Kudos.

I assume you are walking the walk and paying google for that gmail  
account, so that nobody gets the idea that you support any business  
model that depends on giving away free services.


* Many of them are valid, but this one is not in their august company.
BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] MetaClass in python

2011-01-12 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 12-Jan-11, at 7:43 AM, Nitin Kumar wrote:

So {} can contain function also for the new class, if then can you  

example for the same. As i need function to class being generated.

Yes, you can replace the {} with something like

{ 'my_method': some_function }

but the 'some_function' is very specific to your problem. Depending on  
what you want in the body of the function, you have a range of  
available options, from defining the function inside another function  
body, like

def custom_class(original_class_name):
def replacement_method(obj):
print "custom method for", original_class_name
new_class = type(original_class_name, (object,), {'my_method':  

return new_class

... to using eval to create your new function from a body of generated  
code in text form.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] MetaClass in python

2011-01-12 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 11-Jan-11, at 8:47 PM, Nitin Kumar wrote:

So i do know who to create a class and its function dynamically at

You can dynamically create a class like this:

NewClass = type('NewClass', (object,), {})

where 'NewClass' is the name of your class, (object,) is any tuple of  
superclasses and {} will be the __dict__ of the new class. As steve  
mentioned earlier, you can reassign any "method" of the class to a  
function of your choice as long as it takes at least one argument.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-06 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 12/6/2010 11:44 AM, Gora Mohanty wrote:

Man, and here was I thinking that you were killing two birds with one
stone: "To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion".

That's exactly the one I thought about, and figured I'd better clarify 
before someone accused me of being arrogant enough to mess with the 
sacred koans.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-06 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 12/6/2010 11:25 AM, Sriram Narayanan wrote:

I sure hope that we don't dismiss the reading of such books just
because "every experienced programmer knows about refactoring".

I apologize if I gave that impression. I think books like these provide 
programmers with a head start on techniques and tools that they would 
otherwise have to spend years gathering from hands-on experience, 
usually from working with more experienced programmers.

My point was that it is important to keep an open mind, to be able to 
recognize when they are being applied by people who may not share the 
same lexicon. The shared terms are important, but they are rarely as 
ubiquitous as, say, "cantilever" would be amongst civil engineers. This 
is a different problem.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 12/4/2010 5:36 PM, Santosh Rajan wrote

Let us look at software product development, and let us look at all
the top open source software development projects like linux, apache,
mozilla etc etc. I have not seen refactoring as described by the book
used by any of the open source software products. I would like to know
if any one can show me refactoring used in software product

This reminds me of the kind of discussion I used to hear when the GoF 
Design Patterns book was published. Lacking experience, I was in awe of 
the book since it codified so much practice that I could look at and go 
THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. It took years and a lot of experience to 
understand that this was just a compendium of best practices that many 
OOP programmers had been applying for decades, taking them so much for 
granted that they hadn't even bothered to give them names.

Unfortunately there were too many people who never saw past it being 
some sort of bible, so (as an example) you'd have people drop by KDE dev 
mailing lists 5-6 years later complaining that the KDE libraries were 
poorly designed because they couldn't go through the code and identify 
the design patterns by name.

This is a pattern that I've seen repeated often over the last twenty 
years (the Java world is particularly guilty of it). There is 
unquestionable value to the classification and codification of best 
practices in software engineering, which has a real paucity of good 
references of this kind, but it must be kept in perspective of what 
people are doing. Unfortunately, compared to other forms of engineering 
it's both more difficult and more given to fads.

So what I'm saying is, it is unlikely that this book contains anything 
that any sufficiently large and long-lived software project (FOSS or 
otherwise) is not already doing, because it is critical to their 
success. You will just have to work a little harder to identify it 
because they may not have bought into your taxonomy of refactoring terms.

[dubious aside: remember this one?

There once was a master programmer who wrote unstructured programs. A 
novice programmer, seeking to imitate him, also began to write 
unstructured programs. When the novice asked the master to evaluate his 
progress, the master criticized him for writing unstructured programs, 
saying, ``What is appropriate for the master is not appropriate for the 
novice. You must understand the Tao before transcending 
structure.''There once was a master programmer who wrote unstructured 
programs. A novice programmer, seeking to imitate him, also began to 
write unstructured programs. When the novice asked the master to 
evaluate his progress, the master criticized him for writing 
unstructured programs, saying, ``What is appropriate for the master is 
not appropriate for the novice. You must understand the Tao before 
transcending structure.'']

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] refactoring

2010-12-05 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang


[dubious aside: remember this one?

Please note that there is no deeper meaning to be read into the fact 
that I mistakenly pasted the quote twice.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Wall street may embrace Python

2010-04-26 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 26-Apr-10, at 5:30 PM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:
Taj, the main issue isn't whether standardisation necessary for DSLs  
feasible - but the sheer amount of effort, time, political  
bickerings, and
heat that accompanies it. If one uses python we save that entire  
which if carried to its natural conclusion would be useful, but is  
just too

expensive to carry to its natural conclusion.

Oh I agree completely; as I wrote in my first response to this thread,  
this is a pragmatic solution that goes part of the way to the ideal. A  
halfway solution that actually gets used is better than a perfect one  
that never leaves the standards body. A similar situation that I was  
discussing recently is the credit card secure code solution that was  
adopted surprisingly smoothly - it's not a great solution but the  
ideal mechanism would have never been adopted.

Still, it helps to be prepared for the eventuality of folks wanting  
more than these waterfall programs for exchange of financial  
contracts. When it happens, the prepared people are going to be ahead,  
like all the folks who patiently waited all this time for their  
favourite FP languages to become relevant. ;)

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Wall street may embrace Python

2010-04-26 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 26-Apr-10, at 4:47 PM, Rajeev J Sebastian wrote:

With all due respect, I disagree that a DSL is useful for this
purpose. In fact, I would disagree with DSLs in most cases, especially
if its supposed to be used for programming. The reason for this is
that creating a good language is much more harder than creating a
language, and such efforts tend to end up with crappy languages.

Your concern is valid, but I think you are underestimating the amount  
of effort already being put into creating platform-neutral DSLs for  
business, law and finance. Hint: an XML schema is a declarative  
specification of a DSL, albeit one with terrible, human-antagonistic  
syntax. Even the SEC document contains such a thing already, as Anand  
quoted in an earlier email in this thread. Here are some other examples:

What all these share in common is lack of human-friendly concrete  
syntax. That is the real problem to be solved, but it remains to be  
seen who will solve it and whether the vendors of eye-wateringly  
expensive middleware have the motivation to do so.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Wall street may embrace Python

2010-04-26 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 26-Apr-10, at 3:46 PM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:

I think a DSL based contract (or more precisely waterfall  
specification) may
be more concise and self descriptive. But that would require a  
definition of
a new language grammar.  However reasoning about the contracts is  
not in the
scope of the SEC specification. The scope is (in my understanding) a  
communication of the how the waterfall implications are worked out  
(eg. how
much does each stakeholder get paid and what are the conditions  
under which
that gets decided) and at least in terms of standard programming  

Python does pretty well.

Well the question I'm asking is, what are the implicit qualifications  
of the humans who are going to interpret these specifications? I see  
two profiles:

1) Financial, actuarial and legal experts with some programming  

2) Programming experts with financial, actuarial and legal experience.

While there are people who fit both these profiles, there is a reason  
they get paid high-six figure USD salaries. Python alone is fine, but  
consider bog-standard recurring financial patterns like compound  
interest and graduated tax brackets. These imply functions that will  
occur often in these specifications, further implying (de- 
facto-)standard libraries containing highly domain-specific financial  
routines will be written. These are already embedded proto-DSLs! So  
you're not side-stepping DSLs by using python, only hiding them in  
plain sight. But you are not necessarily gaining the benefits of using  
an independent, well-specified declarative grammar the primary one  
being that you are possibly burdening non-programmers with general  
purpose programming constructs that are not their primary focus. There  
is a reason so many finance guys use R and (gah!) Excel to do their  
financial modelling - they are not interested in programming.

Anyhow I'll stop here, I understand that the SEC requires only a  
subset of what I'm talking about, but the scope for these kinds of  
agreements goes well past the SEC and is something worth studying and  
implementing in its own right for fun and profit.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Wall street may embrace Python

2010-04-26 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 26-Apr-10, at 2:25 PM, Dhananjay Nene wrote:
I do see one strong plus here for Python. That is a very natural  
for expression (as in being one of the most readable programming  

for non programmers) without resorting to any specific DSLs etc.

On the contrary, I think treating python as a DSL host (as some are  
implying here) is not such a great idea. In my experience the language  
is not so good at allowing small languages to be embedded without  
resorting to lisp-like nested lists/tuples.  This is not a deal- 
breaker of course, and this decision to use Python is a sensible,  
pragmatic one (lots of python programmers around, financial/ 
statistical libraries are available and mature etc) but IMHO a more  
declarative language would have been nicer from a provability  
standpoint. Being able to write programs that reason about the  
contracts is very important and trying to do it for a general purpose  
language like python will be difficult.

I think over time once smart contract research becomes more mature  
(there are already lots of research papers available) we'll see more  
declarative languages being used for this instead, with python  
becoming the de-facto support language to build tools around them.

Meanwhile, I'll repeat something I say far too much but anyway: domain  
knowledge is just as important as programming chops. Folks who want to  
get in on the ground floor with these kinds of applications of python  
should start learning the vocabulary and process flows of finance ASAP.

BangPypers mailing list

Re: [BangPypers] Any python metaclasses for UID

2009-07-27 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

On 27-Jul-09, at 1:50 PM, Shivaraj M S wrote:

Can there be a metaclass in python which can change the behaviour of  
object at creation stage by extending it and nullifying friend  

(I must confess this is the only sentence in the email that I could  

If what you are looking for is a way to customize object creation,  
have a look at the __new__ class method. It is called before __init__,  
and can return _any_ object when the client code attempts to  
instantiate the class.

In some cases I have dynamically generated a subclass of the class  
using type(), and returned a new instance of that. I think this is the  
kind of thing you are looking for.

BangPypers mailing list

[BangPypers] Poor man's LWP with PyQt

2009-05-08 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang

Hi all,

I've been trying to find the path of least resistance to using  
cooperative multitasking in PyQt apps.

There are a bunch of different options out there, including Twisted  
(The initial Qt support I wrote became the basis of the  
current Qt reactor, and it works great if you are using Twisted) and  
Kamaelia/Axon (I had a stab at implementing Qt event loop support for  
that - available here: However  
most of these approaches require you to commit to frameworks that are  
likely to shape the implementation of the rest of your app.

The two recommended ways to doing this sort of thing in Qt/C++ are:

1) use QTimer with a timeout of 0 to call some function.

2) In a long-running loop, call processEvents to allow other events to  
be processed to keep the GUI interactive.

...and that's all she wrote, since C++ doesn't really allow many  
options besides multithreading.

With the yield keyword, however, we can get the same kind of  
cooperative multitasking that we had back in 1991 with Visual Basic  
1.0 (yay!). This is the approach that Axon uses. Using the QTimer  
method above, a handful of lines of code gets us this in PyQt without  
having to use a larger framework:


from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, SIGNAL

def qmicro(iterations=500):
'''Qt fire-and-forget microprocess decorator.
def wrap_qmicro(microfn):
def call_qmicro(qobj, *call_args, **call_kwargs):
call_iter = microfn(qobj, *call_args, **call_kwargs)
except StopIteration, endex:

return QtMicroProcess(qobj,, iterations)
return call_qmicro
return wrap_qmicro

class QtMicroProcess(QObject):
'''A single running microprocess, scheduled in the event loop using
timer events until completed or error.
def __init__(self, parent, next_fn, iterations):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self.next_fn = next_fn
self.iterations = iterations
self.timer_id = self.startTimer(0)

def timerEvent(self, tev):
next_fn = self.next_fn
for itidx in xrange(self.iterations):
except StopIteration, sex:
except Exception, ex:
print "QMICRO: Unhandled exception:", ex



Now we can create "fire and forget" LWPs methods that can "yield" to  
the Qt event loop by simply using the @qmicro decorator:

class MyApp(QObject):
def beer(n):
for x in xrange(n):
print x, "bottles of beer on the wall"

def some_regular_method():
beer(99) # returns immediately

(a slightly more fleshed out example is in the attached file)

Note that this is a deliberately simplistic implementation that has  
various limitations, eg the method has to be a method of a QObject  
subclass, and there is no builtin way to get feedback when the LWP  
exits. Still, it is a convenient bit of code you can drop into your  
PyQt project when you want to do some background work while allowing  
the rest of the app to continue relatively unaffected, while  
sidestepping the issues that come up when calling Qt code from  
multiple threads.

Hope someone finds this useful and any feedback appreciated.


from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, SIGNAL


def qmicro(iterations=500):
'''Qt fire-and-forget microprocess decorator.

def wrap_qmicro(microfn):
def call_qmicro(qobj, *call_args, **call_kwargs):
call_iter = microfn(qobj, *call_args, **call_kwargs)
except StopIteration, sex:

return QtMicroProcess(qobj,, iterations)
return call_qmicro
return wrap_qmicro

class QtMicroProcess(QObject):
'''A single running microprocess, scheduled in the event loop using
timer events until completed or error.
def __init__(self, parent, next_fn, iterations):
QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self.next_fn = next_fn
self.iterations = iterations
self.timer_id = self.startTimer(0)

def timerEvent(self, tev):
next_fn = self.next_fn
for itidx in xrange(self.iterations):
except StopIteration, sex:
except Exception, ex:
print "QMICRO: Unhandled exception:", ex


Re: [BangPypers] Python Bof @

2009-02-18 Thread Sirtaj Singh Kang
On Wednesday 18 February 2009, Ramakrishna Reddy wrote:
> Hi Folks
> I'm be proposing a Python Bof @ I know Sentil is coming.
> Anyone else coming down ?

I intend to be there on both days.

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