it would be highly appreciated if bareos could send notifications via
webhooks or web API. AFAIK "Messages" directive only supports email.
Can "Mail Command" be customized to use eg cURL?
Let say.. something similar to:
Messages {
Name = webhook_ERM
Mail Command = "curl -vs -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -X
POST -d '{\"JobName\": \"%n\", \"JobId\": \"%i\", \"ExitStatus\":
\"%e\", \"Message\": \"Job %n - id %i is ended with Exit code %e\"}'
mail on error = bac...@risorsa.com = all, !skipped, !audit
console = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
append = "/var/log/bareos/bareos.log" = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
catalog = all, !skipped, !saved, !audit
Can it work?
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