[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Toccata and Fugue in d minor (BWV 565) on baroque lute?

2006-09-03 Thread Arthur Ness
The article suggesting that the D minor Toccata (BWV
565) was written for solo violin was unconvincing when I
read it some time ago. It appeared in Early Music 9
(1981): 330-7.

Since then there has been a suggestion that it is for
ONE lute.  See Eric Lewin Altschuler, "Were Bach's
Toccata and Fugue BWV 565 and Ciaconna from BWV 1004
lute pieces?" Musical Times 146 (Winter 2005): 78-86.
Altschuler points out some obvious characteristics of
lute writing, especiallythe barriolage-like figures that
are so prominent.  But one would expect a literal
transfer to the organ, as Bach was accustomed to doing.
So as a SOLO (hint? hint?)  piece it doesn't pass
muster, imo. Didn't lutenists come to Bach in pairs?
Strecker & Sciurius?  Weiss & Kropfgans?

By the way, the proper title of the piece is Toccata.
All toccatas have fugues as an integral part, usually
the form is toccata-style/fugual-style/toccata-style, as
in this instance.  To call it toccata and fugue is being
redundant, and we wouldn't want to do that.  I think
Disney coined the term T & F, and it certainly has
become common.

This topic came up here recently, and
I believe Thomas Schall has made an arrangement of
the Toccata.

- Original Message - 
From: "jim abraham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 7:38 PM
Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Toccata and Fugue in d minor
(BWV 565) on baroque lute?

> Hi All,
> I came across a guitar transcription of Bach's d minor
> T&F the other day (
> http://www.philiphii.com/).  He makes the claim, which
> I've seen elsewhere,
> that it was originally for solo violin, and
> transcribed for organ.
> Interesting.  Anyway, it's in d minor, so would it be
> easily transcribed for
> the d minor baroque lute?  Are there any such
> transcriptions?
> Jim
> --
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

[BAROQUE-LUTE] lutenists and Bach

2006-09-03 Thread Markus Lutz
Arthur Ness schrieb:
> muster, imo. Didn't lutenists come to Bach in pairs?
> Strecker & Sciurius?  Weiss & Kropfgans?

Hello Arthur,
I know of the source for  the visit of Weiss and Kropfgans in 1739.
It is in a letter of a nephew of J.S.Bach.

Where can we read from the visit of Strecker & Sciurius?

BTW - I know Sciurius from his  intabulations of chorales, but never 
heard anything of a  lutenist named Strecker.
Can you give us more details?

For Sciurius there are some details in Per Kjetil Farstad´s diss, German 
galant lute music in the 18th century:
Sciuro (Ciurus, Ciurius, Sciurus, Scyurus), Johann Michael (ca. 1700 - 
after 1754) was apparently Bach´s lutenist in Cöthen.
He was a singer and lutenist. In 1724, Sciuro was employed in Cöthen as 
"Vocal-Musicus." He resigned from this position in 1754.
Ernst Gottlieb Baron visited Cöthen on two occasions. His second visit 
was in 1737 when he stayed for severel months and probably met Sciuro.

His arrangements of chorales are to be found in two Berlin manuscripts 
now in Krakau:
Ms 40150 (some of the chorales of 40151 and 2 Rust-Sonatas) and 40151 
(more than 200 chorales).


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[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: lutenists and Bach

2006-09-03 Thread Markus Lutz
Arthur Ness schrieb:
> That would be Elizabeth Stricker (not Strecker),
> lutenist in Coethen.
> Wife of JSB's precdecessor. I didn';t mean to suggest a
> visit to Leipzig.

I see. Haven´t heard of her before. It is interesting that among the 
professional lutenists there had been some female  lutenists also.
There had been one in Stuttgart also: Maria Dorothea St.Pierre, later 
married Spurny; and also a Mrs. Compernass.

> It is interesting that Sciurus's chorales also appear in
> that manuscript associated with Rust. I long suspected
> they were not by Rust, and that he just used the blank
> pages. The cover of the Sciurius "Canzoni devotti" (Mus
> Ms 40151) has the initials C. A. A. Pr. D'A.  Christina
> Agnes Agnera, Princess d'Anhalt-Coethen (hope I have
> that name OK). She was later Rust's patron when he was
> Kapellmesiter in
> Anhalt-Dessau. She studied harpsichord with JSB, but
> lute as well with Sciurus.  Have you ever considered the
> Canzoni as being gathered into three-movement suites?
> Breitkopf advertised a
> partita by Sciurius (now lost?).  The sonatas by Rust
> were written for her, I presume.
Unfortunately I don´t have yet a copy of the big Sciurus-Ms. Anyway that 
is an interesting thought.
But I´m not sure, as in fact Sciurus seemed to have only arranged 
existing chorale accompaignments.
> I thought Sciurius was Cammer-Musikus"?
Per Kjetil Farstad gives "Vocal-Musicus". As source he mentions 
"Bach-Jahrbuch, 1905, pp.3 and 34, as quoted in Schulze, "Wer 
intavolierte Johann Sebastan Bachs Lautenkompositionen?" - Die 
Musikforschung XIX (1966/I), pp. 37-38.
Unfortunately I cannot look it up.

Best regards

> Regards (I'll be off-line for a week), Arthur.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Markus Lutz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Arthur Ness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 6:48 AM
> Subject: lutenists and Bach
>> Arthur Ness schrieb:
>>> muster, imo. Didn't lutenists come to Bach in pairs?
>>> Strecker & Sciurius?  Weiss & Kropfgans?
>> Hello Arthur,
>> I know of the source for  the visit of Weiss and
>> Kropfgans in 1739.
>> It is in a letter of a nephew of J.S.Bach.
>> Where can we read from the visit of Strecker &
>> Sciurius?
>> BTW - I know Sciurius from his  intabulations of
>> chorales, but never heard anything of a  lutenist
>> named Strecker.
>> Can you give us more details?
>> For Sciurius there are some details in Per Kjetil
>> Farstad´s diss, German galant lute music in the 18th
>> century:
>> Sciuro (Ciurus, Ciurius, Sciurus, Scyurus), Johann
>> Michael (ca. 1700 - after 1754) was apparently Bach´s
>> lutenist in Cöthen.
>> He was a singer and lutenist. In 1724, Sciuro was
>> employed in Cöthen as "Vocal-Musicus." He resigned
>> from this position in 1754.
>> Ernst Gottlieb Baron visited Cöthen on two occasions.
>> His second visit was in 1737 when he stayed for
>> severel months and probably met Sciuro.
>> His arrangements of chorales are to be found in two
>> Berlin manuscripts now in Krakau:
>> Ms 40150 (some of the chorales of 40151 and 2
>> Rust-Sonatas) and 40151 (more than 200 chorales).
>> Best
>> Markus
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Toccata and Fugue in d minor (BWV 565) on baroque lute?

2006-09-03 Thread Stanley Yates
[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Toccata and Fugue in d minor (BWV 565) on baroque lute?- 
Original Message - 
  From: Arthur Ness 
  To: jim abraham ; baroque-lute@cs.dartmouth.edu 
  Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2006 5:24 AM
  Subject: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Toccata and Fugue in d minor (BWV 565) on baroque 

  The article suggesting that the D minor Toccata (BWV
  565) was written for solo violin was unconvincing when I
  read it some time ago. It appeared in Early Music 9
  (1981): 330-7.

  Since then there has been a suggestion that it is for
  ONE lute.  See Eric Lewin Altschuler, "Were Bach's
  Toccata and Fugue BWV 565 and Ciaconna from BWV 1004
  lute pieces?" Musical Times 146 (Winter 2005): 78-86.

I think the Altschuler article is even less convincing than the earlier one on 
the toccata (by Peter Williams)!



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[BAROQUE-LUTE] Re: Toccata and Fugue in d minor (BWV 565) on baroque lute?

2006-09-03 Thread sterling price
I did a transcription for baroque lute. It works quite
well, better than the 'guitar' version.
Sterling Price

> Interesting.  Anyway, it's in d minor, so would it
> be easily transcribed for
> the d minor baroque lute?  Are there any such
> transcriptions?
> Jim
> --
> To get on or off this list see list information at

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