vegard nygaard wrote:
>> Dominic wrote:
>> Quick question, are using the AnnotationTypeCvImporter plugin contained
>> in the Tab2MageImporter.jar file?
> No. I installed and tested the AnnotationTypeCvImporter with its own jar
> file and assumed it was the same. 
> I now changed to use the Tab2MageImporter.jar and the plug-in finished
> without errors reported to the plug-in window in BASE. Though there were a
> bunch of error messages in the tomcat log. This is just the start:
> Executing job: Importing data to raw bioassay: H_PropylParabenC1T1.gpr
> 13:19:29,197 ERROR jobqueue:435 - Exception while executing job: Job[id=78;
> name=Importing data to raw bioassay: N_PropylParabenC1T2.gpr]
> net.sf.basedb.core.BaseException: Permission denied: The item
> RawBioAssay[id=102] was modified by another transaction.
>       at
> net.sf.basedb.core.InternalJobQueue$
>       at
> Caused by: net.sf.basedb.core.ItemModifiedException: Permission denied: The
> item RawBioAssay[id=102] was modified by another transaction.
>       at net.sf.basedb.core.HibernateUtil.commit(
>       at net.sf.basedb.core.DbControl.commit(
>       at
> net.sf.basedb.plugins.RawDataFlatFileImporter.end(RawDataFlatFileImporter.ja
> va:521)

This is not a problem that hampers the Tab2mage importer, as you have 
The tomcat messages had been identified and handled (or fixed) and will 
not appear with the new release of the importer.

> When I briefly inspected what was created in BASE it looked OK despite the
> error messages in the log. The "overview" tab for the experiment crashed
> though, but it has done that for me a lot and may not be caused by the
> tab2mage importer. Anyways here is the error message

Further to the information by Nicklas.
With the example zip file you are running, the importer creates new 
protocol types e.g. (grow ) identified in the tab2mage file.
You can manually identify the protocol whose protocoltype is NOT a 
base-known protocoltype and change to a base known protocoltype and the 
experiment overview should work.

And of course, you could upgrade to base 2.4.4.


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