Hi there!

On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 05:31:50 +0100, Roland Winkler wrote:
> On Wed Feb 2 2011 Johnny wrote:
>> This is a good idea; the current BBDB handling seems very
>> US-centered. For one, I think "Postal code" should replace the American
>> term "Zip code" as default naming, as this seems to be the generic
>> term.
> This becomes yet more complicated. I vaguely remember that some
> other english-speaking countries use yet different names instead of
> "zip code" and "postal code", but I forgot where it was and what
> their alternative terminology was...

Well, I would say that by default we should use the same term used by
the UPU, which is "Postcode" [1], albeit quite surprisingly the main
article on Wikipedia is referred as "Postal Code":


FWIW, here a small survey on some websites:

  easyJet.com > Postcode/Zip
  Amazon.com  > ZIP
  eBay.it     > CAP (Italian for 'Postal Code')
  PayPal.com  > Postal Code (localized, CH-...)
  FSF.org     > ZIP/Postal Code
  FSFE.org    > Post Code

>> > If I remember correctly, Europe introduced zip codes like CH-8052,
>> > NL-2300RA, and SE-132 54
>> I guess this stems from ISO-3166? It does seem appealing to use this
>> standard, but it could take some effort to implement; e.g. would a
>> lookup table be necessary?
> I am impressed what is covered by some ISO-xyz! Yet I guess what
> matters in the end is what people actually like to use in real life...

I do not think there is even a *used* standard within a single country,
at least here in Switzerland I saw different layouts sometime according
to where the sender lives (French/German/Italian part).  And none of the
examples at the UPU website uses this ISO-3166 supposed standard:


>> > I am not yet sure what is the best way how to combine a look-up table
>> > based on country names with a zip-based scheme.
>> Wikipedia lists a few formattings of postal codes; however this is not
>> defined in ISO-3166. Maybe there's some other source for this though...
> Well, I want to ask: Is the scheme I proposed general enough to make
> most people happy? Or is it necessary to have something yet more
> complicated (and possibly less user-friendly? I wouldn't like that
> either...)

Your proposed scheme is enough customizable, so the situation will be
improved anyway WRT the actual US/EU dichotomy ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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