Re: Working Directory in Worksheet Script

2013-04-19 Thread John Delacour
On 19/4/13 at 18:51, (Christopher 
Stone) wrote:

I got tired of typing 'pwd' to check the working 
directory of a worksheet, so I wrote a script to add/update it 
as a comment on line one.  It attempts to restore the cursor 
location or selection.

Hello Chris,

I just felt like a bit of useless amusement this evening, so 
here's my variant of your script:

tell application "BBEdit"
  if class of front document is shell document then
tell front shell window
  set {_key, _pwd} to {"# PWD: ", its document's working directory}
  set _selected_text to the selection
  set _insertion_point to characterOffset of _selected_text
  set _text_is_selected to false
  if the length of the _selected_text is not 0 then
set _text_is_selected to true
set _first_char to characterOffset of _selected_text
set _last_char to _first_char + (length of 
_selected_text) - 1

  end if
  set _current_top_line to the contents of the first line
  set _new_top_line to _key & _pwd
  if _current_top_line is "" or _current_top_line starts 
with _key then

set the contents of the first line to _new_top_line
set the contents of the first line to _new_top_line & 
linefeed & _current_top_line

  end if
  set _increment to (length of _new_top_line) - (length of 
  if _text_is_selected then
set _first_char to _first_char + _increment
set _last_char to _last_char + _increment
select (characters _first_char through _last_char)
select insertion point before character 
(_insertion_point + _increment)

  end if
end tell
  end if
end tell


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Working Directory in Worksheet Script

2013-04-19 Thread Christopher Stone
Hey Folks,

I got tired of typing 'pwd' to check the working directory of a 
worksheet, so I wrote a script to add/update it as a comment on line one.  It 
attempts to restore the cursor location or selection.

Presently I have it bound to Cmd-Opt-Ctrl-P.

Best Regards,

# Auth: Christopher Stone
# dCre: 2013-04-19 : 05:28
# dMod: 2013-04-19 : 05:47 
# Appl: BBEdit
# Task: Print Working Directory (PWD) as a comment in the first line of a 
BBEdit worksheet.
# Tags: @Applescript, @BBEdit, @PWD, @Worksheet

  tell application "BBEdit"
if class of front document is shell document then
  tell front shell window
set _sel to selection
set selSt to characterOffset of _sel
set selLen to length of _sel
set oldTextLen to number of characters
set _pwd to working directory of its active document
set _pwd to "# $PWD == " & _pwd

if (contents of line 1) ≠ _pwd or (contents of line 1) = "" then
  if (contents of line 1) starts with "# $PWD == " then
set (contents of line 1) to _pwd

  else if (contents of line 1) = "" then
set (contents of line 1) to _pwd & linefeed & (contents of line 1)

set (contents of line 1) to _pwd & linefeed & (contents of line 1)

  end if
  set newTextLen to number of characters
  if newTextLen ≠ oldTextLen then
set selSt to selSt + (newTextLen - oldTextLen)
  end if
  if selLen = 0 then
select insertion point after character (selSt - 1)

select (characters selSt thru (selSt + selLen - 1))

  end if
end if

  end tell
end if
  end tell
on error e number n
  set e to e & return & return & "Num: " & n
  tell me to set dDlg to display dialog e with title "ERROR!" buttons 
{"Cancel", "Copy", "OK"} default button "OK"
  if button returned of dDlg = "Copy" then set the clipboard to e
end try


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Re: Sequential numbering

2013-04-19 Thread hoyu yiu
Hi Chris

This script works great with BBedit.
Thank you for providing such a useful script.
However, is there a way to edit this script so it can also work with 


Must appreciated.


On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 3:48:35 AM UTC-4, Christopher Stone wrote:
> On Sep 03, 2012, at 01:42, AB > wrote:
> Can anyone help with a script or text filter to add a number after a 
> string in a file
> __
> Hey AB,
> Kendall's Perl script is far superior for speed with nearly instant 
> replacement of sample text with 450 replacements.
> Nevertheless it can be done pretty easily with Applescript:
> -
> set regexStr to "\\b(the)\\b"
> set _cntr to 0
> tell *application* "BBEdit"
> tell front *text window*'s *text*
> *select* *insertion point* before *character* 1
> repeat
> set fndRec to *find* regexStr options {search mode:grep, case sensitive:
> false}
> if (found of fndRec) = true then
> set _cntr to _cntr + 1
> tell (a reference to found object of fndRec)
> set its *text* to (get its *text* as *text*) & _cntr
> end tell
> else
> exit repeat
> end if
> end repeat
> *select* *insertion point* after *character* -1
> end tell
> end tell
> -
> This script however takes about 4 seconds to complete on the same example 
> text when run from BBEdit's script menu.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Chris

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