I have a simple Find in a BBEdit AppleScript. It looks like this:

        set myList to find "^DESC!([A-Z]*[0-9]*)\\t(INT\\.|EXT\\.{1})(.*)$" 
searching in text 1 of text of myDoc options {search mode:grep, starting at 
top:true, returning results:true}

The very last part of this statement, where it says “returning results:true” is 
important because I need the list of what is found (I later step through the 
list of found items). 

If I say “returning results: false” I don’t get the list of found items, so I 
can’t step through them later. I have to have “returning results: true”. 

But… if it happens that NOTHING is found, which is bound to happen, then I get 
a little notification from BBEdit saying “Multi-File Search Completed. The 
pattern "^DESC!([A-Z]*[0-9]*)\t(INT\.|EXT\.{1})(.*)$” was not found.”

I would rather not see that little notification. Is there a way, in 
AppleScript, to tell that notification to not appear?

Thank you--

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