Search pattern works in Notepad++ , but not in BBEdit

2023-11-29 Thread Samir Vasaya
I have a .xlm file with below sample contents.

   Main Location
   Sales @ 12% GST
  PF 05 CNS0720
   Main Location
   Sales @ 12% GST

I do a Search and Replace using Grep in BBEdit with

Search pattern:


Replace pattern:


Im not getting the desired results, Pattern playground hi lights sub 
patterns 1, 2 and 3 Correctly, But the Replacement text: for \2 shows the 
captured text incorrectly.

Am I m doing something wrong. I have gone through BBEdit manual, but 
couldn’t find anything that helped.

I ran the same pattern in Notepad++ and it works flawlessly.

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How should "overscroll" work?

2023-11-29 Thread Jan Erik Moström
I got asked today if "type writer mode" was implemented in BBEdit. I was going 
to answer "sure" but then I tried and what I see is that I can continue to type 
and end up at the bottom om the window. Not until I press down arrow the last 
line ended up in the middle of the window.

I have never thought about this, but I think that this person expected that the 
line that is edited is kept in the middle of the window.

Is the possible in BBEdit? (I personally don't like this but ...)

= jem

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