When I first installed BBEdit I almost canned it because it was driving me 
crazy.  Let me explain.  I'm a programmer and usually have lots of windows 
open, and I have two monitors.  A typical use case is:
* Eclipse or some other code editor on monitor 1 with my web site source 
* Web browser on monitor 2 running my web site

I do this so I can compare the behavior of the web site with its source 

Sometimes I'll want to quickly open a file and not have to deal with the 
monster that is eclipse, so I'll throw BB Edit into the mix on monitor 1. 
 Then I'll be done with that task and want to go back to using Eclipse.  

Here's what was happening:
1) I have Eclipse and BB Edit on monitor 1, and the browser is open on 
monitor 2
2) I bring Eclipse to the front on monitor 1 by clicking on it, and let BB 
Edit go to the background
3) I click on the browser in monitor 2
4) BBEdit suddenly pops back to the front of monitor 1 and obscures Eclipse

Again, this was frustrating me no end...I was like BBEdit GO AWAY but it 
kept coming back on top of other windows.  No other program I have 
installed behaves this way.  As far as the other applications I mentioned: 
Eclipse, Browser...it doesn't matter.  It could be any combination of 
applications and they are all impacted the same way by BB Edit.

I finally figured out to uncheck "Open documents into the front window when 
possible" in Application settings and that...kind of worked.  Two things 
1) I will occasionally still see the unwanted behavior, regardless of this 
setting being checked.  I can't explain what causes the occasional change 
in behavior.
2) I'm not convinced this is the intended behavior of this setting. 
 Perhaps it's an unintended side effect?

IMO, setting or no, this shouldn't be the default behavior.  If there's 
another setting that I missed that can fix this I can't find it.

   - iMac 2013 edition
   - Mavericks
   - BBEdit 10.5.8


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