OK, with help from Roland Küffner and Christopher Stone, I've been able to 
create the script I need. More on that in a bit.

There have been a number of suggestions that using find/replace with grep 
should work. That only works well if there are no nested spans (with inner 
spans that I want to keep ... i.e. spans with class attributes as opposed to 
span elements with no attributes). And matching beginning and closing tags is 
difficult in a nested element scenario. So, a script seems like the safest 

So here is what I did. First, I started with the script from Roland that 
selected the outer tags of a balanced tag selection. I'll repeat that original 
script here:

tell application "BBEdit"
        if (balance tags) then
                set x to characterOffset of selection
                set y to x + (length of selection)
                inside tag start range (x - 2) end range (x - 2)
                set tagLength to (end_offset of tag of result) - (start_offset 
of tag of result)
                set x to x - tagLength - 1
                inside tag start range (y + 1) end range (y + 1)
                set tagLength to (end_offset of tag of result) - (start_offset 
of tag of result)
                set y to y + tagLength
                select characters x thru y of window 1
                beep -- script beeps if it could not create an initial balance
        end if
end tell

Then I modified it to remove the outer tags:

tell application "BBEdit"
        if (balance tags) then
                set x to characterOffset of selection
                set y to x + (length of selection)
                inside tag start range (x - 2) end range (x - 2)
                set tagLength to (end_offset of tag of result) - (start_offset 
of tag of result)
                set xOpen to x - tagLength - 1
                set lenOpen to tagLength
                set yOpen to xOpen + lenOpen
                inside tag start range (y + 1) end range (y + 1)
                set tagLength to (end_offset of tag of result) - (start_offset 
of tag of result)
                set xClose to y
                set lenClose to tagLength
                set yClose to xClose + lenClose
                -- set insertion point before character xClose
                tell window 1 to select (characters xClose thru yClose)
                tell window 1 to delete selection
                tell window 1 to select (characters xOpen thru yOpen)
                tell window 1 to delete selection
                beep -- script beeps if it could not create an initial balance
        end if
end tell

Then I made it specific to a <span> element:

tell application "BBEdit"
        set origInsPt to characterOffset of selection
        if (balance tags) then
                set x to characterOffset of selection
                set y to x + (length of selection)
                inside tag start range (x - 2) end range (x - 2)
                set t to tag of result
                if ("span" is equal to name of t) then
                        set tagLength to (end_offset of t) - (start_offset of t)
                        set xOpen to x - tagLength - 1
                        set lenOpen to tagLength
                        set yOpen to xOpen + lenOpen
                        inside tag start range (y + 1) end range (y + 1)
                        set tagLength to (end_offset of tag of result) - 
(start_offset of tag of result)
                        set xClose to y
                        set lenClose to tagLength
                        set yClose to xClose + lenClose
                        -- set insertion point before character xClose
                        tell window 1 to select (characters xClose thru yClose)
                        tell window 1 to delete selection
                        tell window 1 to select (characters xOpen thru yOpen)
                        tell window 1 to delete selection
                        tell window 1 to select (insertion point before 
character origInsPt)
                        beep -- script beeps if it outer element is not <span/>
                end if
                beep -- script beeps if it could not create an initial balance
        end if
end tell

Then I used a script from Chris to create the wrapper code to find an empty 
span element and do some processing with it; I added a loop that repeated until 
there were no more empty <span> elements remaining:

tell application "BBEdit"
        set keepGoing to true
        repeat while keepGoing = true
                tell text of window 1
                        set fndRsltStart to find "<span>" options ¬
                                {search mode:grep, case sensitive:false, 
starting at top:true} with selecting match
                end tell
                set keepGoing to found of fndRsltStart
                if keepGoing = true then
                        set z to characterOffset of selection
                        tell window 1 to select insertion point before 
character (z + 2)
                        if (balance tags) then
                                set x to characterOffset of selection
                                set y to x + (length of selection)
                                inside tag start range (x - 2) end range (x - 2)
                                set t to tag of result
                                if ("span" is equal to name of t) then
                                        set tagLength to (end_offset of t) - 
(start_offset of t)
                                        set xOpen to x - tagLength - 1
                                        set lenOpen to tagLength
                                        set yOpen to xOpen + lenOpen
                                        inside tag start range (y + 1) end 
range (y + 1)
                                        set tagLength to (end_offset of tag of 
result) - (start_offset of tag of result)
                                        set xClose to y
                                        set lenClose to tagLength
                                        set yClose to xClose + lenClose
                                        -- now remove the closing and opening 
element tags
                                        tell window 1 to select (characters 
xClose thru yClose)
                                        tell window 1 to delete selection
                                        tell window 1 to select (characters 
xOpen thru yOpen)
                                        tell window 1 to delete selection
                                        tell window 1 to select (insertion 
point before character origInsPt)
                                end if
                        end if
                end if
        end repeat
end tell

That is it!!  I assigned a shortcut key to that script and am ripping through 
the nearly 100 files that need to be cleaned up. Very cool.

Now, there could be more to be done here. I probably need an "on error" handler 
(Chris had one, but I didn't keep it). And I might need to be referencing the 
current document with something other than "window 1" ... or maybe check that 
window 1 is actually a text window. And I might want a "beep" if the script did 
no work.

I'll probably add some of that clean up later (I anticipate need this script 
quite a bit). For now, I'm quite happy -- lots of tedium avoided.

Thanks to everyone who contributed suggestions. All were appreciated.

Awesome response folks!

Dave Hein

On 23 Aug, 2011, at 18:25, DaveHein wrote:

> I have a lot of HTML files that have do-nothing <span> blocks in them.
> I'd like to select all the text -- including the opening and closing
> tags -- and then strip HTML. Actually I'd like to just strip the
> opening and closing span tags, and leave what's inside them alone.
> The problem I'm running into is that Balance Tags will select the
> innner HTML but not the span tags themselves. So if I put the cursor
> somewhere on or in "<span>some normal text here</span>" and did a Cmd-
> B, the "some normal text here" would be selected, but the opening
> "<span>" and closing "</span>" would not be selected.
> I cannot see any way to get the tags that delimit the selected text to
> be selected as well.
> Any ideas?
> NOTE: what I really want to do is just click on the opening <span> tag
> and have a command that will remove that tag (along with it's closing
> tag) ... leaving the inner text alone.
> -- 
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