HOWTO restore the pre-9.6.3 functionality for opening textClipping files

2010-12-23 Thread David Kendal
BBEdit 9.6.3 removes a feature that, for me at least, was really
you could open a textClipping and its contents would appear in a new
BBEdit window. I probably used this feature more than actually viewing
clippings with the Finder or dragging them into a text-box.

9.6.3 takes this away and instead opens the text clipping file
data fork, which is empty. I can't imagine a single situation in which
this useful, but I've emailed BBEdit support and they've made it clear
that in order to avoid depending on undocumented data structures,
they're not going to change back.

Here's how to bring it back.

1. Grab the `clipcat` script I wrote back in November--preferably
   modified one by Morgan Aldridge](
   install it somewhere. This script cats the contents of a text-
   on the command-line.
2. Copy this script:

on documentDidOpen(_doc)
set _SCRIPT to "/Users/david/Library/Scripts/UNIX/clipcat"

tell application "BBEdit"
set _doc to document 1
set _file to the file of _doc
end tell

if _file is missing value then
return -- prevents an error when creating new documents
end if

tell application "Finder"
set _type to the file type of _file
end tell

tell application "BBEdit"
if _type is "clpt" then
close document 1
set _path to POSIX path of _file
set _contents to (do shell script _SCRIPT & " " 
& quoted form of
make new text document with properties 
select insertion point before character 1 of 
text window 1
end if
end tell
end documentDidOpen

   and change the _SCRIPT variable to the path to where you saved the
   script (this must be in UNIX/POSIX format, delimited by slashes,
   classic-Mac format using colons). Paste it into the Script editor
   save in `~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Attachment Scripts/`
3. Open a text clipping file. Ta-da!

I hope this is useful to some of you.

— dpk.

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Re: Now that Lion is officially here

2011-07-20 Thread David Kendal
On Jul 21, 12:12 am, Rich Siegel  wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 20, 2011, Chris  wrote:
> >Or, rather than Apple making a special case for you, you could make
> >BBEdit a full 64-bit Cocoa app?
> Uh, sure, I'll just crap that out between breakfast and my 10am
> coffee break. What do you think we've been working on for the
> past year?
> >I love BBEdit for so many reasons but the way it clings to the past on
> >some things makes me want to pull my hair out.
> I hope you'll forgive me for saying so, but that's just about
> the most ridiculous and offensive thing I can recall having
> heard recently, and I've heard a lot.

I wish it was possible to mark an email as a favourite.

To 'star' or 'like' an email, as it were, so that it's publicly
visible that one has done so.

But it's not, so I'll spam the list with this and say:
  Well said, Rich.

— dpk.

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Re: How do i add ftp/sftp folder to project?

2011-07-29 Thread David Kendal
On 29 Jul 2011, at 12:38, Rich Siegel wrote:

> something like MacFUSE/SSH (or ExpanDrive)

There's also Transmit 4's disk feature, if you already own that.

— dpk.

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Re: How do i add ftp/sftp folder to project?

2011-07-29 Thread David Kendal
On 29 Jul 2011, at 14:55, Robert Huttinger wrote:

> disk feature you say? I have been wanting to use the poect layout with
> transmit. Pleasing to share how I can do that if you can tell me!

If you use the favourites feature, select a favourite in the list and
then the disk button on the bottom of the list. (The rightmost button
in the capsule.)

For a non-favourite, type in the connection info then
click "Mount as Disk."

You can also enable a menu bar item to access favourites with a disk
in the General section of the Preferences.

Note, you'll need Transmit 4 or later to do this. Transmit 3 didn't
have the disk feature.

> thanks!
> bo

— dpk.

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Re: Why BBE pisses me off

2011-08-20 Thread David Kendal
The only reasonable response to people who are *this* mean is to laugh at them.

And laugh I did.

— dpk

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: [ANN] BBEdit 10.0.2 (3091) pre-release

2011-09-12 Thread David Kendal
On 13 Sep 2011, at 00:09, John Delacour wrote:

> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> my $i;
> while(<>){ # or ...
>  $i++;
>  print sprintf("%4d: ",$i), $_;
> }
> __END__

I think this one has continued working because it's written in Perl
using the <> idiom. I believe Perl is smart about this and uses the
files on argv or reads from stdin depending on context; in this case,
the script behaves as before because Perl has automatically made the
change for you! Isn't that clever.

— dpk.

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Setting the page guide by AppleScript?

2011-10-29 Thread David Kendal
Is there any method to set the position of
the page guide through AppleScript?

— dpk.

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Re: Setting the page guide by AppleScript?

2011-10-30 Thread David Kendal
On 30 Oct 2011, at 16:59, Rich Siegel wrote:

> What problem are you trying to solve by adjusting the page guide
> on the fly?

I like to wrap plain text manually, so that I have a nice smooth left
margin and avoid widows/orphans, among other things. Maybe I'm just
silly and should trust BBEdit's hard wrapping to do it for me.

In this case, I find the page guide helpful as it can show me where to
break my lines, but sometimes I want it at 90 characters (the default)
because I don't want hard-wrap but just want a nice guide for a decent
line-length, sometimes I want it at 80 and sometimes at 72 so I know
where to break lines. So for each document I'd like to be able to set
the page guide without having to go into preferences. (I don't mind
that it's a global setting either, because tasks where I want to hard-
wrap are, on the whole, ones which I divert my whole attention to for
a while, such as composing email or updating a readme file, etc. Hence
I'm happy to have to change it back afterwards.)

— dpk.

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Re: where did Markup->Utilities->Comment go?

2012-02-21 Thread David Kendal
On 21 Feb 2012, at 13:39, Mike Arnold  wrote:

> A short time ago, it seems as if 'Markup->Utilities->Comment'
> disappeared, now I only have 'Markup->Utilities->Remove Comments'.
> I really miss the function ... any idea where it might be hiding?

Could "Un/Comment Selection" in the Text menu be what you're looking for?

> thanks,
> Mike.

— dpk.

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Re: Correct Spelling Automatically?

2012-03-19 Thread David Kendal
On 19 Mar 2012, at 23:35, Jaren Angerbauer  wrote:

> I've been using TextWrangler for a long time and have been seriously 
> considering moving to BBEdit.  However, I am a big fan of MacOS's new 
> spelling correction functionality (Snow Leopard and newer), but don't see 
> this kind of option in either product, although the latest documentation 
> seems to lead me to think it does use the system spellcheck functionality.

At the bottom of the 'Text' menu in BBEdit. (not sure about TextWrangler)

> --Jaren

— dpk.

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Re: BBE 10.5 Hard Wrap

2012-12-01 Thread David Kendal
On 1 Dec 2012, at 18:51, Grant Hutchinson  wrote:

> I'd like to blame it on some other piece of software running on my system 
> that is globally hijacking those shortcuts ... but I have yet to locate the 
> source of the conflict.

I mailed Bare Bones support about this a week or so ago; they said that 
1Password is the source of the issue, that narking keythief! Hopefully the 
issues that cause this are resolved soon.

In the meantime, I've remapped ⌘\ to ⌘', like the old Rewrap Quoted Text.

> g.

— dpk.

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Re: Justify Text

2013-02-26 Thread David Kendal
On 27 Feb 2013, at 01:25, LuKreme  wrote:

> Yes, but I thought I was quite clear. I can do this in vim
> and end up with a block  of text that  has spaces added in
> to  space out the letters and yield a 'justified'  looking
> block of  text that is still monospaced, but does not have
> a ragged right margin.

Indeed, this is the default formatting for man pages. Type
'man sh' into a terminal window to see it in action.

— dpk.

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Re: Resizeable 'Currently Open Documents' frame

2013-08-12 Thread David Kendal
On 9 Aug 2013, at 12:25, wrote:

> For the love of God! when is this feature going to be implemented. It is 
> driving me NUTS!!
> I've been asking for this for well over a year. It is a trivial, minor 
> little interface improvement that would have a MASSIVE benefit for people 
> like me who always edit more than a couple of files at one. The only thing 
> I can think is that Bare Bones obviously thinks it is irrelevant or 
> unimportant.
> Well I am sick of not being able to see at a glance what files I've got 
> open, or having to scroll a tiny window to work on them. It is a stupid 
> design flaw that Bare Bones has been aware of for a long time and done 
> nothing about.
> I hate to say it, but if it is not fixed pretty soon I will be switching to 
> another mac editor. Bare Bones has tough competition these days and cannot 
> ignore customers quite as much as it once could.


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