
Sorry in advance for a very simple question.  I code in QB64 and have made 
a language module for it that actually works rather well.  My question has 
to do with the color selections in "preferences".  I can see where the 
definitions for keywords, predefined symbols, strings and comments come 
from in the Language Module plist.  I don't understand how to specify what 
represents a number, in order to get the color shown in the preferences 
panel to display.  Presently, numbers in my code are displayed as regular 
text (in that color).  There are others as well, like preprocessor 
directives and variables that I can't figure out how to specify in the 
codeless plist.  I'm probably thinking about it wrong, but I can't find any 
good references to the issue on the web.  Is there a way to get BBedit to 
"find" numeric values in source code and color that text with the 
preference pane color for numbers?



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