Stationery problems

2013-04-28 Thread John Delacour

On page 66 of the newly downloaded manual I read:

"To create a stationery pad, click the Save As Stationery checkbox
when saving the file from BBEdit. Alternatively, you can change any
document into a stationery pad in the Finder by clicking the
Stationery Pad checkbox in the document’s Get Info window...&c.&c"

First, the Save As Stationery checkbox seems no longer to exist, 
so I was not able to create stationery that way.  I then saved 
the file without this option in the Stationery folder and did 
the second thing : checked box in the Finder's Get Info window.  
I then hoped to see the template listed under File::New with 
Stationery but it did not appear.  Having today had a problem 
already with Shell Worksheets refusing to work and solving it by 
relaunching BBEdit, I did that, and finally got the new 
Stationery item showing in the menu and opening as expected.

I then read:

• Use BBEdit’s Stationery List, which is available from the
Window menu. The Stationery List is a palette that displays all the
stationery pads you have placed inside the Stationery folder of
BBEdit’s application support folder. You can create a new document
from any of these pads by double-clicking them in this list.

I have scanned the Windows menu and the Windows palette several 
times to make sure my eyes are not deceiving me but I can see no 
sign of this feature.

Can someone please enlighten me.


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Re: Stationery problems

2013-04-30 Thread John Delacour

On 28/4/13 at 19:33, (John Delacour) wrote:

...First, the Save As Stationery checkbox seems no longer to
exist, so I was not able to create stationery that way...

I am informed that things have indeed changed, at least for a 
while, and this option no longer exists.

Here is an AppleScript script (also attached) to enable the 
trouble-free saving of a file as Stationery:

set _stationery_folder to ¬
  ((path to application support from user domain) as string) & ¬
tell application "BBEdit"
  set _windowname to the name of the front window
  tell me to set _dd to display dialog "
Creating a new stationery file in
\"~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Stationery/\"" & return & ¬
return & ¬
"Enter a name for the file:" default answer ¬
_windowname with icon 1
  set _filename to text returned of _dd
  tell application "Finder"
if exists file (_stationery_folder & _filename) then
  tell me to set _dd to display dialog ¬
"A Stationery File named “" & ¬
_filename & "” already exists." & return & ¬
"Enter a new name or overwrite it:" with icon 2 buttons ¬
{"Cancel", "Overwrite it", "Save"} default button ¬
"Save" default answer ""
end if
if button returned of _dd is "Save" then
  set _filename to text returned of _dd
end if
  end tell
  save the front document to file ¬
(_stationery_folder & _filename) with saving as stationery
end tell

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Save as stationery.scpt
Description: Mac BinHex archive