Re: Kolisko's Work was

2002-08-12 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Allan,
I tried to order the paper back and the site would not take the order,
so do not know if this is their way of saying they have no stock. Tried
several times and just could not get it to work.


Allan Balliett wrote:

 Please keep me posted ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on the avail. of this title from
 these folk. My biggest question: do they have 1 copy each or do they
 have stock? -Allan

Re: Kolisko's Work was

2002-08-12 Thread Gil Robertson

Replying to myself, I have had another try and it looks ot be working now
and they will seem to have stock.


Gil Robertson wrote:

 Hi! Allan,
 I tried to order the paper back and the site would not take the order,
 so do not know if this is their way of saying they have no stock. Tried
 several times and just could not get it to work.


 Allan Balliett wrote:

  Please keep me posted ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on the avail. of this title from
  these folk. My biggest question: do they have 1 copy each or do they
  have stock? -Allan

Re: 9-11

2002-08-12 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/11/02 11:31:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 To me there is a huge gulf between the two and I was trying to 
account for your sentiments, or to try to re-adjust my perceptions.

Two separate events...the bombing and the memorial service.   The original 
event may have been ''let'' to happen for a couple of reasons: 1.  ''they'' 
need a war to make some real $$$.  2.  Manhattan is in such bad shape 
structurally, the physical plant, the garbage that they generate and have 
nowhere to put, 3. the large financial interests want out, and 4. a recent 
report indictes that the steel in the towers was inadequate in the first 
All these scenarios are pathetic reasons to cause such  loss of life, not to 
mention post- traumatizing all these poor citiots.  But ''the  powers that 
be'' operate with a different set of standards and morals than us plain folk. 
 Now a dude like governer pataki is left holding the bag and the moron cannot 
even write a proper speech to honor those who died in the attack and those 
who died trying to help, he has to read the Gettysberg Address.  As far as I 
am concerned he should resign and get a job pushing a broom.  I feel that if 
theyare going to put on this show  at least it should be a real , honest 
Does that clarify my sentiments???  SStorch

Re: RESEND: Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'

2002-08-12 Thread James Hedley

Dear list members,
For many years I have been an advocate for the recognition of the work of
the Kolisko's. This research has laid the groundwork for modern agricultural
I believe that one of the major problems faced by the Kolisko's within the
Anthroposophical movement lay in the fact that this research was competing
with secular interests who were promoting the legacy of Rudolph Steiner.
There was no recognition by their peers of the value of this research.
To get the theory of homoeopathic dose accepted in agriculture, particularly
in high potency, there had to be a development of an appropriate technology
to potentise large quantities of material. This was not available at that
What was the value of minimal dose when the basis of RS's Agriculture course
was cow manure which was in plentiful supply.
Steiner's indications were being interpreted by materialists who were trying
to come to grips with a spiritual aspect promoted by a man who was so far
ahead of his time. The time was not right for a discussion of spiritual
aspects of agriculture. The people of Europe were trying to come to grips
with the effects of a devastating war, the people of Germany were burdened
with reparation payments, and physical wealth had to be rebuilt.
In a way modern America is in the same position that Europe was in the
1920's and 1930's, you are trying to come to grips with such great
uncertainty that it is only natural that there will be resistance from some
of those who need to defend the status quo. This discussion to advance, will
need to come to some concensus opinion of allowing the many divergent views
on radionics to be expressed.
Let us debate the issues vigorously, as even in Europe there is a need to
solve the problems which have surfaced about some form of testing to ensure
the freedom of disease which could be transferred from farm to farm by the
use of BD500 made from raw manure.
Radionically potentised BD preps have so much to offer  agriculture, that
their widespread use is only a matter of time. To discuss pot trials from 70
years ago is a purely academic pastime unless we also discuss how do we use
this  information and in what circumstances are the results applicable.
Have a great day.
James Hedley

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: RESEND: Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'

 The following is from Agriculture of Tomorrow by Eugen and Lily
 Kolisko. This title is out of print and is reproduced here for
 purposes of education.

 Today, people in general are little inclined to detach themselves
 from the claims of the material world and to seek the spiritual
 directly in the physical world around them . . .

 It is, however, precisely from observing directly the
 sense-perceptible that a right path will open out for those who wish
 now to work entirely within the fild of present-day science, if they
 really seek to discover the spritual there. It can be done  . .

 Chapter 1

 It may seem strange to speak about smallest entities in
 agriculture, but it is absolutely necessary that farmers and
 gardeners learn to understand this important phenomenon.

 The problem of minutest quantities, or better smallest entities,
 was studied from 1920 in the Biological Institute at the Goetheanum
 (Stuttgart) and later on in the Biological Institute at Bray, Berks.
 The attempt to find a remedy for Footand-Mouth Disease led us to
 the question of smallest entities. What is the right concentration
 of the specific remedy to be injected? Rudolf Steiner suggested that
 the effect of different dilutions on germinating plants should be
 studied. From 1920 until today we have been studying this interesting
 subject. One might think that this is a medical problem rather than
 an agricultural one. Of course it is a medical problem in that we are
 looking for a certain remedy, but it becomes an agricultural problem
 as well if we study how the growth of plants is affected by
 substances which are diluted, or rather potentised.

 What does potentise mean? Exactly what the word itself expresses.
 In potentising a substance, we increase its effectiveness. We make
 the substance more potent. The strange thing about potentising is,
 that we have to reduce the amount of the substance which we want to
 make more potent. In everyday life we are accustomed to think: if we
 want to make something more effective, we have to take a bigger
 quantity. For  instance, if we want to make coffee sweeter, we take a
 second teaspoonful of sugar. In homeopathy we are told just the
 opposite thing. If we want a stronger action from a certain remedy,
 we have to potentise it, that means dilute it with water or alcohol,
 again and again, in a rhythmical way.

 This is the first and most important thing we have to learn: to
 discriminate between matter and force. Matter can act in two
 different ways: as matter, or 

Re: Lime and Humus

2002-08-12 Thread James Hedley

Dear Hugh et al,
Silica is the unsung hero of the BD preps. It was not until using BD 501
that we observed the real potential of the BD method.  It even stops
thistles from growing and what are left are being grazed out in the drought
by the local colony of kangaroos, they know good healthy food when they
taste it.
You have maintained that 501 is an atmospheric prep. From my understanding
you think that it develops the formative patterns in the atmosphere. That
may very well be true but Silica has the unique ability of repairing
functionally impaired cells by enabling them to throw off inimical
substances.It also has in Clarke's Materia Medica [p. 1175];
constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to assimilating
power. Even if they never used any other of the BD preps in conventional
farming the use of Silica to dissolve the phosphorus which has become bound
up in silicates should be common practice on all farms. The money in the
Phosphorus bank if released will save many farms from financial ruin.This
has been proved by the CSIRO at Mackay during research work into the control
of Orange Rust in sugar cane. A study of  Materia Medica is important to get
the feel of what the realm of activity of substances as could be seen from
study of Silica.. One of the roles of  501 is to allow the plant to
assimilate nutrients from the soil.
Have a great day.

 - Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

 James, et. al.,

 There's nothing like silica for making lime available. Read pages 30
 through 33 of Steiner's AGRICULTURE (Lecture Two). Many, many low pH soils
 have limestone beneath them. The previous post (below) seems an inspired
 method for bringing up the lime. Horn clay should also be able to play a
 role in this. It might be a big help, particularly in sandy soils.

 I Florida where most of the soils lack clay there commonly is 60 or more
 feet (20 meters or so) of sand at the surface and beneath that are
 limestone and phosphate deposits. This is the result of lime and phosphate
 filtering down through the sand over the eons in this high rainfall
 climate. This happens particularly in winter when minerals have the
 greatest tendency to crystalize and precipitate. In Steiner's words, . .
 if we are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences upward
 during the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with some
 clay, the dosage of which I will indicate later.

 As many of us know, Steiner did not later indicate this dosage, nor any
 more than barely hint at how it might be prepared or administered. There
 a brief mention in Lecture Four, page 74 of using orthoclase or feldspar,
 which are parent materials for clay, to make the horn silica remedy, and
 haven't found it now, it may have been in one of the discussions) he also
 mentioned capping off the open end of the horn with clay. Presumably had
 Steiner lived longer this would have come out.

 Now, however, we are faced with progressive farmers experimenting with
 clay while stricter Steiner preservationists cry, Steiner didn't say
 that. and That's not BD! Personally I don't care what we call it as
 as we elucidate the scientific principles Steiner tried to open our eyes

 On one very well run Australian farm in New South Wales the farmer was
 showing me a stratum of sandy limestone an inch or two thick that was
 exposed in a gully and was a meter or a little less below the surface of
 the field. That didn't used to be there when I was a kid. he said. Well,
 you may imagine NSW, with its occasional heavy rains, could leach the lime
 out of the topsoil and carry it down that far before it hardened into
 stone. If this happened repeatedly just such a layer might form, and do so
 within one person's lifetime. If this can happen, who is to say it cannot
 be reversed, given the right application of dynamic patterns of force? It
 is not unheard of for soils to lose a point in pH in a year through
 leaching. So why not gain a point in a year from the opposite application
 of forces?

 Also keep in mind what Robin was saying about not withholding expertise
 personal gain. As some know and others are realizing, we can apply dynamic
 patterns over large acreages with radionic instruments and field
 broadcasters, to say nothing of Glen Atkinson's method of using low
 homeopathic combos in high volume spraying. Such progressive methods are
 relatively cheap and easy and the more we do them and succeed the more we
 learn about how best to do. If all applications of Steiner's remedies are
 limited to stirring and spraying we will have quite a struggle trying to
 stay afloat on tiny islands of healthy agriculture in a civilization that
 is going down the tubes all around us.

 Hugh Lovel


 Dear Daniel,
 Some time ago I wrote of how one of our members had increased 

Re: Public Website for BD

2002-08-12 Thread Deborah Byron

I should have said--post the TITLES of the works you'd find most useful.


Deborah Byron wrote:
 Greetings Everyone,
 James Stewart has asked for our suggestions for BD lectures, books,
 articles and essays that he will put up on his public website (Rudolf
 Steiner Archives):
 From James:
 The Biodynamic Section of The Archive is pretty sparse. If any of your
 friends have Steiner lectures, books, articles, essays -- anything that
 would make that Section useful -- in digital form, I would be happy to
 them on-line, too.
 Apparently the only Kolisko work available there so far is the one on
 So, please post the works you think would be most useful.

Re: Kolisko's work

2002-08-12 Thread Teresa Seed

I have a copy of this book but I'm in the UK so the best would be for me to 
scan it when I can get to a scanner for an hour or three.

That's if someone else hasn't already offered.

Warm regards

Teresa Seed

From: Deborah Byron [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Kolisko's work
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 17:36:21 -0500

James Stewart, who heads up the Rudolf Steiner Archives, has kindly said
he's willing to post the Kolisko book on his website for everyone's
benefit if someone will scan the book or copy it.  In either case, he
will need a copy of the book for proofing.  If anyone is willing to help
with this, his contact information is:

  the URL:

and James' email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

Re: BD Grape juice in the NYTimes Dining Section Last week

2002-08-12 Thread Allan Balliett

Saw a little tidbit in the dining section of the NYTimes last week about
Mosto D'Uva a (quote)Biodynamic Traditional Non-alcoholoic grape juice from
Modena Italy (on label pictured in paper). Made by Purely Organic's Mosta
D'Uva, compared to balsamic vinegar, but not fermented, this grape juice is
apparently cooked to concentrate the flavor. $12 for 25 oz and they bill it
as a good wine substitute in cooking meats, sold at specialty stores.

Does anyone know this vineyard? Are they really bd? How odd, the little bits
of foodstuffs calling themselves bd.

Jane - Either they are Demeter certified or, well, Anne may have been right...

Kolisko book

2002-08-12 Thread Lloyd Charles

Hi Allan and everybody
I put in an order for this yesterday
with the store referenced by Roger , checked order status a few minutes ago
 This title is out of stock and on order with our distributor - usually
takes 28 days.  I am not holding my breath as I have tried all this
before - however if it turns up I will be highly delighted (and very
surprised).  The price quoted was eight pounds ,fifty plus six airmail
freight so about $45 aussie and is CHEAP at that - the catalog blurb says
the pictures are five colour - its the 1982 printing - I would expect this
book (if reprinted by acres or similar) to sell at about twice the price. I
guess I am thinking this sounds too good to be true but won't cost much to
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: RESEND: Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'

2002-08-12 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

 the Kolisko's. This research has laid the groundwork for modern
 I believe that one of the major problems faced by the Kolisko's within the
 Anthroposophical movement lay in the fact that this research was competing
 with secular interests who were promoting the legacy of Rudolph Steiner.
 There was no recognition by their peers of the value of this research.
 To get the theory of homoeopathic dose accepted in agriculture,
 in high potency, there had to be a development of an appropriate
 to potentise large quantities of material. This was not available at that
 What was the value of minimal dose when the basis of RS's Agriculture
 was cow manure which was in plentiful supply.
 Steiner's indications were being interpreted by materialists who were
 to come to grips with a spiritual aspect promoted by a man who was so far
 ahead of his time. The time was not right for a discussion of spiritual
 aspects of agriculture.
The time may have now arrived for European biodynamic practioners to revisit
the art of homoeopathy in agriculture in response to the extreme difficulty
or even imposibility of makeing most of the preparations or remedies. this
may have to tide them through until the regulations can be changed again.

BD 501 (formerly Lime and Humus)

2002-08-12 Thread Virginia Salares


Please elaborate on how silica (BD 501)prevents thistles from growing.

- Original Message -
From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

 Dear Hugh et al,
 Silica is the unsung hero of the BD preps. It was not until using BD 501
 that we observed the real potential of the BD method.  It even stops
 thistles from growing and what are left are being grazed out in the
 by the local colony of kangaroos, they know good healthy food when they
 taste it.
 You have maintained that 501 is an atmospheric prep. From my understanding
 you think that it develops the formative patterns in the atmosphere. That
 may very well be true but Silica has the unique ability of repairing
 functionally impaired cells by enabling them to throw off inimical
 substances.It also has in Clarke's Materia Medica [p. 1175];
 constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to assimilating
 power. Even if they never used any other of the BD preps in conventional
 farming the use of Silica to dissolve the phosphorus which has become
 up in silicates should be common practice on all farms. The money in the
 Phosphorus bank if released will save many farms from financial ruin.This
 has been proved by the CSIRO at Mackay during research work into the
 of Orange Rust in sugar cane. A study of  Materia Medica is important to
 the feel of what the realm of activity of substances as could be seen from
 study of Silica.. One of the roles of  501 is to allow the plant to
 assimilate nutrients from the soil.
 Have a great day.

  - Original Message -
 From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:56 AM
 Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

  James, et. al.,
  There's nothing like silica for making lime available. Read pages 30
  through 33 of Steiner's AGRICULTURE (Lecture Two). Many, many low pH
  have limestone beneath them. The previous post (below) seems an inspired
  method for bringing up the lime. Horn clay should also be able to play a
  role in this. It might be a big help, particularly in sandy soils.
  I Florida where most of the soils lack clay there commonly is 60 or more
  feet (20 meters or so) of sand at the surface and beneath that are
  limestone and phosphate deposits. This is the result of lime and
  filtering down through the sand over the eons in this high rainfall
  climate. This happens particularly in winter when minerals have the
  greatest tendency to crystalize and precipitate. In Steiner's words, .
  if we are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences
  during the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with some
  clay, the dosage of which I will indicate later.
  As many of us know, Steiner did not later indicate this dosage, nor any
  more than barely hint at how it might be prepared or administered. There
  a brief mention in Lecture Four, page 74 of using orthoclase or
  which are parent materials for clay, to make the horn silica remedy, and
  haven't found it now, it may have been in one of the discussions) he
  mentioned capping off the open end of the horn with clay. Presumably had
  Steiner lived longer this would have come out.
  Now, however, we are faced with progressive farmers experimenting with
  clay while stricter Steiner preservationists cry, Steiner didn't say
  that. and That's not BD! Personally I don't care what we call it as
  as we elucidate the scientific principles Steiner tried to open our eyes
  On one very well run Australian farm in New South Wales the farmer was
  showing me a stratum of sandy limestone an inch or two thick that was
  exposed in a gully and was a meter or a little less below the surface of
  the field. That didn't used to be there when I was a kid. he said.
  you may imagine NSW, with its occasional heavy rains, could leach the
  out of the topsoil and carry it down that far before it hardened into
  stone. If this happened repeatedly just such a layer might form, and do
  within one person's lifetime. If this can happen, who is to say it
  be reversed, given the right application of dynamic patterns of force?
  is not unheard of for soils to lose a point in pH in a year through
  leaching. So why not gain a point in a year from the opposite
  of forces?
  Also keep in mind what Robin was saying about not withholding expertise
  personal gain. As some know and others are realizing, we can apply
  patterns over large acreages with radionic instruments and field
  broadcasters, to say nothing of Glen Atkinson's method of using low
  homeopathic combos in high volume spraying. Such progressive methods are
  relatively cheap and easy and the more we do them and succeed the more
  learn about how best to do. If all