Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

2002-09-07 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 9/6/02 11:41:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Devic over souls who are inexperienced at running trees. Many of the
experienced group left for Jupiter a year ago  other attrition has been
over the raise of materialism. 

Markess, can you elaborate on your experience in this communication with the 
Devas.  On Long Island we cyclically experience an early summer defoliation 
of the oak woods by the gypsy moth catapillar.  I know it has much to do with 
what you speak of.  How can we communicate and co-create with these beings, 
even though I would be the one of a very few wiling to acknowledge their 
existence.  I have a client in the edge of the woods where the elementals 
could come to get bd remedies or can I broadcst them through thee woods???  
Whaddaya think???  SStorch

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-07 Thread Allan Balliett

It certainly has happened, and as an Englishman I am astounded that 
the US media has reported nothing about it. Is the US press really 
so insular? I have to wonder just how much the US public knows about 
what is going on in the rest of the world - not knowing about this 
kind of thing is exactly why the events of Sept 11th came as such a 
shock to the American public in general. Maybe the US media hasn't 
reported all of the other actions against Iraq? (some 110 in the 
past two years?).

I receive 'news headlines' from the NY Times each morning. So far, 
this has not been mentioned. (I don't watch tv news.) -Allan

Re: Eucalyptus

2002-09-07 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith

Interested to read about inhibiton of germination under eucalypts.  Is this 
restricetd to certain species?  Is there also inhibition of growth of plants 
spreading in from beyond the sphere of influence?
I ask because I have a shelter-belt of large (?) snow gums, plus several 
single ones scattered around elsewhere, here in South Wales (UK) and have 
noticed no restriction of growth beneath them.
BTW, did you know that when eucalypts first became popular in Britain a 
couple of decades ago, people planted species such as E. gunnii which were 
listed as 'hardy':  turns out that they are sensitive to frost but 
hardiness, in Australasia, refers to restistance to drought. 
Tony N-S.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

FW: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-07 Thread Jane Sherry

 Another wonderful reason to receive GlobalNews!! The real news that the US
does not see fit to print...

I receive 'news headlines' from the NY Times each morning. So far,
this has not been mentioned. (I don't watch tv news.) -Allan

-- End of Forwarded Message

Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq

2002-09-07 Thread Eve Cruse

 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 11:13:34 -0400
 Subject: Re: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq
 It certainly has happened, and as an Englishman I am astounded that
 the US media has reported nothing about it. Is the US press really
 so insular? I have to wonder just how much the US public knows about
 what is going on in the rest of the world - not knowing about this
 kind of thing is exactly why the events of Sept 11th came as such a
 shock to the American public in general. Maybe the US media hasn't
 reported all of the other actions against Iraq? (some 110 in the
 past two years?).
 I receive 'news headlines' from the NY Times each morning. So far,
 this has not been mentioned. (I don't watch tv news.) -Allan
The strike was reported on CNN the morning after it happened, though was not
a lot of discussion concerning it. Just another news item


Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

2002-09-07 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: sudden oak death syndrome spreading

SStorch you ask:
Markess, can you elaborate on your experience in this communication with the 

 How can we communicate and co-create with these beings, 
even though I would be the one of a very few wiling to acknowledge their 

Here is synopsis of my experience. The first Devas I met were in the Snow Mountains in WY, at a friends/teachers cabin. He had said to his wife some weeks before that he wondered if my use Radionics would help open Com Lines with the entities he felt there. Well they were listening. One of them has a huge range that he works over N America. So he had some first hand experience of Radionics uses in Ag and some sense that it could balance  remove distortion in beings. 

Well four of them greeted me at the front door upon arrival. This was new stuff to me! They asked if I could do healing on them. I said I'd do some work on them. I took separate Polaroid witness of them at the screen door. These worked well. Over several days they became trusting enough to give me their names or clear designations. I'd started with #1 etc. They all had specific ailments most cleared easily. But interesting the most important balancing was a Brain Balancing program from Little Farm's newsletter. This run as an automated program for several day make huge differences.

One of these Devas is willing to make introductions for you. He will contact you soon. I get that you have screen type door on one of your farm buildings, Listen there. 

I do suggest strong protection making contacts with-out introductions. But it's doable ask  Is there a Deva willing to communicate with me. Generally it's ill advised to allow informal communications with-out names and clear greetings. 

I have a client in the edge of the woods where the elementals 
could come to get bd remedies
Yes, but I find just writing their name works well. I have also found that Wood  Metal are both separate rather then just 'earth'. Space is also an elemental. Here they have wanted dump trucks full of 500 which several of us have been energetically supplying every full moon or so. I don't know what all they are doing with but they are eager! 

 or can I broadcst them through thee woods???
l broadcast to a small fractal of this water shed it has a better organism energy then ownership boundaries. I know this is heresy but the Devas were/are emphatic that they are taking control!

Your broadcasting trees must be ready to open communications and perform more focused work.
Whaddaya think???
l think spray  do all the clear visualization you can. Connect with the divine in all ways, smile  do good work which you do. Happy conversing!

In Love  Light