Re: chickens

2002-11-21 Thread D & S Chamberlain
Dorothy: I have tried most breeds over the years and Rhode Island Reds seem
to be the best. They are good breeders, good layers and the roosters make
good eating.
I find that I have to supplement feed with commercial layer pellets, they
need the extra protein to keep laying. Generally they only eat pellets when
they can't get feed from the paddocks which they prefer. My birds are locked
up at night and allowed to free range all day.
Love those cackleberrys.
David C

- Original Message -
From: "Dorothy O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 21 November 2002 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: chickens

> What breed of chickens would the group recommend? Any
> other tips for feeding and care?
> I've started with a few layers and am really enjoying
> the fresh eggs.  I am feeding these hybrids
> (Leghorn/Black something crosses) primarily organic
> barley.  If I add soybeans to the mix, do I need to
> cook or soak them in someway to be digestible?
> Thanks in advance for suggestions, Dorothy
> __
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Fwd: Mars in its current cycle

2002-11-21 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/21/02 1:41:23 AM, Prkrjake writes:


The Correspondence


The cycle of the planet Mars, traditionally associated with war and conflict, 
is a two-year rhythm, starting at conjunction with the Sun and culminating 
two years later at the next Sun-Mars conjunction. At the present time Mars is 
moving away from a conjunction with the Sun in Leo this past August toward 
its opposition with the Sun from Pisces in August 2003.  Mars will conclude 
its current cycle in September 2004 when it again meets the Sun, this time in 
the sign Virgo. If it is true what Rudolf Steiner says, that it is a 
provision of the spiritual world that every real spiritual fact appears in 
the script of the starry heavens, then what can we make of this current 
movement of Mars?


>From the research of Sergei Prokofieff, we find that the cosmic being of the 
Sophia can be found in the heavens from the constellations Virgo through 
Pisces.[i] Steiner suggests that this Sophia is the new Isis, who, like her 
brother Osiris, was slain by Typhon-Ahriman. Unlike Osiris, however, who was 
slain by Typhon-Ahriman and laid into the grave of the Earth,  Isis-Sophia 
was slain by Lucifer and laid into the grave of the cosmos, where a 
mechanized approach to understanding the cosmos keeps her silent and 
still[ii].  It is the task of our current culture to lift the veil of Isis, 
to find the Divine Sophia, by seeing through the events of the world toward 
their spiritual origins and their relationship to the movement of the heavens.


In three lectures given in 1917 entitled Wrong and Right Uses of Esoteric 
Knowledge, Rudolf Steiner distinguishes between the forces streaming toward 
us from the axis of Pisces to Virgo, and those forces streaming in from the 
axis of Gemini to Sagittarius. From the axis of Pisces to Virgo we find the 
impulses of dawn and dusk, where the activity at the threshold allows the 
human being to engage in freedom with the spiritual world.  From the axis of 
Gemini to Sagittarius we find the forces of midday and midnight, wherefrom 
stream forces feeding the duality (or 'double') in the human being, fettering 
him to his animalistic nature and subjecting him, thereby, to an increasing 
mechanism in his rhythms, for example through the effects of modern 


When we look to the events of September 11, 2001 we see that during that time 
until May of 2002, the planet Saturn moved through Gemini and came to 
opposition with Pluto in Sagittarius three times. Saturn can represent all 
that is inherent in the natural development of the human being, while Pluto 
was brought into our realm of experience only recently-- in 1930-with the aid 
of modern technology.  It must be saved for another time to elaborate how 
Pluto can be seen in relation to what the human being creates out of 
unconscious activity, and how, when it opposed Saturn in 2001, we found all 
that was inherent in the human being having to rally forth to meet all that 
can result as a consequence of unconscious activity.  


With Mars' movement through the heavens during the next two years we are 
afforded an opportunity to find a new way of responding to these events by 
aligning ourselves to the Pisces-Virgo axis of the zodiac, the abode of the 
Divine Sophia, the realm of the threshold.  We are challenged, we could say, 
to guide the Mars forces of war and conflict along the way of healing and 
compassion. This transformation of the Mars impulse requires the effort of 
the human being, for this transformation of planetary impulses must happen 
within the human being.  We are helped to understanding our role in this by 
the following words of Rudolf Steiner: 


Stars once spoke to humanity

It is world destiny they are silent now.

To be aware of this silence

Can be pain for earthly humanity

But in this silence

There grows and ripens

What humanity speaks to the stars

To be aware of this speaking 

Can be strength for Spirit Man.[iii]


It is appropriate to consider Mars specifically in this context, for we know 
that Mars, in addition to being the planet of war and aggression, is also the 
planet of speech.  As war and talk of war rages around us, we might ask: what 
is it we would speak to the stars at this time, how do we do this, and how is 
this individual activity transformative for society at large? When we try to 
answer these questions, we actually engage with the Sophia, the divine 
feminine, for it is the activity of the Sophia that allows us to see through 
world events and find the solution to begin with, not in outer activity, but 
by inner vision. Sophia is the wisdom that sees through the world and enables 
man to comprehend the world.[iv] 


In this we must bear in mind that the first phase of Earth evolution was 
marked by greater consciousness in the physical world and was guided by Mars. 
 The task of our time, however, entails the conquest of the spiritual world 

FW: [globalnews] AntiWar action in San Francisco: Arrest Leads toAbuse of Protestor in Jail

2002-11-21 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] AntiWar action in San Francisco: Arrest Leads to Abuse of Protestor in Jail

Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Life
November 18 in San Francisco

On Monday, November 18, at 7 AM, the Bay Area Anti-War Coalition held a
rally in downtown San Francisco, me grumbling all the while about the good
old days when we could just hold hands and sing "Give Peace a Chance" and
not be carting around drums, lockboxes, duct tape and the entire contents of
a modern art gallery at the crack of dawn, not to mention mounting what was
virtually a small para-military (but nonviolent) operation. combined with a
theatrical production on the street, just to register our opposition to the
war.  Nonetheless, we arrived at our destination with a van full of hand
painted signs, including acrylic portraits of entire Iraqi families,
hand-painted scenes of devastation in Palestine, landscaped depicting the
other world that is possible, enlarged phptos of Iraqi women and children,
two large banners that said ‘No War in Iraq’ four giant bird puppets, one
Living River consisting of large panels of various shades of blue gauze
supported by light poles, with mylar fish suspended from them, and a bucket
full of fake blood made of cornstarch and red food coloring to make a River
of Blood.  We met up with our fellow protestors who had among them numerous
drums, and a brass marching band.

We held a short rally, which mostly consisted of Marisa singing a haunting,
wailing song into a bullhorn, and then marched off, in the opposite
direction of our target, while several affinity groups got into position and
blocked the entrances to the building that houses Chevron.  Some of them
linked arms and others inserted their arms into lockboxes: arge plastic
tubes with a metal rod inside tow which they could lock their wrists, so the
police would have to cut the tubes off, (and hopefully not the wrists!)
thereby prolonging the blockade.

We didn’t have huge numbers, and the rallyers were split between the front
doors and the back.  The brass band played first at one entrance, then the
other.  Carwill, one of the organizers, had written a ritual, for which
people holding the enlarged photos of Iraqis stood together in a circle,
holding the pictures up, while he read a moving liturgy about unblinding
ourselves to the reality of the human beings we were looking at and whose
lives are threatened by the war.  The overall theme of the action was Rivers
of Blood transformed to Rivers of Life.  I quickly made up a chant:

Open your eyes, open your eyes,
No rivers of blood,
We want rivers of life,

Not, perhaps, the most brilliant, poetic chant ever, but sung to Standard
Pagan Chant Tune Number One, it worked fine.
At some point, Mary Bull, a local organizer of the Boycott the Gap campaign,
picked up the bucket of fake blood and dribbled it across the entry point to
the Chevron plaza, creating the River of Blood.  Unfortunately, she was
right in front of the police who grabbed her and arrested her, rather

We circled around for a long time, chanting, and then handing the microphone
over to various people to speak or chant or express themselves however they
liked.  Police and workers tracked fake blood over the pavement every time
they crossed the line, leaving bloody footprints.  Meanwhile, behind us we
could see our friends getting arrested.  It took the police quite a while to
get the lockboxes off, but they eventually took everyone away.  A security
guard came out and dumped a bag of sand over the blood, which struck me as
extremely symbolic  given that in the first Gulf war US troops bulldozed
sand over thousands of bodies of Iraqi troops to hide the corpses.  Some of
the troops were buried alive.

Then the rest of the rally joined us from the back of the building, and the
brass band and banners and drums led the way down Market Street, our main
central avenue.  We were just a block away from the building that houses
Dianne Feinstein’s office.  She is our Senator who voted for the war in Iraq
in spite of major opposition from her constituents.  She is also a big
supporter of the Sharon government in Israel.

The Palestinian justice affinity group had run ahead, and by the time the
rally reached the building, they had succeeded in getting inside the lobby
and were blockading the elevators. We rallied in front of the building,
chanting "Hey, hey, Feinstein, We want justice in Palestine!" and classics
like, "Hey hey, ho ho, your oil war has got to go!"

One young man in the action had worn a business suit, and he’d gotten into
the lobby and was trying to get an appointment to go up and see Feinstein—or
her aide, and getting a lot of respectful help from the security guards who
didn’t realize he was a protestor until one of the cops recognized him from
the Chevron building, got mad, grabbed his tie and tried to choke him.  They
soon had him down on the ground with five cops kneeling on him and
handcuffing him, while we watched throug

Macari Vineyard (?)

2002-11-21 Thread Allan Balliett
Steve -

Can you explain how bd is used at MACARI?

The impression that I get from the webpage is that is is used in 
conjunction with conventional practices. I'm wondering if this is an 
inaccurate impression. (?)

I'd like to hear more about what you are involved in there and how 
they are involved in biodynamics.



Re: chickens

2002-11-21 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith
Can I put in a word for the Maran?  Quite a large bird, mottled grey and 
white plumage, intelligent and friendly, laying beautiful brown eggs.  A 
Maran/Rhode Island Red cross is also a good choice. Tony N-S.

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Re: Organic Beef Scam in New York City

2002-11-21 Thread The Korrows
Thank you for responding Allan.

Re: chickens

2002-11-21 Thread Leigh Hauter
Allan wrote-
I'd love to find a cure for foxes!

The answer -a  Great Pyrenees

Re: Macari Vineyard (?)

2002-11-21 Thread SBruno75
We started spraying 500 there in 1998.  This coincided with establishing 
nettles patches, habitat diversity within the vineyard [by tearing out vines 
and planting honey suckle and other trees within the vineyard], and 
establishing barrel compost pits.  We have a heard of about twenty cows, 
mainly Texas Longhorns that we use for 500 and bc and tree paste remedies.  
We bury about two hundred and fifty horns and have about thirty bc pits.  We 
currently have about fifteen to twenty thousand units of barrel compost that 
is used for conventional bd practice and as a compost tea inoculant.  I have 
built three stirring machines for the vineyard and we have three dedicated 
Cima air blast sprayers.  Due to the difficulty in keeping quality help in 
the vineyard management department, it has been hard to keep a quality 
regemin for spray practices in the chemical realm.  It is a very minimalist 
spray program.  We spray according to scouting and not prophylactically like 
may other vineyards do.  There is no nitrogen used and no herbicide for about 
ten years.  The preparations are really starting to show there effects, 
especially in the compost yard.  They compost on about five acres and we 
spray heavily with bc, 500, Pfieffer and compost tea.  The compost, after 
three years of this and worm inoculations from my farm, is laced with read 
wigglers, a testimony to the habitat created by the bd remedies[ie: worm 
candy].  What else can I say??? Try some wine and let me know what you 
think... Hey, if you come to the Associative Economics Conference in Water 
Mill [stay tuned for more info] I'll get a few cases to pour out... ...SStorch