Re: Radionics and scientists

2003-02-02 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Lloyd,

Since brix is a measure of dissolved solids in the plant juice, higher brix
DOES correlate to lower freezing points. The freezing point of water drops
a degree or so for every mole of dissolved solids--I forget the precise
figure. Surely Elaine knows this if she reflects on her basic knowledge of

Hugh Lovel

Allan wrote
 I noticed over and over again that as I asked Mr. York or
 Mr. Brinton about the effectiveness of one dynamic approach to
 another - - from Heinz Groetzke's 100% chicken manure tea to radionic
 application, each of them in their own way and own words asked 'Why
 would a person need that? There must be something fairly basic that
 is not right or you wouldn't be looking for something so extreme.'
I agree wholeheartedly with getting the basics right first - but cant agree
that radionics (or homeopathic use of BDpreps ) is extreme - opposite I
would have thought - very subtle ! . I reckon using big licks of compost is
extreme, accepting as normal, a quarter or less of commercial yields is
extreme, growing plants under more or less continuous moisture stress to
induce mineralised fruit is extreme, bombing a vineyard on a regular basis
with elemental sulphur seems extreme, using radionics to remove the need for
some of these tactics would seem to be pretty worthwhile to me.
While I dont agree with the use of radionics to flog a particular brand of
product I do agree with Gil that we should take notice of the results gained
by professional practicioners after all does Alan York consult for free?
Does Brinton do lab testing for free so as to remain unbiased ? I still
think too that once someone (anyone) decides that radionics (or anything
else) has no place in the system they become quite blind to anything but the
most blatantly obvious result. When I posted on brix and frost a few weeks
back Elaine Ingham just could not accept the possibility that I may have
been right in saying that high brix in the crop sap rendered that crop less
prone to frosting - no it was the microbes pure and simple, the critters did
it by generating warmth!!, OK I maybe do have the microbes going better than
the guy down the road, but I sure as hell know I had brix going way way
better, It wouldnt have cost much to consider the possibility. I think these
two guys above are a tad biased in their outlook and approach to radionics
and (probably) homeopathic preps. These days when I hear prove it . I just
say  nah! you go look for your self. If the person has an open mind and
there's something there they'll see it - if they're open to the possibility
and cant see they'll ask to be shown, if they're not open no amount of
'proving' will make the difference!!
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Visit our website at:

electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread Maxwriter
 Dear Folks,
 (First, blessings and speedy peace to the poor souls who lost their lives on today's 
shuttle crash; didn't hear about it till after writing the bulk of this letter)

 Today a confluence of information on a couple of threads in my private 
 life, came together in a way as to sugest the science behind why foods 
 raised biodynamically, could be curative of many dis-ease conditions.
 The commonality of the two threads lies in how they both suggest, in 
 diferent ways, that what I'll shorthand-label electron resonance (which, if I 
 understand corectly from what Hugh L. has said and written, is involved in 
 how his field broadcasters, as well as the wondrous Hieronymous machine he 
 brought to Jeff's bd conference last September, work), may hold the key to 
 reversing disease.
 However, that such a scientific explanation may (likely?) already be 
 available in biodynamic (or perhaps more acurately, quantum) ag circles or 
 literature, does not detract from my excitement at the fact that it looks to 
 me (who is a very uneducated person in matters scientific AND biodynamic) as 
 though both an alternative aproach to curing cancer (the first thread 
 I'll discuss below), and a conventional science research aproach to curing 
 heart, alzheimers, parkinsons, and diabetes problems (the second thread) 
 contain information pointing to electron behavior(/manipulation?) as perhaps 
 key to disease process/treatment (see also, -- thank you Sarah C. for 
 that link given me months ago -- and -- thank you Gentle Ox! -- and 
 thank you Allan for the forum where all this info can be exchanged!)
 Because I am as (science/quantum ag) uneducated as I am, and also because my 
 chronic brainfog from chemical injury has seemed particularly egregious 
 during the writing of this letter, I would apreciate hearing feedback on the 
 below, from the enlightened/clear minds on this list, on whether I'mon the right 
track. And I hope you'll 
 forgive any lack of clarity due to those and other brain-dulling factors (not 
least of which, a couple of teeth in their rather painful death-throes).
 The first thread was that a dear friend of mine's father has colon cancer 
 which he has been treating with conventional (surgery+chemo) means.  Recent 
 severe side effects of the treatment have put the guy in the hospital for at 
 least the past couple weeks, which I just learned today will be folowed by a 
 stay in a nursing home hopefuly for just a week or so.
 Now, some time ago I was handed a tape How to Fight Cancer and Win which 
 was made by a fellow (a beekeeper friend of the people who gave me the tape) 
 whose prostate cancer was substantially reversed (if not cured, I don't 
 remember which, now) by the use of the method described -- a tape filled 
 with testimonials by people with various kinds of cancer who had been cured 
 by it (or put into longterm remission, as documented in their medical 
 records) -- a tape which I described the core info in, by phone to my friend 
 when I first learned of his father's cancer, and then made a copy of and 
 mailed to him in case he thought it warranted being passed on to his father.
 The cancer-fighting method discused on the tape involved at its kernel, 
 daily eating organic cold-pressed flaxseed oil mixed with cottage cheese.  
 Well, there have been so many snake oil formulas for curing cancer (and 
 other ailments) that one cannot really blame those who -- in a lifetime of 
 exposure to and brainwashing by our medical industrial complex -- might be 
 skeptical that such a simple remedy could posibly work to cure cancer. Such 
 skepticism would naturally lead  most people to not consider listening to 
 the tape to be a priority, and aparently that is what hapened with my friend 
 (and with my mother, to whom I also sent a copy of the tape after she was 
 diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, acompanied by a letter summarizing 
 the method and that many had used it with success documented by their 
 medical records, acording to the tape).
 I, on the other hand, having seen so much in my journey with MCS-CI 
 (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Chemical Injury) to indicate that 
 conventional medicine leaves much to be desired, WAS open to listening to 
 the tape as a priority.  The testimonials therein, and the fact that no-one 
 making them had anything to gain monetarily by stating their success in 
 their own cancer cases (to my knowledge they did not have a financial stake 
 in flaxseed oil companies or in cottage cheese companies), made suficient 
 impact on me as to the method's likely eficacy, that I imediately started 
 using this combo myself as a preventive measure.
 (As I understand it, because a MCS/chemically-injured person's liver does 
 not properly process and excrete (detoxify) chemicals, they remain 
 buried (sequestered -- the only other thing the body can 

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-02-02 Thread Prkrjake
how does one contact Joe Stevens?

Re: electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread flylo
I hope someone on this list more 'in the know' of bd 'therapies' will 
read the entire thread and start dialog on it.So many people come 
out with statements that 'this will cure cancer' as well as the other 
main killers, we all have to be a little sceptical. But flaxseed oil and 
yogurt or cottage cheese, simple enough that if it didn't send 
anything into remission, a healthy addition to anyone's diet anyhow.
And, if this is a recommendation for heart patients, I'm more than a 
little miffed it has been hushed up until AFTER I've had my (rather 
expensive) implant. 
On the pacemaker itself, there has been a remarkable improvement 
in my health, I just wish I'd done it years ago. (But I have to wonder 
what the effects of it on a broadcaster, or the effects of a field 
broadcaster would have on it.) any comments? 


2003-02-02 Thread Allan Balliett
Don't forget, folks, that the reason American's lack Omega 3s in 
their diets is that animals who do not eat diets of grains in the 
state of Nature do not produce Omega 3s in confinement agriculture. 
Animals raised in sunshine, on healthy grass and with access to their 
natural diet (like bugs for chickens and fish!) produce products that 
contain Omega3s for humans. (We apparently externalized our Omega3 
production, preferring to glean it from the food chain...oop!)

Check out the pages for more technical info, or 
attend PASA this year where there will be plenty of talk about how 
pasture-raised livestock provides for human health requirements.

-Allan Balliett
recovering vegetarian

York back up, Other Soundfile News

2003-02-02 Thread Allan Balliett
I've reformatted the Alan York interview. It should be MUCH easier to 
use now. If you are still having trouble, please contact me off-line 
and we'll work on it. (Please give this a try: it is MUCH better)

I've got easily 6 hours in putting the AY piece up. Subsequent posts 
will be faster, but sound work is a real draw on our resources and 
the growing season start...TOMORROW!!! (Well, the STARTING season 

Perry Clutts has offered a tremendous recording of economic 
biodynamics great, Fred Kirschenmann delivering a lecture at the 14th 
IFOAM World Conference. The title is 'Growing Communities from the 
Ground Up.' It is well worth listening to and may contribute depth 
and heart to further conversations here.

I also have Guenther (sp?) Hauk's intro to BD from last week's 
conference that could go up and Will Brinton's presentation on 
compost. I have Vickie Bess' Foodweb presentation also. And, of 
course, Hugh Lovel at ACRES this past year.

Fred is next. What does the community want after Fred?

Let me know on-line or off-line at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread SonomaVineyardLand at WQ
I'm sure one of the reasons Alan York has never seen anyone radionics is
that I have never heard of anyone on the North Coast of California
(Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino) who is even playing with radionics. If there
is any here using radionics, they are keeping pretty quiet.

And sulfer is a way of life out here. Every 10 to 14 days from flowering
through veraison. Powdery mildew is a big problem and sulfer is the only
Organic method that works reliably. 


Re: York back up, Other Soundfile News

2003-02-02 Thread Perry Clutts


I don't see a York fileat
Is that where I should be looking?

  reformatted the Alan York interview. It should be MUCH easier to use now. 

Re: York back up, Other Soundfile News

2003-02-02 Thread Allan Balliett
The address for the York file is

From there, click on the BIODYNAMICS button on the bottom of the page

And then click through on the York banner. (Check out the 
under-progress MABFAFC banner, also!)

Perry- Let me know how this works out for you -Allan

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread Soilculturebiody

Am curious if you use a degree day model for knowing when the PM pressure is greatest.

Also, do you have good mineral balance in the soil and in the vine?

Having good levels of soil/vine calcium, boron, zinc and phosphate (in addition to others) has been a very, very important part of keeping PM under management with my clients/vines.


Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread Soilculturebiody

Your question, "Do you know of anyone using compost tea and failing to 
control powdery mildew?" lacks a critical component to be of most use.

How about taking into account the rest of the farm plan. In other words, if you are using compost tea to manage PM, is it the only management step being taken?

Is it white grapes or black?
What is the environmental pressures? Humid/cool climate?
Is there a nearby vineyard (other) that has PM problems?
What is the soil/vine health plan and does it address the need for B, Ca, P K and Zn?
Why think that using an external (from the top down) application of anything is going to be sufficient to address a problem as complex as PM infection?
I never approach PM from the top down, only. There needs to be an integrated approach that includes soil/vine nutrition, cultural controls and additionally topical applications. 

Where the particular vines are grown are very significant in this question.
Are you comfortable/healthy standing in a polar zone?
Are you comfortable/healthy standing in the Sahara desert. 
Likely not.
I dont thing that vines planted in the wrong spot (a spot with environment not to the vines liking) are going to be conformable and healthy enough to defend without something as strong as suffer?

Most vines that are easy to defend from PM, defend themselves. If you have bad PM, the question is why?


I still have been unable do get AY presentation off of real player. I get to the real player screen and then nothing works? Must be me.


Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread Soilculturebiody
Neither Alan nor myself have seen much from radionics.

There are significant use of radionics in N. California and I work on jobs where its use has been very well practiced.

Maybe its me...I just cant find date. Looking for the wrong thing? Maybe. 


Re: electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread Soilculturebiody

field broadcasting might well be focused at ice, crime, poverty, human attitude and rodents in many farming systems, if you really want to help.

The plant health and crop qualtiy is easy if you have food and lack of crime.


RE: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread SonomaVineyardLand at WQ
Title: Message

we are using a model, but it has not significantly reduced sulfer use as far as 
I know as the pressure in the North Coast most of the summer is always high. 80 
degrees and decent humidity.


  -Original Message-From: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 11:32 
  Re: Perry's recnt postsPeter, Am curious if you 
  use a degree day model for knowing when the PM pressure is 
  greatest.Also, do you have good mineral balance in the soil and in the 
  vine?Having good levels of soil/vine calcium, boron, zinc and 
  phosphate (in addition to others) has been a very, very important part of 
  keeping PM under management with my clients/vines.Bob 

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread Allan Balliett

Your question, Do you know of anyone using compost tea and failing to
control powdery mildew? lacks a critical component to be of most use.

Bob -

I think you are asking a different question than I'm asking right 
now. Using compost tea and failing to control disease is not a 
damnation of CT per se. that's not what I'm getting at, though, I'm 
simply asking who or what we as a group know on the gross level: 
Anyone or anyone you know using compost tea on powdery mildew? Is it 
working or is it not working?

After that, your questions would be helpful.


Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-02 Thread Perry Clutts

Different in that I'm not using the bucket anymore... I'm using a large 
tank, making my own Barrel Compost to inoculate the "tea" along with the compost 
and trying to figure out how to use it on our whole farm, not just in the 


  - You wrote,  I'm doing it 
  differently now, but with the sameidea... of low cost.  -- 
  different how if you'd care to detail?

Re: York back up, Other Soundfile News

2003-02-02 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: Perry Clutts [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: York back up, Other Soundfile News

Perry asked 

I was logged on at 24 kbps and the initial buffer took about 5 min. before
the sound started. It ran until 3:58 min of the 14 min clip. I waited and
wrote a couple of notes, but need to go now, so I don't have time to let it
continue to load. Anyhow.. the buffering time is longer than the play
time... How about you Lloyd??? 'Bout the same?

Yep - connected at 28,800 this morning  equipment deficiencies my end as
well - machine old, hard drive full, not enough memory,  I got about 20
seconds play then about 45 sec buffering , one and a half sentences at a
time just not enough to be able to follow it. I think I could live with the
slow line if everything else was good! Not Allan's fault anyway. Its a bit
strange really, I dont notice a lack of speed with email, I'm on BD now and
CT lists and 30 email messages will load while I'm looking around the desk
for something to write with but incoming files the size of a floppy disk
take ages - we get about 2.5 kbs per second (if we're lucky) on that stuff.
Lloyd Charles

BD Brain Teasers (2)

2003-02-02 Thread Roger Pye
Scenario: A paddock with a roughly circular dam (open water storage) 
capacity about 30,000 litres of water. Plenty of life in and around this 
dam (frogs, reeds,birds, assorted vegetation including grass, thistles, 
mustard weed, mullein, wild sage) which is fed by a nutrient rich 
underground stream coming in from the west. Rainfall is less than 12 
inches a year. There is an outlet on the eastern 'side' at ground level, 
aside from a little underground seepage it only runs in times of heavy rain.

Near the dam are four black plastic 200 litre drums with push-fit lids, 
all were filled from the dam:

No 1 was filled 10 Oct 02 when the dam was full and the water 
comparatively clear. (Vitality rating (VR) about 1500).

Nos 2 and 3 were filled 12 Oct 02 immediately after 7,000 litres had 
been pumped from the dam. There had been no rain, the underground inlet 
feed was reduced and evaporation was increasing so the water was 
'gluggy' to say the least. VR was then 2000.  No 2 was potentised the 
same day as a weed pepper. A manure/molasses based compost tea was 
started in No 3 mid-November. The tea was finished by 1 Dec and made 
ready for spraying out on 10 Dec (but was not used).

No 4 was filled 10 Dec immediately after another 7,000 litres had been 
pumped from the dam. There had still not been any rain, the dam level 
was down, so this water was very thick indeed (VR 2500).

The four drums have been standing in the open in very hot conditions 
with lids fitted to reduce evaporation. Their contents were last looked 
at 21 Jan 03.

Imagine you did the looking - what would you expect to find in terms of 
water quality, temperature and VR?

(VR equates to lifeforce. For comparison purposes:
the VR of rainwater falling on the Snowy Mountains is about 1500;
of a reasonably fit person first thing after rising but before 
breakfast, 850;
of a weed (african lovegrass), 500;
of a growing vegetable (tomato plant), 1500;
of a healthy tree (eucalypt, 20 metres), 60,000 (but this includes a 
'contained habitat' loading factor).


Re: BD Brain Teasers (2)

2003-02-02 Thread Lloyd Charles

This is just a game OK?
 Near the dam are four black plastic 200 litre drums with push-fit lids,
 all were filled from the dam:

 No 1 was filled 10 Oct 02 when the dam was full and the water
 comparatively clear. (Vitality rating (VR) about 1500).
No 1 good clean water still - Energy rating 27/36
No 2 as a potentised weed pepper its kaput! activity level against the
intended weeds 20/180, general water energy rating 50/180 (needs
repotentising to work)
No 3 stinky tea - if its been left undisturbed there should be a layer of
white mold or similar covering the top - the liquid will be a little 'off'
slight vinegary smell, with some anaerobic poop in a layer at the bottom
(dont disturb that) - but still usable for the plants on the reserve - ER of
plants50/180 plants plus tea 70/180 -
No 4 This water is tired but ok ER 50/180
Just a game right!!


The Dalgety Project

2003-02-02 Thread Roger Pye
James, the fire is pouring down the properties and backblocks south - 
south-east of Jindabyne, particularly around Paupong, and of course 
there has already been a lot of pasture burned out plus most properties 
are down to a couple of inches of water in their tanks. So the rural 
lands protection board is opening the Dalgety Travelling Stock Reserve 
where our project is. There's 300 + cattle going in there Wednesday for 
at least a month.

Hope they like the water!

Might even eat the lovegrass!!

I'm scheduled to go there tomorrow anyway so I'll do a full photo scan 
while I'm there..


OT: Smoke Alarm alarming

2003-02-02 Thread Jane Sherry
Hello All, 
I just found out tonight when our smoke alarm kept beeping after changing
the battery  then taking it down from the ceiling, that it contains a small
part with the old radioactive symbol on it and warnings about it containing
radioactive material, which if needing repair should be sent to the company.

Turns out after Curtis did a bit of research on the web, that their are two
types of smoke detectors, one with the radioactive material  one kind with
a photo electric part.

You can guess what might happen if such a device were to burn up in a fire.

How is it possible that such things can be manufactured for use in the home?
Does anyone know anything about these things? Are our landfills,
incinerators  backyards full of these things decaying and leaking
radioactivity along with all the other pollutants?

Thanks for any insight into this amazing secret in so many of our homes.

Jane Sherry

Re: Smoke Alarm alarming

2003-02-02 Thread Lloyd Charles

smoke alarm  contains a small
 part with the old radioactive symbol on it and warnings about it
 radioactive material, which if needing repair should be sent to the

 Turns out after Curtis did a bit of research on the web, that their are
 types of smoke detectors, one with the radioactive material  one kind
 a photo electric part.

 You can guess what might happen if such a device were to burn up in a

 How is it possible that such things can be manufactured for use in the
 Does anyone know anything about these things? Are our landfills,
 incinerators  backyards full of these things decaying and leaking
 radioactivity along with all the other pollutants?

 Thanks for any insight into this amazing secret in so many of our homes.

Hi Jane
Arden Andersen showed us a video of John Ott (a time lapse photo
hobbyist and retired banker) - he did  the photography for Walt Disney
pictures - dance of the flowers and cinderella where the coach turned into a
pumpkin - anyway he did extensive research on the effects of flouro lights
and other energy things and used to carry a smoke alarm around for
demonstrations of muscle testing - IN A LEAD LINED BOX- he said on the video
thats the only place this thing should be. If you can get hold of this
(video) its really interesting - the effects of certain types of fluro
lights are a real worry.
Try to get hold of this if you can - called 'Exploring the Spectrum' Dr John
Ott , also his book Light, Radiation, and You.
Lloyd Charles

OT: Fwd: [ANSWER]: Unite to Fight the Warmakers

2003-02-02 Thread Roger Pye

 Original Message 
Subject: [ANSWER]: Unite to Fight the Warmakers
Date: Sun, 02 Feb 2003 19:50:02 -0500


Unable to contend with the historic and constitutional 
right of the people to control their own government and 
the direction of their country, the Bush Administration 
has now launched an assault on the anti-war movement. As 
the clock ticks down and the administration rushes to wage 
war against Iraq, it is starting another war here at home 
against the people of the United States.

On January 18 half a million people marched in Washington, 
D.C. in a true democratic expression of their opposition 
to an illegal and immoral war of aggression being driven 
by a tiny few who hold the reigns of military and economic 
might. Another 200,000 marched in San Francisco. Around 
the world people in over 35 countries held solidarity 
demonstrations. Now we are all mobilizing for the February 
15/16 mass actions against the war that have been 
initiated by the European peace movement. The people of 
conscience who are taking to the streets represent the 
sentiments of so many millions more. This is a powerful 
rejection of the Bush administration's attempt to drag us 
all into war and global conflagration.

On January 28, ten days after the historic January 18 
march, the Free Congress Foundation, the Center for 
Security Policy and other ultra-right wing members of the 
U.S. political establishment, including former officials 
of the Heritage Foundation and the Reagan administration, 
began promoting the creation of a new version of the House 
Un-American Activities Committee to investigate not only 
the organizers but the demonstrators themselves who came 
to Washington to protest Bush's march to war.

On January 30, the New York Daily News published the Bush 
administration's latest smear -- a purportedly leaked 
intelligence report from his Homeland Security department 
claiming that Iraqi spies came to the U.S. from Canada 
to carry out the anti-war demonstrations.

This first act for Bush's Homeland Security department -- 
which had officially opened a mere six days earlier -- 
speaks volumes about what Bush's view of homeland 
security is: using the power of the government to lie, to 
discredit, to disrupt and to try to shut down the 
opposition of the people of the U.S. to his program of 
violent domination and empire.

The Center for Security Policy is a group funded by arms 
manufacturers and big business who are being given the 
U.S. taxpayer's money looted from programs that would 
otherwise fund education, healthcare and jobs in America. 
The Free Congress Foundation is a haven for extremists so 
out of step with social justice that they pay staff 
members who have written that we in the U.S. might be 
better off if the confederacy had won the civil war, who 
advocate that the racist Trent Lott should have remained 
in his leadership position, who push anti-Semitic 
conspiracy theories and who spoke at a neo-Nazi conference 
last summer. These groups both work with and are received 
by the Bush Administration.

We call on all people of conscience to rally together and 
defend our movement for justice and peace. The red-baiting 
and demonization of certain leading anti-war organizations 
has one purpose -- to weaken the whole peace movement.


These efforts are the apex of a repugnant red-baiting 
campaign against the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition because of its 
role as a principal organizer of the mass grassroots 
movement of opposition to war throughout the United 
States. It is not only A.N.S.W.E.R. that is the target of 
these attacks. The Not In Our Name Project (NION) and 
others who have been organizing for peace have also been 
subject to virulent red-baiting.

The point of the associational red-baiting and smear 
campaign is to warn all of us who are coming out into the 
streets, many who have found public voice for the first 
time and are empowered by the strength of their actions, 
that what we think we experienced is tainted, that we are 
dupes of some hidden hand and should go back inside. These 
are the identical mechanisms that were used by the 
government to try to destroy the labor movement of the 
thirties and forties and the civil rights and anti-war 
movements of the fifties, sixties and seventies. (Dr. 
Martin Luther King, Jr. was labeled a communist 

All of us who have been involved with the Coalition have 
been subjected to an intensive associational red-baiting 
attack that emanates from pro-war supporters. It often 
gets carried by others who claim to be from the 
progressive community but who unfortunately are more 
focused on engaging in sectarian factionalization than, on 
the eve of war, stopping a needless slaughter. 
Fortunately, the thousands of people organizing around the 

Re: Smoke Alarm alarming

2003-02-02 Thread Allan Balliett
The other difficult thing to figure out is the US gov's push to 
dispose of radioactive waste by putting it into products. This alarm 
must be an example of this (the good outdoes the bad: radioactive 
waste is being 'disposed' of). I've heard that the biggest reason for 
the irradiation push was to use up radioactive waste. Now we are 
hearing that many of the shells dropped in yugoslovia and Afghanistan 
were radioacitve, made of old plutonoium ie Throwing our radioactive 
waste all over someone else's country///

Is this a green-lit fantasy, or is this what's happening?

Re: OT: Smoke Alarm alarming

2003-02-02 Thread Gil Robertson
By far the greater proportion of smoke detectors are the type with the 
radioactive part. I understand that you need to get it in you lung to do 
much harm. They are taken back by the resellers in Oz. One should not be 
burning plastic, so they should not be a risk there. They should not go 
in the land fill, they should be returned to the recyclers.


Jane Sherry wrote:
Hello All, 
I just found out tonight when our smoke alarm kept beeping after changing
the battery  then taking it down from the ceiling, that it contains a small
part with the old radioactive symbol on it and warnings about it containing
radioactive material, which if needing repair should be sent to the company.

Re: Smoke Alarm alarming

2003-02-02 Thread Roger Pye
Allan Balliett wrote:

The other difficult thing to figure out is the US gov's push to 
dispose of radioactive waste by putting it into products. This alarm 
must be an example of this (the good outdoes the bad: radioactive 
waste is being 'disposed' of). I've heard that the biggest reason for 
the irradiation push was to use up radioactive waste. Now we are 
hearing that many of the shells dropped in yugoslovia and Afghanistan 
were radioacitve, made of old plutonoium ie Throwing our radioactive 
waste all over someone else's country///

Is this a green-lit fantasy, or is this what's happening?

'Depleted Uranium' they call it and, Yes, Allan, it's happening. A lot 
of DU stuff was used in the  Kosovo conflict, quite possibly it is being 
used in bombs and missiles falling on Iraq now in the 'no fly' zone so 
assiduously defended by the US and the Brits..  Also I am given to 
understand there are 'No Go' radiation areas in some US and allied 
cemeteries around the graves of soldiers who have died since being 
involved in Desert Storm.

Of course this is stuff we will rarely if ever read about or see in the 
mainstream media which is why it is so important to keep up with world 
news using other channels such as independent stations and papers and 
magazines of which GlobalNews is an excellent example. Unfortunately, 
until the bombs begin bouncing through their roofs or the SWAT teams 
through their front doors, the majority of people are not interested 
enough to turn away from their '494 stations from around the Worrrld 
on Your PayTeeVee Sets' to find out what's really happening 'out there'.

February 15th is an ultra-important date in the ongoing tragedy of 
Planet Earth. It is probably one of the very few chances We the People 
will have to stop the war happening. If not the only chance. There will 
be a rally near you.  Please go to it.
