Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers help

2002-08-02 Thread Daniel Bridler
Title: Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers  help

Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:54:58 EDT
Subject: Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers  help

In a message dated 8/1/02 4:09:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< birchmeirer sprayer  >>

it's Birchmier

Try again: it's  "Birchmeier"  to be found here:


Re: Peat and coconut wastes

2002-06-08 Thread Daniel Bridler
Title: Re: Peat and coconut wastes

I certainly do agree with Micah that other, preferably local, materials be
explored as organic matter sources.

Frank Teuton

For the last ten years farmers and researchers in Switzerland have trialed "Chinaschilf"= chinareed(?)-[Miscanthus sinensis giganteus] as a new crop for biomass production. First hopes for use as packaging, fuel or building material, are promising but still premature (oil based alternatives are still cheaper). The best use so far is as a replacement for peat, a finite and protected resource in Switzerland, because,as far as I know,Frank, very slow in building up. Another good source of biomass is Elephant Grass [Pennisetum purpureum]often used by Bill Mollison. Can be invasive(Florida)


Re: Scale insects what are they telling me

2002-02-01 Thread Daniel Bridler

On31/1/02 11:11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

> Hi folks  Can any one tell what scale insects on Nephrolepis fern  [
> Boston fern] are indicating.

Hi Tony,
We have used Neem Oil with some success on Citrus with a scale infestation.
But full control(for one season only) was achieved by some busy hands wiping
off all the parts affected with a soapy solution! Not an option for you, I
guess. The idea with soap or oil is to deprive the scales of air.
I would be very interested too, to know what imbalance scales thrive on.
The citrus in question are in containers: irregular watering, bound roots?
Ants seem to live in symbiosis with scales, and ants dont like humid soils:
even watering might help. Just a guess.


Re: ADMIN: No Attachements to this LIST!!! Re: Hydoponic BD 2

2002-01-11 Thread Daniel Bridler
Title: Re: ADMIN: No Attachements to this LIST!!! Re: Hydoponic BD 2

On12/1/02 7:53 [EMAIL PROTECTED]@aol.comwrote:

I recently received an email from a relative that informed me that he may have sent me a virus. As I don't remember receiving an attached file from him I was skeptical but when I followed his directions I found that I did indeed have it in my hard drive. Yesterday I sent his instructions for finding and deleting the virus to people I knew I had written to recently and this morning received one response saying that he too had the virus, but didn't remember receiving an attached file from me. I've never heard of a virus being transmitted without an attachment but as I sent a couple of emails to this list I thought I would send my cousins remedy anyway. 

Sorry for any inconvienience, here is his letter; 

Hey All- 

I got a letter from someone on my mailing list saying they had a virus which was probably passed on to me and anyone on my mailing list, ergo...You!!  I did indeed have it, so I assume you're cursed also.  Its easy to remove and is supposed to be dormant for 2 weeks so here's directions on how to remove it before its a problem: 

1.)  mash the "start" button on desktop 
2.)  go to "find or search" button 
3.) in "search for files or folders" type insulfnbk.exe 
4.) make sure your "c" drive (hard drive) is where its looking 
5.) it has a black, ugly icon which you'll see, Don't Open It!!! 
6.)  right click on the file and then choose "delete file" thereby sending it to the recycle bin 
7.)  empty recycle bin, now you're ok 
8.) let everyone else in your address book know too as evidently they got it if you do 


As far as I know, this "virus" is a hoax, and all it does is make you delete a genuine useful file: sulfnbk.exe  I had a similar virus warning and a hoax warning sent to me a few days ago (not from this list). I'm on an iMac. May be some Windows user could confirm that this file is genuine, before too many "delete" buttons get pressed?

Blackspot was Re: white butterfly pepper

2001-12-08 Thread Daniel Bridler
Title: Blackspot was Re: white butterfly pepper

On8/12/01 6:05 PMPeter Michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I still had some black spot.
   Regards,   Peter.  

Hi Peter,
 and what did you do about Blackspot? Any good cultural practices to avoid it in the first place? What about hornsilica spray?  Or Equisetum? This is for blackspot on apples in NZ.

