OT: some free considerations [was RE: OT:FW: [globalnews] 100 jets join attack on Iraq]

2002-09-10 Thread Roelof Fransen

There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who
take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition
   -- Indira Gandhi

... and so it has been since the beginning of the Dark Age, the "clever"
ones taking credit for the work done by others, feeding on it and at the
same destroying by the pollution they cause, by the wars they start, etc...

...and so the lamb (the innocents : the women, the older ones, the children,
the poors, the disabled, etc...) has since then been sacrificed.

You say these *might* be hard words ? But how much harder is the so called
"reality" in which we are held by those whose only wish is that *it* should
continue so they might remain in place, that is on top of poverty and misery
of others and might even better than escape that for themselves, have
certainly a profit and a benefit out it. They aim at the thrill of power to
feed their ego. Money is just a mean for making that possible in the world.

Lucifer seeks to bloat up his own prestige and Arhimane his own desires. Fur
that purpose they seek representation on the material plane. They will let
anyone partake to their evil plans for as long as one signs the pact with
his own blood (read his own life). Hey what do you think ? They are not

In this strongly hierarchized structure based on *force* and obligation,
power is given in abundance to all plus the extra's (money, fulfillement of
desires, etc...). Of course all of these things are taken from others but
they are only the presents and the means by which  *members* are attracted.
The *real* purpose is to spread evil, material desires, fear and all other
negative emotions that evil beings are feeding upon. It bloats their ego and
fulfills their never ending desires for power.

Even though such occult organizations exist, their members are just puppets
in the same way as all their victims (high positionned politicians, members
of powerful world organizations such as banks, and so on...) are. Just
puppets ! Puppets do not necessarily have to partake consciously to such an
organization. There are countless puppets (victims) that can be very easily
*used* through magical powers that members automatically achieve as a reward
for their obeissances. They can be remotly guided in order to pump money out
of a bank account (eventually the papers will report a fraud but the money
can't be found) or be sacrificed (the papers will report on an accident such
as a mysterious heart attack).

A power behind the power ? The question that some people ask themselves :
are there actually beings behind the evil doings of certain people ? Why do
you think it's all so mysterious while the facts (the outcomes) are so
evident ? There is lack of balance everywhere, fear and terror, illness and
death but we wouldn't be able to see where it does come from ?

It's because each and everyone who isn't watchfull of his own inner states,
isn't able to discriminate between what is good and wrong for himself and
thus not yet able to liberate himself from the mental plane partakes to
ignorance of one's own reality and true nature and thus to the propagation
of wrong doings. Each and everyone is a relay and when there is a need to
find one responsible there is never be (a real) one to be found around !.

Look at the opposite side (the spiritual one). There we observe the evidence
of the wisdom there is in Nature, how marvellous it has evolved to provide
for food and shelter for ALL. We (at least in the BD community) are keen to
belief at the elementals behind all those forces in Nature. The spiritual
hierarchy is based one based on *freedom*. One freely gives his own life at
the service of those who are in need. It has a representation at the
material plane as well. I identify numerous spiritual beings that have
incarnated on earth and have been present at our sides even much more so

None of the dark counterparts need publicity. As Hugh said it well evil
works best from behind the curtain. They saturate the surroundings of the
earth with poisonous thoughts and these have tremendous powers. See around
Most people can't escape because they have not the energy. It pervades all
living and sentient beings thus our food gets of course contaminated. While
we feed on that food we actually loose our energy and physical health. Then
it pervades the mental and emotional layers as well ... but you know all

This battle in the world is actually not ours. Our battlefield is in our
heart. Will we discover the hidden forces that maintain us in the ignorance
of our true nature and keep us in an ego driven life ? Yes we will, because
there is enough "divinity" in us to bring us back home. May we all discover
our truth within and forget about the world outside.

We can't find peace within and expose ourselves to the fear and agitation
outside. So let us pray (for example) :

" Loka Samastha Sukhino Bavanthu" Let All Be Happy in All Worlds <==> is the

RE: Vermicompost in Cuba & India: Humus + Subtle Energy Agriculture

2002-06-05 Thread Roelof Fransen


You couldn't do me more pleasure with your post, a wealth of information
about topics that interest me and brought up in the context that directly
speaks to me. I will need sometime to go through the different links since I
spend very few time behind the computer in these days.

I would really appreciate if you could contact me so that I can give you
some feedback in due time.

Also, there is the [TheWormBin] group on Yahoo to which I have subscribed.
They might be interested to read this post too !.

Many thanks,


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Steve Diver
> Sent: jeudi 30 mai 2002 20:39
> Subject: Vermicompost in Cuba & India: Humus + Subtle Energy
> Agriculture

Gabriel Howearth

2002-03-14 Thread roelof . fransen

Dear list members,

In the same book the secret life of plants, the author mentions Gabriel
Howearth and his work on setting up a " bank of seeds ". Does anyone know
about this and/or
the existence of other such initiatives ?.


Spores for mushrooms

2002-03-14 Thread roelof . fransen

Dear list members,

Can someone provide for addresses of where one could get spores for a
variety of mushroom species ?.


Waterfalls in a park in Zurich

2002-03-14 Thread roelof . fransen

Dear list members,

Does someone ever heard of a person, an anthroposoph who has constructed
waterfalls with whirlpools in a park of the city Zurich (Switzerland) some
years ago ?.

This was my last question. I thank all of you in advance for the help


Homa & Agni Hotra

2002-03-14 Thread roelof . fransen

Dear list members,

Can someone provide for references in the field of interest of homa and agni
hotra ?.


Ron Johnson & Dan Carlson

2002-03-14 Thread roelof . fransen

Dear list members,

In the secret life of plant, the author relates the experience of Ron
Johnson & Dan Carlson : growing vegetables in frames with wooden debris and
added bacteria ?. Does anyone knows about these and how to implement such
solutions ?.


Peter Tompins

2002-03-07 Thread roelof . fransen

Dear list members,
Hope this message find you all well.
Does Peter Tompkins ( " The Secret Life of Plants " ) have a website or does 
someone know if one can reach by email address ?
If have some more questions but I will put them in separate messages.

RE: [biotech_activists] Fictional Agriculture of Environmentalists

2001-12-07 Thread Roelof Fransen

Sorry this may sound a bit ... narrow-minded but my reaction to this farmer
leader's letter is :

- we don't need all these chikens
- we don't need more eggs
- we don't need all this milk
- we don't need more variaty of paddy, wheat, ...

At least I and I believe, most indians neither. They have never needed them
and now suddendly they would ?.
The standards have been brought in, imported from western country. They
create new demands that didn't exist, most of the time, they are useless.

So, Mrs Vandana, do not deviate and take up this challenge. It's of no use.
You have so much more to fight against !. It's huge but you're bound to win.
All the innocent victims are behind you and when the time will come, you
will win very easily. Keep up the peacefull resistance ...

My 2 cents, Roelof

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Barry Lia
> Sent: mardi 4 décembre 2001 19:40
> Subject: Fw: [biotech_activists] Fictional Agriculture of
> Environmentalists
> - Forwarded message --
> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:30:15 -0600
> Subject: [biotech_activists] Fictional Agriculture of
> Environmentalists
> Biotech Activists ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Posted:
> 11/29/2001  By
> This farmer will give organic activists "100 acres in
> every district. Let them show us practically how
> organic cultivation increases farm yields and our
> income levels."
> Any takers?
> Alice
> ##
> Fictional Agriculture of Environmentalists
> The Hindu
> By Chengal Reddy (A farmer leader)
> Letter to the Editor
> THE ARTICLE by Vandana Shiva "Biotech as bio-terror"
> (, November 11) was appallingly biased. The visual in
> the article showed "anti-globalisation activists" (a
> glorified term for environmental activists) gleefully
> vandalising a farmer's field in France. Alas, the
> environmental activists appear to be doing the same
> thing throughout the world. They pick up and attack
> hapless subjects under the glare of media, of course.
> Agriculture is their first choice and the victims?
> Poor farmers!
> I am pained at the growing number of environmental
> NGOs in India which preach through private
> publications and popular media what Indian farmers
> should do or should not do. I am using the term
> "pained" because almost all these NGOs are
> non-agriculturists. What do they know about Indian
> agriculture? Most of them do not understand the
> difference between agriculture and farmer.
> They say in some forums that certain chemical
> pesticides should not be used in India. Ask them why,
> they say "because they are banned in western
> countries." Well, going by this logic, GM crops should
> be immediately allowed for use in India because many
> western countries permit their cultivation.
> It is my opinion the environmental activists in India
> (aided considerably by foreign funds) rarely relate to
> Indian realities. Take, for example, the article by
> Vandana Shiva. It is about cultivation of Bt cotton in
> Gujarat. But the accompanying visual is from France!
> Thanks to her international contacts. She speaks about
> the plight of monarch butterflies and ladybirds in
> distant countries. But, what's notably missing in her
> article is a simple interview with Bt cotton growers
> in Gujarat. Had she cared to meet the Bt cotton
> growers of Gujarat, she would have known the home
> truth. The (November 12, 2001) quotes farmers (in
> Gujarat) who have used Bt cotton saying that they
> swear by its virtues.
> The environmental NGOs in India, especially those who
> seek to be
> heard in the field of agriculture, are known for not
> having adequate grassroots level contacts in India. A
> Delhi-based NGO published a book on pesticides in
> India. Its cover page shows a farmer in rice fields of
> South East Asia! Well, that speaks volumes about their
> contacts!
> Here some of the suggestions of Vandana Shiva sound
> comical. She says "in the absence of bio-safety
> capacity building, commercial introduction of
> genetically modified organisms (GMOs) amount to
> bio-terrorism".
> She also lists the departments/institutions that must
> be involved in the so-called "bio-safety capacity
> building" (a skilful choice of phrase to frighten the
> common man). They are: gram sabhas, panchayats,
> district administration, State Government and Union
> Ministries.
> Look at the length of the list! It appears that the
> environmental activists want to promote red-tapism to
> protect their interests and, in the process, block
> agricultural progress in our country. People want more
> and more de-controls, but environmentalists propose
> more and more controls on agriculture. "We do not want
> to see our biodiversity destroyed and farmers ruined,"
> says Vandana Shiva. She does not seem