Re: (was Brainstorming with Michael Moore) GlobalNews Sub Info)

2002-11-30 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: Re: (was Brainstorming with Michael Moore) GlobalNews Sub Info)

Jane, You are new to the list, so forgive me the others who have now seen this post a half dozen times. My husband, Curtis Lang runs a mailing list. I often forward posts from his GlobalNews list to this list. You have the option of receiving emails or subscribing via the web. Heres the sub info:

Description Category: Other
GlobalNews is a private mailing list devoted to discussion of the issues, news and events that are creating tomorrow's news today. Geo-politics, global financial markets, electronic commerce, the Internet, environmental concerns and spiritual transformation at the Millennium. Members only, with messages distributed directly to the group. This means the host Curtis Lang is not pre-screening messages, although that may change as the needs of the group change over time. For now, let's treat this as a chat in Curtis' living room and maintain decorum suitable for that milieu. Curtis will send interesting and thought provoking material from various sources for discussion. It is hoped that other members of the group will also send information they feel is of importance and generally ignored by the mainstream news media. To subscribe, send an empty message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Group Moderator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Be the change you want to see in the world.

Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 09:53:09 EST
Subject: Re: Brainstorming with Michael Moore was Re: FW: [globalnews] A Thanksgiving ...

Dear Jane Sherry, 
Greetings and thank you for sending this to BDNow. 
Where did it originate from? 
Jane Parker

Re: (was Brainstorming with Michael Moore) GlobalNews Sub Info)

2002-11-30 Thread Dee Ewing
Title: Re: (was Brainstorming with Michael Moore) GlobalNews Sub Info)

I am new to this list. Thank you for posting this 
subscribing information!
