Title: FW: [globalnews] Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

>From Jean Hudon’s VisionaryActivism mailing list comes the following:

Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002
From: Bridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

Hi Jean and all with the Earth Rainbow Network

To add to y/our Meditation Focus #75 for co-creating peace in Iraq, I would
like to share with us all this most poignant 40-day peace initiative to
include with our prayers and meditations ... it is being sponsored by Inner
Net of the Heart and began yesterday, on 11/9, with the intention to
reverse the effects of 9/11.

With blessings and gratitude to us all, for how we are each standing on
behalf of us all ...

Joie and our Rainbow Councils


From: http://www.innernetoftheheart.org

Reverse what began on 9/11

Join the Global Inter-faith Prayer Vigil for Peace

Beginning on 11/9

You Are Invited To The Opening Event Of A 40-Day Global Prayer Vigil For Peace

Timing Of The Vigil

This Peace Prayer vigil begins on November 9, at dawn local time, all
across the planet. The vigil will continue uninterrupted for 40 days,
concluding at midnight on December 18, 2002. If your group cannot begin on
November 9, no problem-just begin as soon as possible.

Humanity stands at the brink of war. Spiritual leaders and their
communities across the globe are responding to this crisis with an
intensive worldwide prayer vigil for peace. To reverse what began on 9/11,
the prayer vigil begins on 11/9 and will continue for 40 days. Participants
include spiritual groups and organizations in the United States, Canada,
India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Brazil, Korea, and others-all praying
simultaneously for peace.

Many spiritual groups that regularly pray for peace are joining the vigil
as a way to commune with others in a worldwide prayer for peace. As Father
Thomas Keating, founder of the Centering Prayer movement put it, Our
Cistercian order already prays for peace six or seven times a day, but what
is crucial about this global inter-faith vigil is that it is organized,
conscious, and focused. It is important that we are praying for peace in
communion with our counterparts in other faith traditions around the
world's A similar response came from Buddhist master Thrangu Rinpoche in
Nepal: "In order to help pacify the tensions of a disturbed time such as
this, it is necessary for every person with a mind of compassion.

Inner Net of the Heart

Join us where the heart's longing meets the world's need. Together we will
form an "inner net" of hearts across the globe praying for peace. Join us
in prayer:

* On behalf of the millions of innocent children and civilians who Will be
killed or maimed if a war begins

* On behalf of all life forms that would be harmed by a war

* In compassion for all beings

May peace prevail on Earth

The Global SOS Initiative is a joint project of the Manitou Institute and
the Satyana Institute. Visit our website at


With Blessings to Us All for All That We Are

Joie and Our Rainbow Councils


To join Joie's e-list send an email at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with SUBSCRIBE in the subject


NOTE FROM JEAN: Here is more from http://www.innernetoftheheart.org which
features a most beautiful peace-radiating visual effect.

Humanity stands at the brink of war. If initiated, this war will likely
escalate into a global conflict, or even a third world war. Today's
arsenals of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons will render any such
conflagration a colossal nightmare on a scale exceeding all conceivable
horrors. Every living being on Earth, and the foundations of life itself,
are now threatened.

Every measure to stop this war must be taken with no delay. Human resources
and institutions are striving in a noble effort to stem the tide toward
war, but they are woefully inadequate to the task. There is an urgent need
at this time to go beyond human resources altogether, and appeal directly
to higher planes of spiritual reality. An infusion of spiritual light and
consciousness is needed now, for which humanity must to appeal directly to
the Divine source of all life in this hour of profound need. SOS!


This appeal to join the prayer vigil is directed to spiritual leaders and
aspirants in every religious faith and spiritual tradition-priests,
ministers, monks, nuns, roshis, rabbis, reverends, gurus, masters, sheiks,
shamans, swamis, healers, lamas, rinpoches, etc.-and their respective
followers, parishes, and congregations. Practitioners in different faiths
are asked to draw upon the heritage of their own traditions to find the
most effective practices, prayers, meditation techniques, fasting, mantras,
chants, visualizations, or ritual ceremonies for peace.


In this hour of deliverance, we recognize that there are a number of highly
evolved spiritual beings on the planet who have very deep access to
spiritual planes of reality. In the words of the Sufi Ibn Arabi, "The
mystic is the pupil in the eye of humanity." The SOS! initiative is
therefore making a special appeal to these particular beings, recognizing
that the light of spiritual radiance enters humanity most intensely through
highly evolved mystics. We are calling upon the greatest mystics known to
us on the planet, and asking them and their monasteries and constituencies
to specifically join in this planetary vigil for world peace.

For more information, visit us at http://www.globalSOS.org

“Inner speed, outer caution; inner caution, outer speed”
 --Words of Wisdom From the Great Caduceator

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