Hey Everyone I sent this personally to Will and now here it is for all..JP
--- Begin Message --- Will,
I have alot to say to you regarding this post of Bowling for Columbine..
Who is behind this? This is a brillantly executed well thought out plan to dis-engage the human being from our origins and our future tasks..
Ahriman and his sacrifice to get us to WAKE-UP
Their are no victims so to speak, it is up to us..
Yes the firebrands, yes that includes you as well..
Why is it we can describe the bag we are in taste it smell it define it intricately but fail to see the remedy to get out of the damn bag?
What as you see it, is missing??
Where does the current paradigm of economics show up in this fulfillment? Market forces I doubt will cure these ills.
How do you think it could look different?
How familiar are you with Rudolf Steiners work regarding World Economy?
-Jane Parker
--- End Message ---

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