Hi Hugh,
Sounds like you might be onto some good publicity material here!!
Thirty and forty years ago the chalenge was NOT getting pregnant, now the
chalenge we hear about much more  often is getting pregnant. So good
wholesome biodynamic food has its role to play here too.
 DDT and many other pesticide, herbicide chemicals have proven to be
 estrogen mimetic (they mimic) chemicals. With the estrogen mimetic hormones
 in beef and chicken and so forth, is it any wonder many men are not
 masculine any more? The problem is so profound that it has affected the sex
 of fish in Florida lakes, to say nothing of amphibian reproduction in the
 US Southeast which has declined by roughly 80%.

 I know many guys my age who are telling me they don't have any interest in
 sex any more. All these I know are eating commercial foods. Myself, I
 realized in my 20s that 10 times a day was my limit, but here I am at 55
 and I still think in those terms. I don't think I could get it up for more
 than 10 times in a day, and don't think I'd often be motivated for more
 than 3 or 4, really. Mid-life crisis?
I do know it is rare that the women in the suburbs eating conventional food
 are sexually satisfied by their husbands. (No wonder the divorce rate.) But
 most haven't any clue what to do about it outside of finding a young stud
 to fill the bill.

 Damn, women, feed your men clean, vital food! When I market vegetables I
 run into it all the time that happy housewives will pay what I ask without
 question because they know it works at their table and in their bedroom.
 it's time the public got a little more of an earful about what eating
local, in-season and
 biodynamic food can do to raise things several leagues higher.!
 Hugh Lovel.

Good health and vitality to all,

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