Foot and Mouth Epidemic
By Bernard Jarman

Outbreaks of Foot and Mouth disease have recurred at regular 
intervals since the late nineteenth century. Each time, the disease 
strain seems to be stronger and more virulent. Despite the success of 
the UK eradication programme for many year,. infection has once again 
spread rapidly across the country. Modern agricultural systems are 
clearly extremely vulnerable to such outbreaks of disease, a fact 
exacerbated by liberalised trade and the relentless economic pressure 
on farmers.

As the funeral pyres of countless livestock darken Britain's skies, 
we could do well to ponder what we as a nation have inflicted on our 
domestic animals. Foot and Mouth disease and BSE are not natural 
disasters but come as a direct consequence of a disregard for the 
intimate relationships existing between soil, plant, animal and the 
whole of nature.

Sir Albert Howard, working in India during the 1920's, experienced 
how important healthy humus-rich soil is for plant and animal health. 
In his book Farming & Gardening for Health or Disease, he showed how, 
through caring for livestock in the best possible way, providing them 
with healthy, natural food grown on the farm and without using any 
artificial fertilisers, his animals could be resistant to many of the 
prevalent diseases including Foot and Mouth. Indeed, so convinced was 
he of their resilience and health that he allowed his animals to come 
into contact with infected animals and contaminated pasture. This 
experiment was repeated 13 years running during which time none of 
his animals became infected. In his own words, "This long experience 
of foot and mouth suggests that an important factor in the prevention 
of animal disease is food from humus filled soil."

Lady Eve Balfour in her book The living Soil confirms this in a 
reference to an observation made to her by the government veterinary 
department in the early 1950's, that outbreaks mapped across Europe 
indicated that the disease did not spread into areas still being 
traditionally farmed.

In the Agriculture Course, Rudolf Steiner states." The cow has horns 
in order to send into itself the astral-ethereal formative powers, 
which, pressing inward, are meant to penetrate right into the 
digestive organism. Precisely through the radiation that proceeds 
from horns and hoofs, much work arises in the digestive organism 
itself. Anyone who wishes to understand Foot and Mouth disease - that 
is, the reaction of the periphery on the digestive tract must clearly 
perceive this relationship. Our remedy for Foot and Mouth disease is 
founded on this perception".

During many years of extensive research on the nature and treatment 
of Foot and Mouth disease, Eugen and Lily Kolisko(1) developed a 
comprehensive picture of it. They came to recognise that the disease 
has the effect of increasingly separating the animal's nervous system 
from the rest of its organism as a result of severe disturbances in 
the rhythmic (breathing, circulation) system of the animal. As it 
develops and takes hold the Foot and Mouth virus can attack and 
eventually destroy the heart.

This illness picture very much supports the findings of Sir Albert 
Howard in that, due to over stimulation, incorrect feeding, one sided 
breeding and an overall lack of consideration for the animal's true 
nature, the organism loses its living connection to the earth and 
hence its resistance to the virus.

Following indications given by Rudolf Steiner, the Koliskos went on 
to develop a remedy for the disease based on coffee. Coffee 
stimulates metabolism and brain activity and hence a remedy based on 
it can provide the possibility for counteracting the deadening effect 
of the virus on the nervous system and redirect the circulation of 
blood towards the brain. Initial vials showed promising results 
although with the necessity for repeated intravenous applications it 
proved extremely time consuming. They also had some success with its 
prophylactic use.

Other preventative treatments that have had some measure of success 
in the past, involve stimulating the mucus organs in the animal. 
Weeping and saliva formation keep the glands of the head active. The 
feeding of onions and lemons has proved particulady helpful for 
cattle, as has the use of formic acid formulations released as steam 
vapours in cow sheds, according to Wolfgang Schaumann, an experienced 
vet from Germany.

Homeopathic remedies which have been recommended as preventative 
measures include: Arsenicum, Belladonna and Mercurius, all of which 
are used in the treatment of skin complaints, sores and ulcers. If 
administered when the symptoms of dullness and lack of appetite 
appears, Arsenicum has been repeatedly effective, according to the 
Pocket Book of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine (published ca. 1950). 
Graphites is an effective remedy for hoof sores and may also be 
helpful as a preventative measure.

The use of Borax 30C was used with some considerable success during 
the 1967 outbreak. Applied as drops in the drinking water, it helped 
prevent many farms becoming infected. Its specific action as a remedy 
is to encourage the excretion of poisons in sores and ulcers and 
strengthen the mucus forming glands. The recommendation is 5ml in 
drinking water troughs daily for three days and then twice weekly for 
the duration of the outbreak.2

Organic and biodynamic farms may have & certain resistance to the 
disease, but it's certainly not worth taking any chances since any 
outbreak must be reported and dealt with in accordance with MAFF 
eradication policy.

According to MAFF "The disease is rarely fatal, except in the case of 
very young animals, which may die without showing any symptoms. All 
affected animals lose condition and secondary bacterial infections 
may prolong convalescence. The most serious effects of the disease 
however are seen in dairy cattle. Loss of milk yield, abortion, 
sterility, chronic mastitis, and chronic lameness are commonplace. 
There is no cure.

It usually runs its course in 2 or 3 weeks after which the great 
majoriiy of animals recover naturally, The justification of the 
slaughter policy is that widespread disease throughout the country 
would be economically disastrous due to the effects already noted 

Being organic and biodynamic offers no guarantee for immunity, but a 
concerted effort to encourage such sustainable practices, along with 
recognising the efficacy of alternative treatments, would go a long 
way towards rendering the current policy of wholesale slaughter 

Bernard Jarman is a farmer and a member of the Biodynamic Association.


I. Dr. Eugen & Lily Kolisko undertook much research in the fields of 
biodynamic agriculture and medicine. Their book Agriculture of 
Tomorrow (currently out of print) contains a detailed account of 
their research including a fascinating chapter on Foot and Mouth 

2. Borax 30C can be obtained from Ainsworths, Cavendish Street, 
London Tel: 0207 935 5330

It would useful if any experiences using alternative remedies or 
other observations regarding the outbreak could be sent in for future 
reference. BDAA. Tel/Fax; 01453 759501.

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