New Organic Standards

2002-12-01 Thread RiverValley
My local food CO-OP recentlty ran an article titled, "Finally! Clear,
Consistent Organic Standards"

In the article it stated, "Now the corporate titan must play by the same
rules as the biodynamic farmer."

the article was written by Beth Dooley and was re-printed from CO-OP
publication in the Twin Cities.

- Original Message -
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: Northern Star BD Planting Calendars PLUS MORE

> Michael - Normally flat-out commercial announcements go through me
> before they go to the list. Of course, this one is right on topic and
> no harm has been done. I do want to make a few comments that I would
> have made to you in private had you addressed this off-line initially.
> As far as I know, this calendar is also available from JPI. I'm not
> saying this to discourage you, but suggest that you check this out
> before you buy a container of this calendar. I find it to be my duty
> to purchase from JPI regardless of price because they always deliver
> more than a calendar or book for the price of the publication. i..e.
> I feel my dollars go deeper into the movement for living food in
> every home if spent with JPI.
> I used this calendar last year. I think it is beautiful and I think
> it offers some very good information that STELLA does not contain,
> but I see it as an adjunct to STELLA, not a replacement. (Which is
> ok, right? We all want to buy more stuff, don't we?)
> My biggest criticism was that the format was not as large as it
> usefully could have been and that the paper it was printed on rumpled
> at any hint of moisture, making it a very poor choice for hanging in
> the garden shed, where, of course, we want the planting calendar to
> be. Xerox it and, well, you've lost the color that makes this
> calendar so special. I emailed Brian about this short-coming, but
> never heard back. Do you know if the calendar is on better paper this
> year?
> Michael - If you put the pricing in your notice, I didn't see it. It
> w.b. nice to know what sort of money you will need for calendar and
> postage.
> Being an honorable man, I know that you pass on the exchange rate
> benefits that American's normally enjoy when buying from Canada.
> Please be sure to state that in your subsequent notices: Price in US
> dollars/price in Canadian dollars.
> I salute you in making this effort to support Mr. Keat's work and I
> trust that you will find a strong market among the Anthroposophy
> community.
> -Allan

Re: New Organic Standards

2002-12-01 Thread Allan Balliett
In the article it stated, "Now the corporate titan must play by the same
rules as the biodynamic farmer."

I can only say that I hope that Beth's statement is accurate. -Allan