> <<From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Omega3s
> > 
> >            Don't forget, folks, that the reason American's lack Omega 3s in
> >            their diets is that animals who do not eat diets of grains in the
> >            state of Nature do not produce Omega 3s in confinement agriculture.
> >            Animals raised in sunshine, on healthy grass and with access to
> >            their natural diet (like bugs for chickens and fish!) produce
> >            products that contain Omega3s for humans. (We apparently
> >            externalized our Omega3 production, preferring to glean it from 
> > the food chain...oop!)
> > 
> >            Check out the pages for more technical info, or
> >            attend PASA this year where there will be plenty of talk about 
> > how pasture-raised livestock provides for human health requirements.
> >            -Allan Balliett
> >            recovering vegetarian

Hi, Allan, I, too, am a recovering vegetarian!:) (esp. if/when I'm lucky 
enough to get BD-/pasture-raised beef).

Your point about Omega 3s as the result of sunshine and healthy grass (which 
of course also requires sunshine) reminded me of this quote from one of the Dr.
Budwig sites I sent excerpts of to Warren Zevon, where *sun* -- as <<the original 
birthplace of the *electrons* in seed oils>> (!) -- is prominently featured:

> <<
> ...
> > <<Dr. Budwig worked with many patients who were terminally ill and some who 
> > had only hours to live. She gave them the combination of oil-protein plus 
> > organic foods, plus exercise, fresh air and used the healing powers of the 
> > sun to cure these "hopeless" cases who sometimes started to show improvement 
> > within days. Following is a quote from one of her books:
> > "I often take very sick cancer patients away from hospital where they are 
> > said to have only a few days left to live, or perhaps only a few hours. This 
> > is mostly accompanied by very good results. The very first thing which these 
> > patients and their families tell me is that, in the hospital, it was said 
> > that they could no longer urinate or produce bowel movements. They suffered 
> > from dry coughing without being able to bring up any mucous. Everything was 
> > blocked. It greatly encourages them when suddenly, in all these symptoms, 
> > the surface-active fats, with their wealth of electrons, start reactivating 
> > the vital functions and the patient immediately begins to feel better. It is 
> > very interesting to ask how this sudden change is possible. It has to do 
> > with the reaction patterns, with the character of electrons. I will return 
> > to these electrons later. In the last two years, I have come to be very fond 
> > of them. A friend of my work in Paris, wrote to me how wonderful it is that 
> > you have discovered the original birthplace of the electrons in seed oils to 
> > be the sun. That's how these connections are made!" 
> [snip]>>

Thank you for the url.
take care,

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