Oregon BD

2003-02-11 Thread Dave Robison

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David Robison

Re: Oregon BD (1)

2003-02-11 Thread Roger Pye
Dave Robison wrote:

Also found it helpful to elaborate on horns versus antlers. As roger said:

But when I read (in David's course notes) about the process by which 
it (bd 500) becomes so, I laughed with chronic disbelief - how, I 
thought, could anyone be taken in by such patent cosmic clap-trap? 

I don't know if you've noticed that when something in your computer goes 
wrong, the error message generated often bears little resemblance to the 
fault. This is because the number of error messages is limited and if 
the computer cannot identify one which fits, it just tosses another one 
up which it 'thinks' might fit. That was the feeling I had when I first 
read the explanation on the horn manure process, that someone had been 
asked how the thing worked and that was the best they could come up with 
in the time allowed.

When I first talked about BD with a good friend of mine, he looked at me 
with the now-familiar 'steer caught in the headlights' look, laughed and 
said You can't be serious, falling for something like that. Cow shit 
buried in a cow horn after dancing backwards round a campfire in the 
light of the silvery moon with a feather up your backside! And I 
laughed with him and then added Dug up after six months, liquidised and 
sprayed out and it makes the garden or the farm grow like you wouldn't 
believe. And all for the cost of a handful of cow shit!

He delights in telling that story to everyone he meets. Good publicity, 
I reckon.

The message we should be putting out is that BD500 (and the other preps) 
is pure energy, and we should frame it in the context and knowledge of 
the person to whom we're giving it. It took me a long time to get over 
the negative impact of that explanation; I only did so when I had 
acquired, through dowsing, a basis of understanding. It's like you can't 
teach someone anything without giving them a basic level of knowledge 
they can build on.

Hee hee. Me too. So roger, can you explain about

Since 'discovering' within myself the ability I have to detect energy 
flows, that understanding has grown in depth.

Perhaps I should have said 'Since discovering within myself the ability 
everyone has to detect energy flows, that understanding has grown in 
depth.'  We all have this ability, the trick lies in finding the way to 
it, and the pendulum and divining rods are the tools which fine tune our 
learning and usage of it.

Dowsing is all about locating natural energy, using it (in the case of 
water, say) and in many cases controlling it. The more one learns about 
dowsing, the more one realises that energy is not just one thing, but 
many things, or one thing in many forms. Each of the building blocks of 
life is a separate  form of energy, each vitamin, each trace element, 
plant, organism, etc. So in describing BD500 and how it becomes so, I 
could say:

Life building blocks in combination = energy1 (soil)
+ energy2 (water, nutrient, heat) + energy3 (BD500)
= womb for energy4 (seeds) + (energy2 + aerial influences)
= energy5 (perennial grasses) + energy6 (cow)
= energy7 (milk, meat) minus energy8 (protein + nutrient)
= energy9 (manure) + energy10 (in-horn purification  composting process)
= energy11 (BD500)

I know I've missed a bit out but I daresay you'll get the general idea, 
that being that at each stage along the way there is another 
non-esoteric logical step to be taken and also a chance for control, and 
that BD500 is pure energy.

By using the fine-tuning tools dowsing gives, each of the energies above 
can be measured. Imagine you have a desk in front of you with a measure 
on it marked out in even divisions from 1 to 10,000. I'll call these 
divisions 'pys'. Taking roma tomato plants growing in a suburban veggie 
plot (mine, with average soil to which compost of questionable value was 
added, irrigated with tap water because no rain) as an example, we come 
up with the following:

When the 6 seedlings were planted the soil = 2,500 pys, now it's 760. We 
have had no rain so watering has been by tap water (6.5 pys compared 
with pure rainwater 1,500). We have had about 100 good sized tomatoes 
and are still picking at a rate of about 15 every two or three days. 
Each tomato averages 75 pys, all taste wonderful. The plants = 1,490 pys 

Even without performing a complicated equation it is clear there is a 
huge imbalance here, that the plant energies far outweigh those in the 
soil and so the extra must be manufactured in the plants and come from 
aerial energies as well. Don't ask me how much of each, I don't know.

A cow puts out the equivalent weight in manure per day as the grasses it 
consumes. Usually she will only eat perennial grasses, the annuals she 
tramples down to form a living mulch. If we were to measure the energies 
in her diet, including moisture, plus those in her self, we would likely 
find a similar imbalance and answer.

A man in reasonable health and fitness measures about 900 pys in the 
morning before eating 

Re: Oregon BD (2)

2003-02-11 Thread Roger Pye
Dave Robison wrote:

Also what's this about alfalfa being 509? Without doubt it is an 
important herb, but what do you do? Do you prepare it?

I didn't say I personally did anything with it, the suggestion is just a 
theory that seems logical to me that each of the preps plus one or two 
missing ones fits in with the plant growth cycle.

The things I know about alfalfa (lucerne in Oz) are that it is a legume 
which contains every known mineral and vitamin, is a valuable forage 
plant/stock feed/mulch, is an alkaliser and detoxicant,  is harvested 
dried and pelletised and sold as cat and rabbit litter, has considerable 
medical uses.

When newly pelletised it is highly hydroscopic; put 100 milligrams in an 
empty 500gram coffee tin, add 100 ml of water, and the resultant bulk 
will fill the can. In this form it can be dug into the top layer of soil 
and used as a wetting agent but make sure the area is mulched. Dry, its 
energy is 350 pys; water releases the nutrients and multiplies the energy.

Other news -- we had a weekend meeting with Ruth Zinniker to discuss 
prep making. She is probably the oldest prep maker in terms of being 
in the chain of transmission from the original lectures. She is a 
very practical person and basically just told us to keep doing it and 
stay off the head trips. She wouldn't let us just sit around talking; 
we had to go out and do some chores with her! Ruth has some reluctance 
about flow forms, feels they have the lemniscate but not enough 
vortex. Hence they tend to bring in whatever the natural forces are 
and fail to gather the farmer's individuality. She likes stirring 
machines better because they have a strong vortex; she was interested 
to hear about Steve's egg-shaped machine. Ruth stirs for her farm by 
hand in a 50-gal barrel, so maybe 25 acres worth each time. So 
spraying occurs over several days each time.

Whilst I agree that the contribution of farmers or farm managers is an 
important part of BD, I could argue that the energising of the water 
itself in any sort of device, be it stirring or flowform or 
recirculating stream, in combination with the energising of BD500 or 
501, would be more than enough for the growing of crops and feed. Take 
pasture grasses, for instance. Generally their energy is around 490 pys. 
BD500 vortex-mixed in rainwater with manure concentrate for sixty 
minutes has an off-the-flowform rating of several thousand.  The 
recommendation is it be sprayed out after 3pm (or in the cool of the 
evening in very hot areas or regions with prolonged sunshine) and within 
24 hours of mixing. By that time its energy will have dropped to a 
residual charge of 100.
