Organic food with higher Brix

2003-03-12 Thread Alberto Machado

 Dear Allan

Sorry for my intromission , Brix , mesures all solids that are
soluble on the plant not only the sugars , including minerals, protein ,
these with  the higher sugar give a sweeter tasting if soil is in god
conditions , crops with higher Brix produce more alcool for the micobiology
,  tastes better , are more insects resistant, and better shelf life. But in
grass witch I work is hard to extract the liquid sample, normaly you use the
intermidiate leaf of the pant. Reams realy worked with this indicater , it?s
e excelent  help on the field.For my experience here in Brazil normal frech
milk reads +/- 12 , animals that are in a Organic managment can read +/- 14
and have a clear line witch is related to stabilaty on the liquid .I know
it?s hard but the man that is in the field begains to convince himself and
than he goes to tell the outhers.In The book Farming for the 21 century
there is a lot of information.

   Sorry again , and also for my spelling , Alberto

Allan - Why not use a refractometer? Have a chart available explaining what
Brix is. Challenge your customers to find produce with a higher Brix
than yours.

Ron - As far as I know, objectively speaking, there is no proof that
brix represents anything other than a higher sugar content. It tastes
good, fer sure. And I personally believe that brix is n indicator of
plant health. However, I cannot expect the man on the street to
believe that nor, can I, in good conscience, tell him that BRIX
readings are meaningful, in the sense we are looking at. -Allan

Re: Organic food with higher Brix

2003-03-12 Thread Lloyd Charles

From: Alberto Machado
 Sorry for my intromission , Brix , mesures all solids that are
 soluble on the plant not only the sugars , including minerals, protein ,
 these with  the higher sugar give a sweeter tasting if soil is in god
 conditions , crops with higher Brix produce more alcool for the
 ,  tastes better , are more insects resistant, and better shelf life. But
 grass witch I work is hard to extract the liquid sample, normaly you use
 intermidiate leaf of the pant.

Hi Alberto
 Thanks for your contribution on brix - do not worry about
your spelling you bring us good information - keep up the good work.
We use the refractometer a lot and if you are having trouble getting a sap
sample from grass plants I use a pair of modified vice grip pliers that work
really well. If you like to send me a fax number offlist then I can fax you
the drawing of these pliers and you could make a pair. (or have some made)
They dont cost much to make and really do work.
Lloyd Charles