Re: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-16 Thread SBruno75

She already did this for us on Long Island...sstorch

RE: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-15 Thread Nancy Geffken

>> >Allan writes: <>
>> >Well, yes...FWIW.  But let's never forget that it's FORCES we're workingwith here, 
>not just substances.  Brer Lovel's "The Nature of Forces"
>bears re-reading.

I would support testing the preps and will contribute $ if you go ahead. How would you 
get a "scientific" measurement of life forces anyways, one that would be accepted by 
the status quo academic/ag community? If tests indicate a higher level of beneficial 
organisms, it would be proof to me that the preps are adding something to the growing 
environment. To just depend on believing that there are life forces at work based on 
one's own experience won't get BD out of the woo-woo realm - which seems to be needed 
if BD is going to gain wider acceptance. Personally, I'm a believer, but I also am 
curious to see what the tests would produce. 
Nancy G.

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Re: Compost for Brewers

2002-03-14 Thread Allan Balliett

>I saw a SFI analysis of compost from Freedom Organic and it sure 
>contains a lot of organisms.  For example, total fungal biomass of 
>1120 which SFI rated as excellent.
>I've had tea analyzed by SFI but not compost.  Anybody had BD 
>compost or BC analyzed by SFI??

Earlier this week I spoke to Elaine about analyzing some BD preps.
She, of course, will not do the analysis for free, but if we can 
raise the funds for the study, she would be very happy to conduct it.
I didn't get pricing, but here are the tests she suggests:

"The tests I'd want to see are total and active bacteria, total and 
active fungi, protozoa, and nematodes.  If the material was added in 
fields with plants, running mycorrhizal colonization would be good 

This, of course, tells us little about etheric matters, but I think 
it would be very good information to have about BC and Field Spray, 
if not 500 also.

Anyone interested in kicking in a few bucks to see what's going on in 
these preps on the microbial level?
