Re: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

2002-11-25 Thread Merla Barberie
Take heart, three counties in Idaho went Democratic this past election,
not my own, I'm sorry to say.  The previous election was a clean sweep
for the Republicans.  Of course, that didn't win any representation, but
it surely did help my feelings.

We also have a Green Party, but it's green as in grassroots, with the
environment just one aspect of a varied platform.  The first really
important thing we did was get 100+ people to come to a hearing that we
got by inspiring a lot of people to ask for it.  A Golf Course developer
who also owned a resort on the lake nearby that rented jet skis and
advertised a boat trip to the golf course had applied to build a dock on
the Pack River near the delta.  There was real good testimony asking
such things as why the developer's name didn't appear on the public
notice in the paper instead of some unknown person.  We had a man who
had a Blade Runner (a jet ski) testifying that the *~@# thing sat a foot
deep in the water if it was going less than 30 mph. [The delta is very
shallow so the developer must have planned to have it dredged.]  A
canoeist testified about being swamped by a jet skier on the narrow
river.  My husband testified that he met someone who had taken his
father hunting near the delta where they saw an elk mother with twin
calves in the water and they decided not to shoot.  A woman actually
went out in a kayak and measured the depth of the water at the dock site
and pointed out that the planned dock was too large for the site.  But
really, it doesn't take a lot of people.  It just takes dedicated people
who are willing to stand up and be counted like Markess opposing the
shooting of the deer to cure wasting disease.

In a large urban area, this just wouldn't be possible.  It's just too
large, too sophisticated to get involved in party politics and the
Democrats are up to their eyebrows in corporate money too.  All you can
do it write letters and send emails to legislators on issues.  What are
the Greens like in an urban area?  Could you make a difference on any
local issues?

We need more Wellstones and Kuciniches!  It takes courage to challenge
the establishment.  Moderates and Liberals aren't power-oriented and
they don't shoot leaders they don't like.  A better world must be
possible somehow though. Maybe just the power of making




Allan Balliett wrote:

 This essay was written as though the polls themselves were not
 already contaminated. As though intelligent and charismatic liberal
 politicians in this country have not been culled through assasination
 or media-fueled scandals in this country since the Kennedy
 assasination. (I mean, folks, do we really think that Kennedy's death
 served no purpose?)

 The controlling technique of the New World Order IS democracy, or the
 illusion of the same. Generally, it's enough to just have the larger
 funds for media control. We've seen in this country that it can go
 further, even when the left offers mediocre candidates. Benign
 dictators normally meet death through junta, eh?

 I agree. For the most part the tools for true populist control of
 this country are still, for the most part, in place. If you chose to
 run, don't fly a plane, of course, or call yourself the leader of the
 World Peace Movement. Now IS the time to start working on real
 democracy as though there will be no tomorrow otherwise.

 In the current form of democracy, they take the power and we, the
 people, take the blame for everything. Votes never count for much as
 long as the ruling powers pick your choices.


Re: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

2002-11-24 Thread Allan Balliett
This essay was written as though the polls themselves were not 
already contaminated. As though intelligent and charismatic liberal 
politicians in this country have not been culled through assasination 
or media-fueled scandals in this country since the Kennedy 
assasination. (I mean, folks, do we really think that Kennedy's death 
served no purpose?)

The controlling technique of the New World Order IS democracy, or the 
illusion of the same. Generally, it's enough to just have the larger 
funds for media control. We've seen in this country that it can go 
further, even when the left offers mediocre candidates. Benign 
dictators normally meet death through junta, eh?

I agree. For the most part the tools for true populist control of 
this country are still, for the most part, in place. If you chose to 
run, don't fly a plane, of course, or call yourself the leader of the 
World Peace Movement. Now IS the time to start working on real 
democracy as though there will be no tomorrow otherwise.

In the current form of democracy, they take the power and we, the 
people, take the blame for everything. Votes never count for much as 
long as the ruling powers pick your choices.


Re: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

2002-11-24 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

In the current form of democracy, they take the power and we, the 
people, take the blame for everything. Votes never count for much as 
long as the ruling powers pick your choices.


Well written it was worth the effort to forward


RE: OT:FW: Watching democracy die (and be reborn?)

2002-11-24 Thread Nancy Geffken
I would add critical thinking to Stacey's four requirements for democracy, maybe you 
could say it's a subset of true literacy - but it certainly seems to have declined 
drastically in the past three decades.

BTW, this thread brings to mind a novel by Sinclair Lewis, It Can't Happen Here, about 
how fascism takes over America. (One great line (and I paraphrase):Oh, but the boys 
look so splendid marching in their uniforms! The seduction of the image, without 
questioning what lies behind it.)

Nancy G.
Stacey Elin Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Four requirements for democracy:

1) freedom of press
2) high literacy rate
3) high voter turn-out
4) low infant death rate

The U.S. fails on all counts.  It is not a democracy.

--- Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This essay was written as though the polls
 themselves were not 
 already contaminated. As though intelligent and
 charismatic liberal 
 politicians in this country have not been culled
 through assasination 
 or media-fueled scandals in this country since the
 assasination. (I mean, folks, do we really think
 that Kennedy's death 
 served no purpose?)
 The controlling technique of the New World Order IS
 democracy, or the 
 illusion of the same. Generally, it's enough to just
 have the larger 
 funds for media control. We've seen in this country
 that it can go 
 further, even when the left offers mediocre
 candidates. Benign 
 dictators normally meet death through junta, eh?
 I agree. For the most part the tools for true
 populist control of 
 this country are still, for the most part, in place.
 If you chose to 
 run, don't fly a plane, of course, or call yourself
 the leader of the 
 World Peace Movement. Now IS the time to start
 working on real 
 democracy as though there will be no tomorrow
 In the current form of democracy, they take the
 power and we, the 
 people, take the blame for everything. Votes never
 count for much as 
 long as the ruling powers pick your choices.

Stacey Elin Rossi

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