Re: not cabin fever!

2003-01-28 Thread Gil Robertson
Last Saturday we had 43C, coolest place in the state, did very little 
apart from picking fruit early and drying it. Sunday low twenties and a 
very welcome half inch of rain. Our friends in the Eastern States still 
have terrible bush fires, 600 odd houses and five or six dead.


gideon cowen wrote:
Up here in sunny Scotland we had 17 degrees C. last sunday !! Hotter than
some summer days, I just had to dig out my  motorbike and go for a ride,
what the hell is going on with the weather ???
- Original Message -

Re: not cabin fever!

2003-01-28 Thread gideon cowen
Up here in sunny Scotland we had 17 degrees C. last sunday !! Hotter than
some summer days, I just had to dig out my  motorbike and go for a ride,
what the hell is going on with the weather ???
- Original Message -
> >
> >
> >

Re: not cabin fever!

2003-01-28 Thread Aurora Farm
Hello Flylo et al:
Here at Aurora yesterday we had 13 degrees Celcius for our January melt
which was about 7 plus degrees too uncanny. It felt a lot to me like
earthquake weather or, or, or might it be that long overdue polar shift?.
The geomagnetics are not quite the same as they used to be and it appears
they are changing all the time.
I used to keep a compass taped to the floor in a location that I passed by
regularly. Now I need to get it there again.
Things could get weird(er) and then again When the going gets rough, The
Weird turn Pro, eh?
Blessings and Peace
No more war, please,
Barbara and Woody
Aurora Farm. the only
family  farm in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 10:10 AM
Subject: not cabin fever!

>I don't know what it is. But it's everywhere. I was fired from my job
>yesterday and for no really good reason. Granted, I was 'iffy' about
>working in a deli - smokehouse. Wondering what all those nitrites,
>high sodium foodstuffs, heavily preserved meats, etc., were doing
>to myself just handling them, working around them. (Up to my
>elbows in buffalo jerky for hours at a time.) So, I may not have
>stayed very long anyhow.
>But to be fired because one boss sent me up to the office to fill out
>(another) W4 form, and her husband (owner of the place) came
>down hopping mad because he had someone with him. said I made
>him look like a fool. I told him he didn't need my help for that and
>he said 'you have a bit of an attitude'. (No, I didn't but I was getting
>one as I watched him hop up and down in front of me.) So I
>admitted it and he said 'hit the clock, you're fired'.
>Now it's funny, but at the time I was stunned.
>Anyhow, seems like everyone is on a hair trigger these days. And
>it's odd but the angrier everyone gets around me, the calmer it
>makes me. Don't know why but I guess I see how ridiculous it all is
>and maybe that's saving my sanity.

Re: not cabin fever!

2003-01-28 Thread Merla Barberie
Funny how things happen unexpectedly that change your life.  Just move on
fast and get another job if you need it or launch an interest of your own.
I recommend a book, The Energy of Money, to get you pointed in the right
direction.  I've lent the book and don't have the author's name.  She's a
therapist and has you write out your goals and values, etc, before she
actually gets to the money part.  Then to my surprise when I got there, she
said the first things you have to do are forgive everyone in your life who
has hurt you and finish up all the unfinished things in your life and
balance your checkbook to the penny.  I'm still trying to clean and order
our cabin--my bete noir--before I start doing clay again.  I wish I could
figure out a routine for clearing my Inbox too.  I want to save too much
and it's hard for me to delete things.  It takes too much time to organize
things and I just want to go on creating without organizing

Best wishes,



> I don't know what it is. But it's everywhere. I was fired from my job
> yesterday and for no really good reason. Granted, I was 'iffy' about
> working in a deli - smokehouse. Wondering what all those nitrites,
> high sodium foodstuffs, heavily preserved meats, etc., were doing
> to myself just handling them, working around them. (Up to my
> elbows in buffalo jerky for hours at a time.) So, I may not have
> stayed very long anyhow.
> But to be fired because one boss sent me up to the office to fill out
> (another) W4 form, and her husband (owner of the place) came
> down hopping mad because he had someone with him. said I made
> him look like a fool. I told him he didn't need my help for that and
> he said 'you have a bit of an attitude'. (No, I didn't but I was getting
> one as I watched him hop up and down in front of me.) So I
> admitted it and he said 'hit the clock, you're fired'.
> Now it's funny, but at the time I was stunned.
> Anyhow, seems like everyone is on a hair trigger these days. And
> it's odd but the angrier everyone gets around me, the calmer it
> makes me. Don't know why but I guess I see how ridiculous it all is
> and maybe that's saving my sanity.