----- Original Message -----
From: "Patti Berg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: The Perils of BSE

> >  About your Mom, My
> > Chi Gong doctor said that they do not use gingko for memory.  The
> > food for the brain is walnuts.  Law of similars, a walnut indeed looks
like a
> > little brain, Momma may also enjoy it better as a food...give it try.
> > Goodday mate...SStorch
> Walnuts are indeed a good food source to prevent memory loss.  Just as
good is
> extra-virgin olive oil and sesame seeds.  I grind sesame seeds in my flour
> biscuits, waffles and bread and use nothing but olive oil.
> Patti.....
> The problem is sugar control and dehydration or lack of adequate blood
supply to the brain. A little bit of ginko
>hidden in her tea seems to be having a possitive effect and she is better
than she was six months ago. Thanks for the tips,

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