I'm running Robert C Nelson's latest 3.17 kernel (3.17.1-bone4) because I 
need the new TI musb babble recovery code. It seems however that I'm having 
some strange instability on my BBB. After somewhere between 10 and 24 
hours, the device seems to reset suddenly and without warning. There's no 
kernel panic as far as I can see (no kernel.panic time-out in my sysctl 
either) and nothing in the dmesg or kern log files. It suddenly resets. 

On the serial console, using my own FTDI cable, I was running "watch", and 
when I returned the next day the program wasn't refreshing as it should 
have been. I pressed enter and immediately a login prompt appeared. Uptime 
was also way shorter than it should have been. 

Any clues on what might cause this? This seems a bit like a power supply 
issue, but I've been running the same BBB for weeks using the same power 
supply on a 3.8.13 kernel and that's always worked fine, while on this 
kernel it can't even last a day. 


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